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"Spooning" and "Worming"

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Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Your refusal to believe anyone actually thinks the topic is stupid as hell rather than just hating you is one of the reasons so many people can't stand you.


So what's going on GB? Still pissing off people on GameFAQs? What were your other names there: Nintendrone4Life and AtticusFinch? Some of those threads were hilarious.

BTW, in case you didn't notice, LL said she was Greek, lives in Canada (Toronto?), and her posting habits are exactly like GB's. It was a dead give-away.


Mama Smurf said:
Your refusal to believe anyone actually thinks the topic is stupid as hell rather than just hating you is one of the reasons so many people can't stand you.

That can be done by stating they hate the topic. Personal attacks would state otherwise though.

AirBrian said:
BTW, in case you didn't notice, LL said she was Greek, lives in Canada (Toronto?), and her posting habits are exactly like GB's. It was a dead give-away.



Mama Smurf said:
Your refusal to believe anyone actually thinks the topic is stupid as hell rather than just hating you is one of the reasons so many people can't stand you.

I was never around when the original "Greekboy" was around. What did this guy do that has so many people pissed off at him?? It's just a message board after all -- did he kill or rape someone on the board? I mean, if that were the case I can see the intense feelings towards him. Like another poster said, I don't see anything that Lisa Lashes/Greekboy has posted that is any worse than alot of the other off-topic threads. What did I miss?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Some people have attacked the thread rather than you, but if someone attacks you personally, it hardly means the thread is fine and they'd attack you no matter what.

Some people perhaps, but I've seen you post plenty of times without anyone jumping on you too.


Mama Smurf said:
Some people perhaps, but I've seen you post plenty of times without anyone jumping on you too.

Mainly before they knew I was Greekboy and were "clit hanging" off of Lisa Lashes.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Tool said:
I was never around when the original "Greekboy" was around. What did this guy do that has so many people pissed off at him?? It's just a message board after all -- did he kill or rape someone on the board? I mean, if that were the case I can see the intense feelings towards him. Like another poster said, I don't see anything that Lisa Lashes/Greekboy has posted that is any worse than alot of the other off-topic threads. What did I miss?

All sorts of shit. His refusal to accept that others might be right on certain topics, his belief that anyone who spoke to one of the girls for any reason was a clit-hanger, his attitude which constantly came across as "This is a videogame forum, you must all be losers who don't have sex, I just happen to be an exception" rather than seeing that the traditional videogame geek is the minority. And so on.

The main reason he in particular is targeted is his refusal to back down no matter how many forum members are telling him the same thing, makes him...memorable.

Greekboy said:
Mainly before they knew I was Greekboy and were "clit hanging" off of Lisa Lashes.

I knew you were Greekboy and have been very vocal against you in the past. For a while though your posting seemed mildly annoying at worst, I thought you might actually have grown up a bit! Guess not.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Greekboy said:
This post was made well after I said I was Greekboy. "Hard" alludes to my penis while "clit" refers to those who thought I was a female. You'd need half a brain to have known the post you cited was well after the fact.

I uh, "figured out" your indentity pretty early, I was just pointing out how there may have been confusion, even recently... I only need 1/4 of a brain to figure out you're a jerk to most people here, and you don't seem to like anyone, just like talking I guess.


Mama Smurf said:
The main reason he in particular is targeted is his refusal to back down no matter how many forum members are telling him the same thing, makes him...memorable.

I stand up for what I believe in. Would rather be that way then a pussy, both in real life and a forum like this one. In saying that, look how many people hate me and have attacked me in this topic. Jesus though has allowed me to be more calm and resist the urge to stoop to their level while loving and not hating them at the same time.


Mama Smurf said:
All sorts of shit. His refusal to accept that others might be right on certain topics, his belief that anyone who spoke to one of the girls for any reason was a clit-hanger, his attitude which constantly came across as "This is a videogame forum, you must all be losers who don't have sex, I just happen to be an exception" rather than seeing that the traditional videogame geek is the minority. And so on.

ALOT of people take a long time to give up their own viewpoints so that's not really out of the ordinary. Any forum you visit you'll find people passionately defending their viewpoint regardless of how many people attack it.

Also, the view of videogame playing guys being geeks and not having sex is fairly common in my opinion.

This really doesn't add up unless people are pissed off that they found out "Lisa Lashes" was really a guy. I thought it was funny and played along but it seems other people were very offended by this. As if your user-id in any way defines you as a person. Pretty flimsy stuff.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
You hide behind a pretence of not insulting people, all the while dropping snide remarks about people being clithangers etc.

