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*SPOILERS* The Walking Dead TV show, leaks, and comic book SPOILER discussion thread

Ezekiel is a little silly

excuse you you mean SUPER MEGA AWESOME

...well, okay, but they did at least give him reasons and turn him into a realish person somehow around that wacky persona. And please, we've all seen wild apocalypse movies; who among us hasn't thought about pet exotics and harems or whatever else in the apocalypse? Come the zombies, Ima get me a tiger.
There's already been stuff regarding this but mostly "rumoured" - a lot of it now has been confirmed.

Spoiler Bits

In the cold open, Sasha, Abe, and Daryl continue their face off with the group of bikers. After Team SAD hands over their weapons, the lead biker orders one of his men to take Daryl to search the truck for booty. Meanwhile, words are exchanged between Sasha, Abe, and the lead biker (as seen in promo). It results in the biker aiming guns at both Sasha and Abe. In typical Dixon style, Daryl saves them from disaster. Daryl subdues the Savior he was with, then blows the bikers to bits with the rocket launcher. S.A.D. hop in the truck and head home.

At ASZ the group continues to make their way through the herd. Rick realizes that there are too many walkers to drive the walkers away with flares and comes up with a new plan. When the question is raised about what to do about Judith, Father G volunteers to take her to safety. Carl passes her on and Father G makes his way to the church with Judith. (Can we get a witness for Father G right here?)

Glenn and Enid team up to try to save Maggie, but not without some teenaged snark from Enid.

The MSP rumor is accurate! CON-FIRMED! (Not like we didn’t all know that, but it was fun to say.) Rick, Michonne, Carl, Jessie, Sam, and Ron lock hands and begin walking through the herd again. Sam becomes frozen in fear and stops. Jessie’s pleas become more desperate as Sam cries that he can’t do it. A few walkers notice Sam and inevitably sink their teeth into him. As Sam screams, Jessie becomes paralyzed. A walker latches on to Jessie’s shoulder and she doesn’t react. Suddenly she is swarmed, yet continues to tightly grasp on to Carl’s hand. Carl’s desperation grows as he tries to free himself, but looks to Rick for help. Having no other choice with the walkers creeping on Carl and seeing Jessie is a goner, Rick hacks off Jessie’s hand with his trusty red axe. Ron picks Jessie’s gun off the ground and aims it at Rick. Carl jumps toward him as the gun goes off. The bullet hits Carl. As Ron goes to shoot Rick again, Michonne drives her katana through his chest, killing him. (Michonne. Do not fuck with her.) Rick turns and sees Carl standing with blood spewing from his eye, softly crying, “Dad.” Carl collapses to the ground.

Carol shoots and kills the Wolf. Buh-bye asshole.

Denise makes it back to the infirmary in time for Rick to come running in with a bleeding Carl. No longer afraid, Denise immediately starts working on him.

After helplessly watching Carl, Rick rage is activated and he takes his axe and goes HAM on the herd of walkers in the safezone. Other Alexandrians, in awe and inspired, join in on the fight. Together they fight the herd, because that’s the only way they can win.

source: www.thespoilingdeadfans.com

"No Way Out" will be a perfect succession of terrific, powerful and meaningful scenes. It will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat, it’s definitely The Walking Dead at its best. And here some teasers about "No Way Out" :

- The first 5 minutes are spectacular. Daryl, Sasha and Abe will meet for the first time with the Saviors as shown in the Prologue.And let’s just say we won’t forget ever about that first meeting.

- One character’s voice-over will give you chills !

- People hide guns and ammo in the weirdest places ever.

- Through "No Way Out", several deceased characters (at least, one major from each seasons like Andrea or Dale) will be mentioned. Also, the episode will make a lot of references to events from the past seasons. All those references will be beautifully written in and they will give more depth to the characters psychologies.

- Guess who will wake up first between Carol and Morgan after their fight in the midseason finale ?

- Negan will be mentioned, twice.

- The directing and the soundtrack will be particularly remarkable in "No Way Out".

- Someone unexpected will take care of Judith when Rick decides to put a new plan in motion.

- Denise will be one of the character in danger, as she will be held hostage by the wolf and he has a special plan for her.

- We will learn a bit about the Saviors’ habits, how they operate, what they want and what their rules are. They might be the worst characters of The Walking Dead… At least they’re not eating other people for now.

- Glenn will make a powerful speech about surviving and what matters in this world now. It will be quite a touching scene. I’m actually glad Glenn survived now...

