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Splinter Cell numbers


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Anyone got em?

I have some in front of me, but apparently it hasn't done that well at all? I could swear it hit a mil.


I is corn-fuzed


Splinter Cell PT has pretty much bombed compartively speaking. Taken a dive a la PGR2 compared to the original (something like 400k on the Xbox IIRC).
These are according to Shrine of Data:

Splinter Cell - 1,446,398
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tommorow - 433,457

US only numbers ofcourse. SC: PT isn't out in Japan and the original only sold 5k there.


DopeyFish said:
400 k a bomb? LOL

put down the pipe already.

Uhh, selling a million less than the original while having Xbox Live play is a bomb any way you slice it dude. Not to mention they were including free Prince of Persia with it at one point as well weren't they? PT has bombed worse than PGR2 has compared to their originals.


I thought it was the original Splinter Cell that was bundled with Prince of Persia?

But yeah, it seems to have come down with the same ailment that affected PGR2 and Amped 2.


Is the SC total for all versions or just Xbox? Considering the 400K is just Xbox, I'd wait for PS2 and GC totals before labeling it a bomb.

Plus it was the main game to have on Xbox for Holiday '02. A spring '04 release isn't going to have the same impact.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
jedimike said:
Is the SC total for all versions or just Xbox? Considering the 400K is just Xbox, I'd wait for PS2 and GC totals before labeling it a bomb.

Plus it was the main game to have on Xbox for Holiday '02. A spring '04 release isn't going to have the same impact.

The 1.4 million figure is for the US sales of the Xbox version of the game. SC is the second best selling game for the Xbox in the states.


explodet said:
I thought it was the original Splinter Cell that was bundled with Prince of Persia?

Ahh yeah that might be it. If you bought PoP you got SC for free. PT isnt a huge bomb for Ubi because retailers bought a ton of PT regardless, but it's clear the series' popularity has waned and I expect SC3 to sell through numbers much closer to PT than to the original.
jedimike said:
Is the SC total for all versions or just Xbox? Considering the 400K is just Xbox, I'd wait for PS2 and GC totals before labeling it a bomb.

The PS2 version of SC:pT sold 82,649 in its first month. I think it's fairly safe to say it bombed. At this point, UBI would be smart to delay SC3 or it'll likely see the samething happen.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Meier said:
Uhh, selling a million less than the original while having Xbox Live play is a bomb any way you slice it dude. Not to mention they were including free Prince of Persia with it at one point as well weren't they? PT has bombed worse than PGR2 has compared to their originals.

a) Splinter Cell has been out nearly 2 years.
b) Splinter Cell has been a Platinum Hits game for a long while now
c) Splinter Cell was released in time for christmas (late october 2002 iirc) while Pandora Tomorrow was released in spring/late winter.


It's very shortsighted to say that Pandora Tomorrow is a bomb. It's sales are healthy on all 3 systems right now, and theres no reason to think that will change anytime soon. It has only been out for a short while, so it should be expected that SC: PT's sales would be only a fraction of the originals. The original Splinter Cell was a holiday release, and therefore was very frontloaded in its sales performance. It's not fair to expect that kind of immediate performance from a spring release. Lets not forget that the original has also been available for quite a while at a reduced price in the Platinum hits line, further bloating its numbers. Wait until this holidays sales are tallied, by then we will have a much better indication as to how Pandora Tomorrow is performing when compared with its predecessor.


Wow, I thought SC:pT performed far better than 400,000. Guess online play wasn't a big factor.

MGS remains the stealth king!

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
Are you crazy? SC sold throug 2 Holiday seasons,went Platinum and is sold at 20$ everywhere,give SC:pT to another 18 months and it will be over million
I consider it a bomb because a franchaise that seemed to be Xbox's second most important should be able to sell more than that, even in March. If Splinter Cell 3 launches this fall and sells a million all at once, I guess they just launched PT at the wrong time. But if it sells similarly, it might be possible that a lot of people that bought the first one weren't that crazy about it and aren't going to continue with the franchaise. Hell, I wouldn't have bought Pandora Tomorrow without the xbox live multiplayer.

