Nope. I refuse to read all spoilers this time around.
I'm not seeing any discussion about this on Spoil The Dead. Where'd you find the screencap?
Impressive that Sasha's sticking around so long.Some speculated murmurs I've come across:
- Bob will stand-in for Dale's tainted meat.
- Comic Andrea will spiritually be split by Michonne and Sasha. Michonne as a possible love interest for Rick and Sasha as the sharp-shooter.
- There's also August filming pics of Daryl and Sasha with a sniper rifle at a Bell Tower and another one in October with just Sasha. Take the Bell Tower location as you will.
Still spotted filming as of October (Season Finale wraps in November):
- Rick/Michonne/Glen/Maggie/Carol/Daryl/Sasha/Tara
Yeah, I couldn't even be bothered to acknowledge it.That Daryl pic is fake as hell. It's a photoshop of Daryl right before he is about to be put in the boxcar. It's a really really bad photoshop aswell.
Complete summary of tomorrow's episode
Poor Bob...
It looked to me like Carol and Daryl just took off after the car in the heat of the moment, not that they made a conscious decision to leave the group. Or maybe I'm just not understanding your for those of you who read the spoiler, it didn't really explain if carol and daryl stuck with the group or decided to do things on their own. in any case if they were still part of the group, and the church they went to with gabriel was the same one daryl was stationed in with beth, why doesn't daryl say anything? especially with rick being suspect of gabe
It looked to me like Carol and Daryl just took off after the car in the heat of the moment, not that they made a conscious decision to leave the group. Or maybe I'm just not understanding your question.
Might as well expand on this one while everyone is so mopey about this week's episode - hoping for no more Beth-centric focus and a rapid end to the creepy hospital subplot.Read at your own risky fun. Some season 5 character deaths and status:
- To no one's surprise, Spoiling Dead Fans have just reported that Beth dies somehow sacrificing herself in the mid-season finale, which is supposed to be really bloody already.
(Night time) The episode starts off with Deanna's family mourning over the loss of Aiden. Deanna plays a CD called 'Run Mix'.
A song plays while the shot changes to Betty Crocker aka Carol. She's making a casserole and thinking of something to write on a card. She sees Sam peeping through her window. (You can't have cookies all day, every day Sam!)
Sasha grabs her handy dandy rifle and shoots a walker heading towards the community gates.
Deanna finds the casserole on her door with a note that says. "I'm truly sorry for your loss." Deanna leaves the casserole and burns the note inside. Deanna gives no fucks about sympathy casseroles and notes.
While trudging through a tall field of grass, Daryl shoots a walker. Aaron comments that there are more of them around than there used to be, but doesn't know if any people are. Daryl points towards a light in the distance and responds, "Someone is." They look at it from a distance and then the camera zooms in on it. Roll credits.
Deanna is watching a recording of Nicholas tell his side (lies) of the story of what happened during the supply run. Nicholas says that Aiden was shooting at a walker, but Glenn distracted him. He says the others wanted to run, but Nicholas was going to stay. (You lying prick) While this is going on, Glenn is telling Rick what actually happened.
Rick explains to Glenn that the community can't look after themselves and they shouldn't answer to Deanna's rules. Hmm. Does someone want to reinstate the Ricktatorship? Glenn disagrees. Rick spots a balloon in a lake and walks off.
Rick goes to greet Carol, who is watching Jessie and her boys. Carol explains that Sam locks himself in a closet when Pete gets into one of his rages. She says that Sam once found Jessie outside unconscious and bleeding while Pete just sat on the porch. (Pete = Super Porchdick) Rick asks why she cares. Carol explains that if walkers hadn't got Ed, she wouldn't be standing here. Rick responds, "Yeah, you would."
Rick stares at a red balloon that's tied to a toy boat belonging to Sam. Porchdick Pete comes up behind him. Rick ignores him and then after a while turns around and gives Pete an intense eyefuck before saying, "Just walk away/keep walking." Pete is confused and all like WTF? He walks away and the camera pans down to Rick holding his gun behind his leg.