- Melissa McBride will particularly shine in one scene. Carol will share a powerful scene with another character, and McBride’s portray of Carol’s inner and mixed feelings is just splendid and heartbreaking.

- And finally, there will be deaths, and not a few. That’s what we love about The Walking Dead, the danger is everywhere and any character (except a few major) can go at anytime and with the herd and the Saviors, the danger will be present all the time. There will be some surprising and emotional deaths.

source: /www.spoilertv.com/2016/02/the-walking-dead-no-way-out-advance.html?m=1
I remember how ill I felt after
Jessie's death in the book. Glad they're sticking with it for the show. Hopefully they do that scene justice.
Putting this here so that it's not in the main thread.



Can't wait for all the awesome Carl stuff to come. We've got the eye scene happening hopefully they put in Carl laying to waste some of Negan's men later on in the show as well.
Can't wait for all the awesome Carl stuff to come. We've got the eye scene happening hopefully they put in Carl laying to waste some of Negan's men later on in the show as well.

Scott Gimple has said the Negan/Carl stuff is some of his favourite stuff, and Andrew Lincoln recently said that the Carl/Negan/Rick dynamics he's most looking forward to. Obviously it'll be altered somewhat to fit with the older TV Carl but it should still be good.

Non-Comic readers better strap in, because they're not ready for the savagery that Grimes JR is about to unleash on this show.
Scott Gimple has said the Negan/Carl stuff is some of his favourite stuff, and Andrew Lincoln recently said that the Carl/Negan/Rick dynamics he's most looking forward to. Obviously it'll be altered somewhat to fit with the older TV Carl but it should still be good.

Non-Comic readers better strap in, because they're not ready for the savagery that Grimes JR is about to unleash on this show.

my body is ready!


Scott Gimple has said the Negan/Carl stuff is some of his favourite stuff, and Andrew Lincoln recently said that the Carl/Negan/Rick dynamics he's most looking forward to. Obviously it'll be altered somewhat to fit with the older TV Carl but it should still be good.

Non-Comic readers better strap in, because they're not ready for the savagery that Grimes JR is about to unleash on this show.
Yep I actually remember reading that interview recently as well. Glad Gimple tries to stay close to the comics were all definitely in for some awesome moments. We will probably get Carl being even more of a badass with the Negan arcs since he's much older then he was in the comics. He was like maybe only 12 or something when this all happened in the comics.
Wound is a bit small, should be more like this


I remember reading some interview [either from Robert Kirkman or Charlie Adlard] that the injury is intentionally exaggerated because they think it looks cool.

I don't think TV Carl would be able to survive this, especially when Denise isn't as capable as she is in the comic.



Wound is a bit small, should be more like this

Ya pretty much what Ultra said a wound like that would be pretty unrelastic to survive especially when they don't have a full fledged doctor to treat it. Granted I'm sure there's going to be people complaining that Carl survives anyway but at least this way it's a bit more believable.


The thing about that wound though, in the comics

he believes himself to be a monster that nobody could love because the wound is that hideous and large. Don't see how that can play out if he just ends up having a tiny eye patch, might sound like a small thing but it really shapes who he becomes as a character.
The thing about that wound though, in the comics

he believes himself to be a monster that nobody could love because the wound is that hideous and large. Don't see how that can play out if he just ends up having a tiny eye patch, might sound like a small thing but it really shapes who he becomes as a character.

That's in the comic though. Things are exaggerated.

It should be fine being a smaller wound this time around, because it's TV. The wound/gore will come to life.
The thing about that wound though, in the comics

he believes himself to be a monster that nobody could love because the wound is that hideous and large. Don't see how that can play out if he just ends up having a tiny eye patch, might sound like a small thing but it really shapes who he becomes as a character.

They do the same with Tyrion and his "wound" on GoT and it hasn't changed the dynamic at all. It'll be fine.


It'll be serious enough for him to completely lose his eye and scarring that area.
They'll undoubtedly go the same route they did with the Governor when Michonne lacerated his eye.
David Morrissey had some nice makeup work done to make it look nice and authentic when his eyepatch wasn't around.


Saw the screener of the new episode the other night. Ultra Numb already covered it, but for what it's worth:

It picks back up with the hold-up of the fuel truck. Abe and Sasha nearly get executed, but Daryl saves the day by launching the RPG at the gang and killing them all instantly (aside from one guy who he quietly took care of behind the truck...little hard to believe if you ask me).