Perhaps you do stand up for what you believe in, but you come off as someone who simply will NOT be convinced that they're wrong. Backing down when you're wrong is very attractive in a person, fighting on to the bitter end isn't. I think everyone knows someone in real life like you and I've yet to meet anyone who likes that part of them. Sometimes I actually believe they can't see that they're wrong, it hasn't clicked for them. Doesn't make them any more likeable.
Greekboy said:
Jesus though has allowed me to be more calm and resist the urge to stoop to their level while loving and not hating them at the same time.

Didn't Jesus say, "blessed are the spooners/wormers, for they shall inherit the Earth"?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Tool said:
ALOT of people take a long time to give up their own viewpoints so that's not really out of the ordinary. Any forum you visit you'll find people passionately defending their viewpoint regardless of how many people attack it.

Also, the view of videogame playing guys being geeks and not having sex is fairly common in my opinion.

This really doesn't add up unless people are pissed off that they found out "Lisa Lashes" was really a guy. I thought it was funny and played along but it seems other people were very offended by this. As if your user-id in any way defines you as a person. Pretty flimsy stuff.

If so many people are like that, just like him, then why don't we have multiple topics like this? Do you think we all just sat around one day and went through the list of people like that, finally voting for Greekboy to be the person we picked on? Obviously there are things about him that annoy far more than with others.


Mama Smurf said:
Perhaps you do stand up for what you believe in, but you come off as someone who simply will NOT be convinced that they're wrong. Backing down when you're wrong is very attractive in a person, fighting on to the bitter end isn't. I think everyone knows someone in real life like you and I've yet to meet anyone who likes that part of them. Sometimes I actually believe they can't see that they're wrong, it hasn't clicked for them. Doesn't make them any more likeable.

I have been wrong many times in my life. Why do you care so much about an internet persona or a person like myself that you will never meet in real life?

EDIT: LMAO @ JFrost.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
well, it's not like he's the only condensending bastard on this forum...

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I hate that argument. Why should the internet be any different to real life in that respect? Why should it be so different if someone annoys me on the net than if someone annoys me out on the street? Besides, you're replying to me each time, if you didn't care yourself, you wouldn't have answered me at all.


Mama Smurf said:
If so many people are like that, just like him, then why don't we have multiple topics like this? Do you think we all just sat around one day and went through the list of people like that, finally voting for Greekboy to be the person we picked on? Obviously there are things about him that annoy far more than with others.

MY point is, when Greekboy was posting as "Lisa Lashes" I really didn't see ANYONE complaining about his posts. In fact, people seemed to think that "Lisa" was incredibly cool and constantly wanted to reply to "her" posts.

It's funny how people have reacted both before and after knowing that the original Greekboy was behind Lisa Lashes too. Before, Lisa Lashes was cool and was one of the forum posters that some guys wanted to take to a deserted island, After -- Greekboy/Lisa has turned into a juvenile, hard headed retard that can't make an argument on the forum.

It's a neat experiment that's been acted out here.


Mama Smurf said:
I hate that argument. Why should the internet be any different to real life in that respect? Why should it be so different if someone annoys me on the net than if someone annoys me out on the street? Besides, you're replying to me each time, if you didn't care yourself, you wouldn't have answered me at all.

When did I say I never cared? I will admit that I don't care whether you love me or not because I don't know you personally nor do you owe me anything. I just find it amusing that you would go to such great lengths to prove your disdain for me. It doesn't exactly say much about yourself to hate this much.

Tool said:
MY point is, when Greekboy was posting as "Lisa Lashes" I really didn't see ANYONE complaining about his posts. In fact, people seemed to think that "Lisa" was incredibly cool and constantly wanted to reply to "her" posts.

It's funny how people have reacted both before and after knowing that the original Greekboy was behind Lisa Lashes too. Before, Lisa Lashes was cool and was one of the forum posters that some guys wanted to take to a deserted island, After -- Greekboy/Lisa has turned into a juvenile, hard headed retard that can't make an argument on the forum.

It's a neat experiment that's been acted out here.

Sad but true.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
hey, you suck for that fake user name you used a while ago... but I forgive you

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Tool said:
MY point is, when Greekboy was posting as "Lisa Lashes" I really didn't see ANYONE complaining about his posts. In fact, people seemed to think that "Lisa" was incredibly cool and constantly wanted to reply to "her" posts.