Michonne wakes up and appears to be contemplating whether or not to wear her uniform. Rosita enters and says Tara is hanging on in stable condition. She says Sasha is missing after her night shift. They go search for her in the woods.
Rick and Deanna have a chat by four graves. He tells Deanna that there is a problem with Pete. Deanna responds with, "I thought it would get better." Rick wants to separate Pete or he will kill him. Deanna says she will exile him if it comes down to it. Rick says there are times when you get to decide who lives. Deanna responds by saying she wouldn't kill Rick, but would send him away.
Carl finds Enid in the woods. After some conversation, they start running and playing.
Glenn tells Nicholas not to go outside anymore. How about you just stay in the house, Nicholas?
Carl asks Enid about her mom. A group of walkers approach so they hide in a hollowed out tree. Carl brushes her hand and almost kisses her. Carl is stepping up his game!
Nicholas digs for a buried gun. (He should be digging for some truth!)
Sasha is on the prowl in the woods and shoots some walkers. Rosita and Michonne find her and help her take out a large group of walkers. Michonne kills a walker that knocks Sasha down.
Daryl and Aaron stumble across a cut up walker. It's torso is missing. They also find a naked woman tied to a tree, with her guts hanging out. There's a W carved into her head. Daryl says it didn't happen long ago. That's your cue to get the hell out of there, guys.
Rick tells Jessie he will help her. She refuses and walks off.
Rick is walking through the community and seems to be uneasy about all the normality surrounding him. (Kids playing, people reading and talking). He walks into Jessie's house, who is almost hysterical. She asks what he's doing. Rick says that Sam asked for a gun to protect himself. After some talking, Jessie accepts help. Pete enters and asks Rick to leave. Pete starts to get angry and swings at Rick. They start fighting and barrel right through the front room window.(Nobody puts Baby in a corner)
A group of walkers head towards the gates. Sasha notices people running through her scope. The fight continues! Alexandria residents begin rushing towards the fight to spectate. (Hopefully they grabbed some popcorn and refreshments) Sam is hiding behind Carol. Jessie tries to pull away Pete, while Carl tries to do the same with Rick. Pete whacks Jessie in the head. Rick has Pete in a chokehold. He has the upper hand and could kill Porchdick Pete, but Deanna breaks it up shouting at them to stop. Rick pulls his gun (shit just got real) on Deanna and the other ASZ members. In a fit of Rick rage he shouts at the residents, expressing that they don't have a clue what they are doing. This whole time Sasha is shooting walkers from the bell tower that are banging on the walls. Rick says, "You fight or you die, I'm not going to stand by..." and BOOM, gets knocked out by Michonne. Rick, you just got MichOWNED!
Another finale where none of the group dies. I like thatDoes anyone die?
Nobody in Ricks group dies. Daryl fans can relax.
Do we see Morgan in the finale?
Yeah, Morgan is seen camping out in the forest during the opening sequence.
Is the dismembered black male Morgan?
Does he make it to the ASZ?
Yeah! (Along with Daryl and Aaron)
TSDF EXCLUSIVE: Billy Murray's Legs are BACK! Thankfully, source has offered to answer a few questions. Although he hasn't given away all the details, we have managed to rule out a few rumors and speculations, as well as confirm a few things we already suspected. -Prime
Here is what he answered:
Q - Do we see Morgan in the finale?
A - I thought you would ask about Daryl first! Yeah, Morgan is seen camping out in the forest during the opening sequence.
Q - Is the dismembered black male Morgan?
A - No.
Q - Does he make it to the ASZ?
A - Yeah! (Along with Daryl and Aaron)
Q - Does Carl lose an eye?
A - No, Carl is still as handsome as ever.
Q - Does the ASZ get overrun by walkers?
A - No, the safe zone does not get overrun.
Q - Does anyone get killed by walkers?
A - I have a feeling I will be saying no quite a lot. No.
Q - Do we find out what the 'W' means?
A - Yes. Wolves.
Q - Do we see The Wolves at all?
A - Yes, a few of them.
Q - What about Negan?