Jessie's younger kid starts freaking out while walking among the zombies and they eat him pretty suddenly...so much so that you almost think it's someone imagining it, but nope! Then Jessie cries and they eat her. Yep, back to back. Then the other son (forget his name, the one who wants to shoot Carl) aims the gun at Rick for getting his family eaten. Before getting a shot off, Michonne manages to stick her sword through his back. Unfortunately the gun still goes off and nails Carl in the right eye.

Later, the Wolves guy and Denise try to make it over the fence, but she gets held by a zombie and he runs back to save her, getting bit in the process. A few minutes later, Carol shoot him from afar and he gets finished off by more zombies. I felt like this death was wasted a bit, since he'd already been bitten and they could've gotten away with chopping off his arm or something.

After finding a fresh pistol in the church with Enid, Glenn and her run to save Maggie. He distracts them while Enid gets onto the platform with Maggie, planning to use a make-shift rope to get them over the wall. Glenn is JUST about finished, when Abe and Sasha mow down the horde around him with their rifles. Abe says pretty much the best line of the episode after this :)

The last 15 minutes is really cool. Rick gets Carl and Michonne to safety in a house with a few other Alexandrians, Denise included. He then loses control, walks out of the house and starts taking on the horde himself. One by one, everyone starts coming outside to help him. It builds really well and everyone seeing it gets their own confidence to go outside and help. Meanwhile, Daryl backs the fuel truck up to the pond in the town's center and unloads a lot of fuel. Just as the horde surrounds everyone fighting, he ignites the pond with the RPG. The horde gets drawn to the huge blaze and everyone continues hacking away.

The episode ends on a positive note when you see that no one else died, despite them all fighting the horde at once. Rick tells a sleeping Carl that he realizes they need to become more open to new people, given the danger they just survived. Carl squeezes his hand, then fade to black.

Honestly a really exciting and rewarding episode. I don't think you'll be disappointed!


So does Rick chop off Jessie's hand?
I don't know why but I really want that to happen.

Also I'm not sure what I'm suppose to spoiler in this thread.


Time to revisit my spoiler-sourced predictions from immediately before Season 6's premiere...

My death predictions...


And a bunch of people we don't give a rat's ass about in the first half of the season.
Pretty much correct except Jessie got delayed until tonight. Seems pretty clear we'll be seeing Alexandra on Talking Dead tonight although there's a slight possibility they'll trot out Chandler instead just to show everyone that his eye is perfectly fine.

In the 2nd half, we'll probably have one secondary character death at the midway point...

I'm retracting from this... and it seems like the deaths that do happen might wind up closer to the finale than the middle. So I am now going on record with...


And I'm 50/50 on this one as well, I hope I'm wrong because it'll crush Eugene and this season is seeing a trend of the women and children dropping like flies.


And then nothing else... until the S6 finale. THEN we'll get one of the following...

I am now going on record calling Morgan as SAFE. We're looking at either Glenn (despite the early-season death fakeout) or Daryl here.


We're going to be left guessing until finale night on this one, I suspect. Which suits me just fine. If there's one death that shouldn't be spoiled in advance, it's the Lucille kill.

As for which way, I'm leaning... I'm more on the Daryl bites it bandwagon right now. The narrative that's been put into place - his episode with Dwight, the rocket launcher takeout of Negan's Savior cronies tonight - seems to point towards Daryl being the logical victim over Glenn.

It's the most important death in the series and the fact that it's supposed to cement public opinion against Negan as the ultimate baddie, it only makes sense to swing it with the most popular member of the cast and not someone they teased being gone for a month last fall.


I'm retracting from this... and it seems like the deaths that do happen might wind up closer to the finale than the middle. So I am now going on record with...


And I'm 50/50 on this one as well, I hope I'm wrong because it'll crush Eugene and this season is seeing a trend of the women and children dropping like flies.

I can see this one happening with her recently having a newborn.
Gotta be Glenn. Just like they're leading the non-comic readers along with the Rick-Jessie relationship, only to slaughter her and her entire family tonight, they made the audience think Glenn is safe now. So his death in the finale will be even more shocking. I think Daryl is too good a combatant and too popular to not have him fighting alongside Rick during All Out War
they made the audience think Glen is safe now. So his death in the finale will be even more shocking.

I've seen this a lot and while it makes sense, it just rubs me the wrong way. It's basically the writers finding another way to play safe instead of really shaking things up by killing Daryl or Carol. If they didn't do that fake-out I wouldn't feel this way.

Killing Glenn is just going to piss off a lot of people and not in the "I liked him, why you kill him" way.


For me, it's Daryl who's gotta meet Lucille. Negan is such an important character to the series. Taking out one of the biggest character's in the show (and in all of TV right now) will cement him as the serious threat that he is.