It's funny how people have reacted both before and after knowing that the original Greekboy was behind Lisa Lashes too. Before, Lisa Lashes was cool and was one of the forum posters that some guys wanted to take to a deserted island, After -- Greekboy/Lisa has turned into a juvenile, hard headed retard that can't make an argument on the forum.

It's a neat experiment that's been acted out here.

"I knew you were Greekboy and have been very vocal against you in the past. For a while though your posting seemed mildly annoying at worst, I thought you might actually have grown up a bit! Guess not."

When did I say I never cared? I will admit that I don't care whether you love me or not because I don't know you personally nor do you owe me anything. I just find it amusing that you would go to such great lengths to prove your disdain for me. It doesn't exactly say much about yourself to hate this much.

I only started replying in this way when people were asking why we hate you so much. I am simply trying to show why, if they didn't want to know, they shouldn't have asked.

Well if you care, why are you asking me why I care!


Mama Smurf said:
"I knew you were Greekboy and have been very vocal against you in the past. For a while though your posting seemed mildly annoying at worst, I thought you might actually have grown up a bit! Guess not."

I don't buy this answer. If you knew he was Greekboy way back when and you have this history with Greekboy and dislike him so much, why did you never call him out and "expose" him? Doesn't make sense to me.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
like Greekboy said himself... it wasn't THAT much of a secret, especially when he used his personal slang.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I hadn't even noticed this Lisa Lashes poster from among many names before people started hinting that it was Greekboy. That's how I knew, not through the way he posted. People have been hinting at it (or just saying it outright) long before this topic.

So I didn't need to expose him, why should I? He already had been and his posting was fine at the time.


levious said:
like Greekboy said himself... it wasn't THAT much of a secret, especially when he used his personal slang.

From everything I've read it was never even INTENDED to be a secret.

The question arises though, why did he stop using Greekboy and start using Lisa Lashes? It's obviously not his original user-id since he doesn't have that many posts under this new "Greekboy".


Mama Smurf said:
I hadn't even noticed this Lisa Lashes poster from among many names before people started hinting that it was Greekboy. That's how I knew, not through the way he posted. People have been hinting at it (or just saying it outright) long before this topic.

So I didn't need to expose him, why should I? He already had been and his posting was fine at the time.

What's wrong with his posting right now?? I still fail to see why everyone seems to be bent out of shape about this other than the fact that "Greekboy" is now 'officially' Greekboy again (I guess a moderator changed the nickname from Lisa Lashes??)


Tool said:
What's wrong with his posting right now?? I still fail to see why everyone seems to be bent out of shape about this other than the fact that "Greekboy" is now 'officially' Greekboy again (I guess a moderator changed the nickname from Lisa Lashes??)

Greekboy said:
Never did. I made a Greekboy account and the mods never accepted it. Came back with another name of one of my fave DJs and never once said I was girl. You'd figure making a topic saying I was 6ft, 200 pounds and benched 275 pounds would get the point across.

Many people knew I was guy but a select few didn't.

I think their resentment reigns supreme in this topic.

Let me dig up the e-mail.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Tool said:
From everything I've read it was never even INTENDED to be a secret.

The question arises though, why did he stop using Greekboy and start using Lisa Lashes? It's obviously not his original user-id since he doesn't have that many posts under this new "Greekboy".

oh, well like he said, he had to use a different name since he'd been banned before, but I guess the mods are cool with him now...


levious said:
oh, well like he said, he had to use a different name since he'd been banned before, but I guess the mods are cool with him now...

OH! He was banned originally! Now I see...he must have done some no-no that is against board rules. Since swearing seems ok on these boards I can only assume it was some either racist remark against someone. Good thing he's now found Jesus, I'm sure he'll be alot better person the rest of the way.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Tool said:
OH! He was banned originally! Now I see...he must have done some no-no that is against board rules. Since swearing seems ok on these boards I can only assume it was some either racist remark against someone. Good thing he's now found Jesus, I'm sure he'll be alot better person the rest of the way.

I get the feeling you know a lot more about it than I do


Greekboy said:
Let me dig up the e-mail.

Account removed at Gaming-Age Forums!

Dear Greekboy,

Unfortunately your registration at Gaming-Age Forums did not meet our membership requirements. Therefore your registration was deleted.

Gaming-Age Forums team



If I remember correctly, GB was one of the few guys at the old board who defended women, so he was okay in my book.

And how is this post any different from any of the other lame ass posts you guys make about sex?


Unconfirmed Member
Greekboy said:
Account removed at Gaming-Age Forums!

