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Splinter Cell: CT PS2 & GC versions bumped??


works for Gamestop (lol)
Gamedude said:
yeh it's delayed to March 2005, Ubisoft announced it officially somewhere last week.

Yeah, that's known already...but Gamespot is saying that the PS2 and GC versions are delayed to later in the year, rather than all 4 versions having a simultaneous launch (which the PR stated last week)
JJConrad said:
Chris Kohler, get your ass in here and explain yourself. :D

Nah, they screw up all the time. I couldn't believe they screwed their rumor control up over the weekend.


Rumor #1: The new, 1.1-inch-wide PlayStation 2 doesn't have a hard-disk drive bay.

No shit, sherlock. They post this on Saturday, when we knew it on Tuesday night, Wednesday morning.

Rumor #2: The new PS2 is top-loading.

Source: A photo that initially surfaced on Swedish game site Game Reactor before being pulled.

The official story: SCEA reps said they had not yet seen an actual example of the new PlayStation 2, so they could not confirm or deny anything about its physical characteristics.

LOL. I guess they didn't see the wealth of screens from Tuesday morning's TGS press opening.
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