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Spotting Gamespot: Gamespot announces Guilty Gear for Xbox


Guilty Gear X2 #Reload site now live
New screenshots, wallpaper, trailers, and a chat forum populate Web site geared for fans of the upcoming Xbox fighting game.

Majesco today announced that the Web site for its upcoming Xbox fighter, Guilty Gear X2 #Reload (pronounced "Sharp Reload"), has gone live. The site offers a range of content, including screenshots, downloadable video (including the game's E3 trailer and in-game opening cinematic), wallpapers, character profiles with accompanying artwork, and information on the game's Xbox Live features (including a scoreboard where players can check their internet player ranking). Majesco says ongoing site updates will link to external previews and reviews of the game. A chat forum gives Guilty Gear fans a place to meet up, as well. The game is due to retailers on September 7, 2004.

By Chris Kohler -- GameSpot
POSTED: 08/27/04 11:27 AM PST


So they announce some Xbox news for once, but fail to even mention the game is PLAYABLE ONLINE?? I'm sure all Gamespot's readers care about is online scoreboards, wow what an innovation!!

If it was for the PS2, it would promote the online play and even mention that Live isnt getting this game, PS2 Xclusive!!1 ;)

PS, for all my fans, I(Smapty) am expecting a response from EA reguarding the Burnout 3 demo in a few hours. Expect an update to that thread later in the day. :D :D :D :D


“And what do you have to say to the critics out there who say the Moon, like, doesn’t exist?”
-Ali G


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
What do you have against Gamespot? That story is about the website going up...they've mentioned the online play in many previews, I'm sure. Not everyone is trying to kill you. :D


The fanboy press must be exposed. I am Matt Drudge sans the right wing slant.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Gerber said:
The fanboy press must be exposed. I am Matt Drudge sans the right wing slant.


Oh sweet mother of god. :lol


Perhaps that's 'Tor Thorsen's' real name. We have a great gaming future ahead of us, and my job is to keep things fair and balanced. I will not let the DS get dissed due to personal bias. I will not allow Sony to overshadow other consoles just because a group of aging hipsters with a 'press' license prefered Crash Bandicoot over Mario 64. I am justice!! :)

evil ways

Gerber said:
Perhaps that's 'Tor Thorsen's' real name. We have a great gaming future ahead of us, and my job is to keep things fair and balanced. I will not let the DS get dissed due to personal bias. I will not allow Sony to overshadow other consoles just because a group of aging hipsters with a 'press' license prefered Crash Bandicoot over Mario 64. I am justice!! :)

Shut the fuck up, flunkie.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
open_mouth_ said:
are you the same guy who posted that crappy Gamespot thread yesterday?

No, he posted two crappy Gamespot threads yesterday. :lol
What's the issue? This story's about the website going live. One of the features on the website is you get to check your internet rankings. I'm not seeing where I'd need to write that the game offers Xbox Live play, considering it has JACK ALL to do with the story.


Kobun Heat said:
What's the issue? This story's about the website going live. One of the features on the website is you get to check your internet rankings. I'm not seeing where I'd need to write that the game offers Xbox Live play, considering it has JACK ALL to do with the story.
In that case, why mention the XBL features at all? :lol

Oh n/m. I get it now. Understandable. You are excused


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Gerber said:
I will be redeemed regaurding that Burnout 3/NFSU 2 demo disk contraversy. We all know the Xbox version of Burnout 3 is getting the NFSU2 demo, just like the PS2. It's just that Gamespot selectively chose to promote the fact that the PS2 was getting it.

Kasavin ate your baby, didn't he? I've heard the legends, but I never thought they were true.


Kobun Heat said:
Did you read? Because the website will allow you to check your Xbox Live rankings.

That's actually a good point.

I just hope you don't write any Xbox/PS2 previews/reviews. :p
Gerber said:
Perhaps that's 'Tor Thorsen's' real name. We have a great gaming future ahead of us, and my job is to keep things fair and balanced. I will not let the DS get dissed due to personal bias. I will not allow Sony to overshadow other consoles just because a group of aging hipsters with a 'press' license prefered Crash Bandicoot over Mario 64. I am justice!! :)

And, excuse me, but who the hell are you??!?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I will not allow Sony to overshadow other consoles just because a group of aging hipsters with a 'press' license prefered Crash Bandicoot over Mario 64.
I think the bigger inequality you may need to work on is the fact that the worldwide PS2 owning population is roughly 500% greater than either of those consoles. Have fun with that!
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