I do understand the point about how the audience feels like Glenn is safe right now, but I believe they think Daryl is even safer. I think a lot of people truly believe Kirkman and co. wouldn't have the balls to kill Daryl.

Plus, what other way is there that Daryl could get a proper send off? I think a walker bite isn't enough for someone of his caliber. I'd understand if it's Glenn and I'd be fine with it, but I think they'd be missing a big chance if they don't let Negan kill Daryl.


Yoooo the picture of Carl is awesome.

UberTag, why did you take Morgan out of the running for your Lucille prediction?

Also, even though it obviously has to happen eventually, I live in constant dread of Tara getting offed. :(


UberTag, why did you take Morgan out of the running for your Lucille prediction?
Been reading between the lines based on all of the various interview comments we've seen and the episode summaries that have leaked out for the back half of this season. Morgan doesn't have the build needed for the Lucille payoff. And the reaction comments from the cast are either completely disingenuous and hyperbolic or completely hinting that nothing beyond a Daryl or Glenn death is in play.

I'm not exactly expecting Morgan to live through Season 7 and Rick's philosophy change to keep Negan caged and not killed might well be driven by Morgan's beliefs... but I don't believe Lucille is reserved for him.
Regarding Morgan/Lucille and Lucille in general

Lennie was off filming with Melissa a lot around the finale time. Both of them were off doing their own thing together. I don't think he's going to be anywhere near Negan when it happens

On 11/13 Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Abe, Sasha and Negan were spotted entering/leaving the studio. It was a late shoot.

Furthermore, the "leaked" Lucille video [which may or may not be legit] was leaked the same night. This may be the day 'that' scene was filmed which means we may have our line up.


Been reading between the lines based on all of the various interview comments we've seen and the episode summaries that have leaked out for the back half of this season. Morgan doesn't have the build needed for the Lucille payoff. And the reaction comments from the cast are either completely disingenuous and hyperbolic or completely hinting that nothing beyond a Daryl or Glenn death is in play.

I'm not exactly expecting Morgan to live through Season 7 and Rick's philosophy change to keep Negan caged and not killed might well be driven by Morgan's beliefs... but I don't believe Lucille is reserved for him.

Regarding Morgan/Lucille and Lucille in general

Lennie was off filming with Melissa a lot around the finale time. Both of them were off doing their own thing together. I don't think he's going to be anywhere near Negan when it happens

On 11/13 Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Abe, Sasha and Negan were spotted entering/leaving the studio. It was a late shoot.

Furthermore, the "leaked" Lucille video [which may or may not be legit] was leaked the same night. This may be the day 'that' scene was filmed which means we may have our line up.

Interesting... Okay.

I was firmly convinced it would be Morgan but you have me second guessing now :p
Interesting... Okay.

I was firmly convinced it would be Morgan but you have me second guessing now :p

It could still happen, not everything gets reported on set. I don't think it will though. Morgan is a regular now but Morgan as the big death just won't cut it
Shit, y'all are pulling me on to the possibly-Daryl train. Guys, I would flip my own table, I don't even know. I don't think I could handle it. Poor Daryl, who's come so far. I already went through the pain with Glenn in the comics. It would be hard but I could take it. I don't know if my heart could handle Daryl.


Regarding Morgan/Lucille and Lucille in general

Lennie was off filming with Melissa a lot around the finale time. Both of them were off doing their own thing together. I don't think he's going to be anywhere near Negan when it happens

On 11/13 Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Abe, Sasha and Negan were spotted entering/leaving the studio. It was a late shoot.

Furthermore, the "leaked" Lucille video [which may or may not be legit] was leaked the same night. This may be the day 'that' scene was filmed which means we may have our line up.
Can you picture Glenn getting up close and personal with Lucille without Maggie there to witness the event first-hand? I sure can't.


Can you picture Glenn getting up close and personal with Lucille without Maggie there to witness the event first-hand? I sure can't.


Of that group...

Rick is obviously a no go. I think any woman (in this case, Sasha) is off limits (a dude, even if it's a villain, beating a woman's head in with a bat is too much). Abe would be a really cheap/too easy death for Lucille. Leaving only Daryl and Glenn, and yeah...if Maggie isn't there...

RIP Daryl. :O


Can you picture Glenn getting up close and personal with Lucille without Maggie there to witness the event first-hand? I sure can't.

Well that sure throws a spanner into it, also a new contender with Abe, he had such a cheap death in the comics, way more worthy of the Lucille treatment over Morgan, but yeah, it could just as easily be Daryl
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