Dear Greekboy,

Unfortunately your registration at Gaming-Age Forums did not meet our membership requirements. Therefore your registration was deleted.

Gaming-Age Forums team


And you didn't take the hint?...



Who the fuck actually attacked women and meant it? If Geekboy is the sole defender of women then the race is doomed.

What's so annoying about the cat though is not that he 'stands up for what he believes in', its that he always took the opposite tack others were taking just to be opposite. I'm sure he argued multiple viewpoints he didn't believe in just to be contrary. Somebody make a thread stating that water is wet, Geekboy will be along to dispute that fact. Just for the sake of argument.

And then he maintains that everyone else had no life outside the internet.

And since your decidedly male viewpoint has been outed, Geekboy, how the fuck would you know what women want from men? Have you been 'wormed' and didn't like it?


mrmyth said:
Who the fuck actually attacked women and meant it? If Geekboy is the sole defender of women then the race is doomed.

What's so annoying about the cat though is not that he 'stands up for what he believes in', its that he always took the opposite tack others were taking just to be opposite. I'm sure he argued multiple viewpoints he didn't believe in just to be contrary. Somebody make a thread stating that water is wet, Geekboy will be along to dispute that fact. Just for the sake of argument.

You speak like you actually know the person behind the poster? People generally post into a forum when they have a viewpoint that isn't necessarily the same as someone else's. That's the whole point of actually carrying on a debate. Otherwise you get a bunch of boring posts that say "IAWTP!!!" which I've seen ALOT of around here. How would you actually know that Greekboy posted the opposite viewpoint of something just to be opposite?? Can you read his mind?


Tool said:
You speak like you actually know the person behind the poster? People generally post into a forum when they have a viewpoint that isn't necessarily the same as someone else's. That's the whole point of actually carrying on a debate. Otherwise you get a bunch of boring posts that say "IAWTP!!!" which I've seen ALOT of around here. How would you actually know that Greekboy posted the opposite viewpoint of something just to be opposite?? Can you read his mind?

I only know the poster from his posts, and those posts demonstrated my theory. He never touched on non-hot-button topics, preferring to go after whatever would get him the most attention. And he held on the more people went against him, because that ensured continued argument. There's one of his type on every board. They reply to nearly everyone in a thread that makes comments against them, but ignore the parts where they're proven wrong. They dismiss research and facts in favor of personal anecdotes and thirdhand legends. They always think they're better than the people they argue with, and will inevitably pull out the 'its just a message board, get a life' card when backed against a wall. Once you've seen one on one board, the behavior ain't all that hard to spot.

And Greekboy stomping for Jesus makes the baby Jesus cry.


Attention? I think you guys are giving me that yourselves as this topic has depicted. Your hatred for me has clouded this topic when all it really was about was "worming" and "spooning"; not I hate Greekboy because of reason, A, B, C or D.


mrmyth said:
I only know the poster from his posts, and those posts demonstrated my theory. He never touched on non-hot-button topics, preferring to go after whatever would get him the most attention. And he held on the more people went against him, because that ensured continued argument. There's one of his type on every board. They reply to nearly everyone in a thread that makes comments against them, but ignore the parts where they're proven wrong. They dismiss research and facts in favor of personal anecdotes and thirdhand legends. They always think they're better than the people they argue with, and will inevitably pull out the 'its just a message board, get a life' card when backed against a wall. Once you've seen one on one board, the behavior ain't all that hard to spot.

And Greekboy stomping for Jesus makes the baby Jesus cry.

I haven't seen any of his "old" Greekboy posts so I really can't comment on your opinion. Thing is, since you only judge a person based on their posts, I don't really see anything wrong with Greekboy/Lisa's recent posts. If you piss someone off one time do you never get a second chance??

Also, anyone that gives props to Jesus is alright in my book. Seems like alot more people are becoming spirtual in one way or another everywhere I look these days. That can't be a bad thing.


Greekboy said:
Attention? I think you guys are giving me that yourselves as this topic has depicted. Your hatred for me has clouded this topic when all it really was about was "worming" and "spooning"; not I hate Greekboy because of reason, A, B, C or D.

Made your bed, now lie in it.


on a side note i am now behind in installing aps on 3 computers thanks to this thread.

Thanks worming and spooning!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Greekboy said:
It doesn't seem like I'm the one having trouble with that.

So what are your personal views about "spooning" and "worming?"

A real question in the midst of all the craziness.... isn't what you did in terms of creating a account getting it rejected and then creating another and getting it accepted against the TOS?

Did you use the same email address and other info for both accounts?
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