And as a side note, the PS2 version of SC1 launched at the same time of the year as the PS2 PT did, and the PS2 PT is selling worse than the first one at the exact same time of the year.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I swear the reason games like PGR2 and Pandora's Tomorrow do so much more poorly than the first game is that a lot of gamers who aren't exactly paying attention/are stupid think the games are almost exclusively made for online and, as they don't have Live, they don't buy 'em.


Mama Smurf said:
I swear the reason games like PGR2 and Pandora's Tomorrow do so much more poorly than the first game is that a lot of gamers who aren't exactly paying attention/are stupid think the games are almost exclusively made for online and, as they don't have Live, they don't buy 'em.

Interesting theory... lots of game sequels have done poorly though, even some well established franchises. Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, DMC, SSX, etc. Actually, only a few sequels have done better than the originals and they are the exceptions rather than the rule.... Madden and GTA come to mind. I expect Halo 2 to outsell Halo and certainly the new Zelda should outsell Wind Wanker.

I don't think there is a clear pattern.


jedimike said:
Interesting theory... lots of game sequels have done poorly though, even some well established franchises. Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, DMC, SSX, etc. Actually, only a few sequels have done better than the originals and they are the exceptions rather than the rule.... Madden and GTA come to mind. I expect Halo 2 to outsell Halo and certainly the new Zelda should outsell Wind Wanker.

I don't think there is a clear pattern.

actually, a ton of customers I meet that like games like Halo hate Splinter Cell and say it was a really crappy/unfun game...

These people will take Driv3r over Pandora Tomorrow easily, and they probably purchased the first SC out of marketing hype and it turns out the game just wasn't really adjustable to most mainstream gamers... It's too bad but it's true... they aren't hardcore by any means and pretty much I doubt they even play games all that much from what I can tell...

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Perhaps you're right. Even last generation it was similar for a lot of games (on the N64 anyway, I don't remember how PS1 games sold), Zelda: MM, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Tooie...big name sequels, poor sales compared to their predecessors.

Strange that we get hit with sequel after sequel so often.


Mama Smurf said:
Perhaps you're right. Even last generation it was similar for a lot of games (on the N64 anyway, I don't remember how PS1 games sold), Zelda: MM, Perfect Dark, Banjo-Tooie...big name sequels, poor sales compared to their predecessors.

Strange that we get hit with sequel after sequel so often.

Well with Perfect Dark and Banjo-Tooie, anyway, I think there were good reasons. Perfect Dark wasn't named Goldeneye 2, and Banjo-Tooie was arguably not as good as BK and was released late in the system's life cycle.

Actually, all 3 games were released quite late. After you go over the hump of a system's life, people are looking to the future and game purchases drop off.
Fleming said:
Are you crazy? SC sold throug 2 Holiday seasons,went Platinum and is sold at 20$ everywhere,give SC:pT to another 18 months and it will be over million

Given, that SC3 will be out this holiday season, SC: PT doesn't have as much of a shelf life. Most games fall off completely once their sequel is out for a couple of months. Why buy the older version? Pricing used to be a big reason, but most games now drop to $29 within 4 months, so that won't help bump a games sales as much as it used to. It won't make it above 650k during it's lifetime (it's at 433,457 now) in the US and that's not even close to the original selling 1,446,389.

Seems like bad franchise management to me.

Musashi Wins!

TheGreenGiant said:
splinter cell was sold on hype. Gameplay was lacking and boring. I'm not surprised it didn't get that many repeat visits.

Like Metal Gear on GC?

Does your mom let you play games when you're not trolling?
why bring Metal Gear on the cube into the equation? We're talking Pandora Tomorrow sales here. And you're right. MGSTTS is an unneccessary port. Not great looking, not new. Not exciting. Old game. I am not suprised at the sales. If you're saying MGTTS is sold on hype and gameplay is lacking and boring; you'd have to point your finger at the Metal Gear PSONe and MGS2 because the gameplay's taken from those games.

SCPT however is a different story. The first game sold like hotcakes but the sequel. I'm not surprised sold like crap.

