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Splinter Cell: Deathwatch Announced (Netflix TV Show)


Gold Member

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Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
This is very good news. It's unlikely Ubi would push this series as a random one-off thing. I'd expect another Splinter Cell game sometime in the reasonably near future.


Snake Oil Salesman
I think the last valid rumors were that Ubisoft is working on a Splinter Cell remake. They were also working on a new Splinter Cell but that got cancelled.
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El Muerto

Gold Member
Yea, not watching it. Tried watching Blood Dragon and idk why they feel the need to make every character gay. Totally unnecessary and i'm sure they'll do the same here. Why make something that caters to 7% of the population instead of your fan base..


That animation looks horrible. It's Netflix.

Let me be a spy again, Ubi! And let's keep it as 2000s Sam, not some blue haired dolphin man who talks about his feelings. I want him dead inside, and his enemies dead outside.


No Michael Ironside is a big shame, however Liev doesn't sound that bad. But most of all Sam Fisher is still a guy. ;)
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