A - Sorry to disappoint, but noooo.
Q - Does Daryl lose his hand?
A - That old Nicotero picture? No, his hand, arms, legs are all intact.
Q - Does anyone die?
A - Nobody in Rick's group dies. Daryl fans can relax.
Q - Is there anything else you can tell us?
A - Nope.
Note: the information is correct at the time of posting. As always, anything can change. Especially for the finale, it's likely alternate scenes were filmed.
Kind of surprised they're not ending with the walls coming down?
Maybe the surprise after credits scene will be the gunshot to Pete turning a horde towards Alexandria?
Also not sure why Reedus was hyping it as super sad/bring tissues lol. It sounds awesome, but I don't see much heart-wrending sadness in there.
I feel like a lot of people seem to overlook just how much happens in Alexandria before the walls come down.
But yeah, a lot happens. We need for Rick to actually start something with Jessie, the bandits to appear at the gates, Deanna to relinquish control to Rick, Abraham's attempt to keep the herd surrounding the walls manageable, the herd to grow to the mass it becomes, the attempts to reinforce the wall, then the herd to break in. All speckled with semi-important character/relationship developments that aren't big enough to be considered an "event".
Honestly, I could see Carl's wound being the midseason finale, setting the return from break to have the group push their way out of their issues.'re right. Its been a while, but isn't the catalyst for the horde showing up Pete's execution?
I guess it sends them in the direction, we'll see all that you described and maybe the episode before the mid-season finale, the walls will come down and the mid-season finale will be chaos.
So like I was saying, post credits scene will be the horde/beginnings of a horde hearing the shot and turning towards it perhaps.
Sam is grabbed by walkers and is eaten. He then quickly turns into a walker.
Jessie freaks out and attempts to save Sam even though it is a lost cause. She refuses to let go of Carl's hand and as she starts falling into walkers Rick chops off her hand. Jessie dies. Ron gets super pissed and aims his gun to shoot Rick. Carl notices this and makes an attempt to save Rick and jumps in the way. His eye is shot in the process. Michonne immediately kills Ron.
No idea what Father G is doing this whole time.
1) In a separate spoiler, Judith was reported to be with the group at the time. She survives.
30s to mid 40s. A physically imposing, charismatic, brutal, smart, ferocious, frightening, hilarious, inappropriate, oddly friendly, fun loving sociopath that is both a leader of men and a killer of men. He has both a practical and emotional intelligence, he's a brilliant strategist, he's pure, dangerous, murderous, often gleeful id, that still has both discipline and a code. And he has a temper that can vaporize people. He's truly one of the strongest personalities ever...
Spoilers for 6x02
Who is blowing the horn and is it a result of the truck crashing into the wall?
Wolves and Yes
Does anyone die in the attack? If so, how?
Yes, too many to count. Lots of brutal axe attacks
What do we learn about Enid? Does she have any affiliation with the Wolves?
She loves tortoises. No Affiliation that we know of.
Is there anything that suggests Maggie is pregnant?
Who is the blonde girl that gets carried into the infirmary? How was she injured?
No idea, one of the Alexandrians.
Does Carol drop the facade and kick some ass during the attack?
Yes and Fucking Yes!
Do Rick and Jessie have any interaction? How about Rick and Ron?
No and No
Does the whole group make it back to Alexandria for the attack? If not, which characters remain outside the walls?
No. All except Morgan
How many Wolves attack the safezone?
How does Morgan react to the Wolves attack and what is the result?
Stick beatdown baby!
Do we hear the line "Little pig, little pig. Let me in" ?
I can't recall, sorry.
Is Spencer attacked in the watch tower?
Are there any other flashbacks besides Enid's?
What the fuck does "JSS" stand for?
Now that would be telling.. One of the S's is Survive
Will Father G do something useful?
Not really, more of a hindrance and needs helping.
Do we get more Carl? What's going on with him in this episode?
A little. He is protecting Judith.
Are the Wolves still a threat by the end of the episode?
Yes we assume so.
No, got the info from Spoil The Deaddid you watch the episode?
did you watch the episode?