I have an xbox and I have splinter cell. It IS mehish. Trial and error gameplay; tedious waiting around. Maybe the stealth thing wasn't for me but I also loathed the camera system. I also couldn't get over the stupid AI that can't see the light on Sam Fishers back when you're squating in the dark.

The game was sold on graphics on promise (I believed the hype and bought into it). It delivered on graphics, which is stunning. Everything else was just .. mehish . Michael Ironside as Fisher did rock though.

* and ps.. MGSTTS had less advertising than PT. Way less. Like non.
There's no way Pandora Tomorrow will sell over a million copies. Look what it sold in July:


That number is only going down from here, and by the time it drops in price, the new one will be out. The first Splinter Cell sold over a million of its 1.4 million copies at full price, IIRC. Games don't always get a miraculous boost in sales when the price drops.


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
There's no way Pandora Tomorrow will sell over a million copies. Look what it sold in July:


That number is only going down from here, and by the time it drops in price, the new one will be out. The first Splinter Cell sold over a million of its 1.4 million copies at full price, IIRC. Games don't always get a miraculous boost in sales when the price drops.

Damn, that's not good at all; it has a long way of reaching a million, but there's a good chance it won't. :(


I don't see how these sales are suprising. The single player is about five hours long and how many people have XBox Live? Around a million, right? There's no reason to own the game if you don't have Live and you can't expect everyone with Live to enjoy the game.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
For some reason, I really liked the singe player in SC:pT. But I really disliked the single player in SC 1. And I didnt feel that the multi in SC:pT was all it was cracked up to be either.

NLB2 said:
I don't see how these sales are suprising. The single player is about five hours long and how many people have XBox Live? Around a million, right? There's no reason to own the game if you don't have Live and you can't expect everyone with Live to enjoy the game.

so ... Iwata is right? : cue canned laughter :

bomb bomb.

* ps is that 1.4 million number ww, for all consoles or what?


PT got slapped around by Ninja Gaiden. SC was the must have Xbox game at the time of release. PT was not.


efralope said:
actually, a ton of customers I meet that like games like Halo hate Splinter Cell and say it was a really crappy/unfun game...

These people will take Driv3r over Pandora Tomorrow easily, and they probably purchased the first SC out of marketing hype and it turns out the game just wasn't really adjustable to most mainstream gamers... It's too bad but it's true... they aren't hardcore by any means and pretty much I doubt they even play games all that much from what I can tell...

Maybe because people realized that MG is better than SC. No one does stealth as well as Kojima and co. Just the truth.
"Maybe because people realized that MG is better than SC. No one does stealth as well as Kojima and co. Just the truth."

Splinter Cell 3 looks way more impressive than anything Kojima has done for a pure stealth game. Looking forward this Holiday.


P90 said:
Maybe because people realized that MG is better than SC. No one does stealth as well as Kojima and co. Just the truth.

How does MG even use stealth? Imaginary stealth suits with predator like effects? Running around under a fruit box? Get real... it doesn't even use shadows and the camo thing while interesting is ridiculous.

I love MGS but I don't consider it a stealth game anymore. MGS is an action game with bits of hiding/stealth... whatever


Don't write Splinter Cell 3 off yet, just like the original game it will release right before Christmas and I'm sure it will exceed the numbers put up by Pandora Tomorrow. Also keep in mind that Ninja Gaiden released a few weeks before it and most gamers probably didn't have another $50 to shell out for March. I bought both!
I sort of agree here,I don't really view Metal Gear as all out stealth as I do Splinter Cell. But then thats why I prefer Metal Gear though,its geared towards more action,whereas Splinter Cell is fucking anal in its try till you get it right style of play.
Kuroyume said:
How does MG even use stealth? Imaginary stealth suits with predator like effects? Running around under a fruit box? Get real... it doesn't even use shadows and the camo thing while interesting is ridiculous.

Have you ever played MG on Extreme? It's just as stealth oriented as SC, it just uses a different style. Stealth is simply being able to hide in shadows. The whole idea behind it is to simply not be seen, and you can easily do that without having shadows.

I can nitpick SC use of "stealth" and alot of other stealth games too and say they aren't "real steatlh" but they are so there's no sense in doing that.
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