Chet Rippo

She's only got one boob!
Sword Art Online 13
Holy balls of fire, that man's face when Kirito mentioned soy sauce. Oh my gosh. To be fair, after 2 years without familiar American flavors I was pretty ecstatic to get some, too. Hahaha, this old guy takes Kirito down a few hundred pegs right in front of his wife, and basically saw SAO as a way to go fishing while at work. Like the cut of this nutball's jib, I do.
Oh damn, Kirito and Asuna share a bed now. When did this relationship upgrade happen? I can't believe I'm saying this, but Kirito's development from The Lonely Beater into the Wife Beater (HAHAHAHA I DON'T KNOW), er, rather, from a loner to someone who does care about finishing the game and getting people out actually does come off as decently done. And while I'm not a huge fan of remembering that Kirito and Asuna look 14 and 15 at the moment, their pillow talk at least looked natural, the way it was animated.
Lol, this fishing episode is actually pretty light-hearted and funny so far. I'm legitimately enjoying this episode. Someone kill me before I wind up liking this show. Man, as a 13 year old I would have eaten this Asuna explaining why she loves Kirito scene UP. Now I have to ask: when does Kirito return the favor and explain why he loves her?
Cecil tells Rosa to get the fuck off his Lunar Whale, even though she has proven herself capable of defending herself, too. Rosa tells him to shut up.
You know, honestly, Asuna's side of this relationship is pretty good: She's explained why she loves him, that she loves him, she was the one who wanted to run away for awhile, to get hitched, to have sex, and her crying that she wants everything to be for real is honestly not that badly written. The reason this romance isn't working for me is because Kirito isn't reciprocating anything. It's like Asuna fell in love with Plank from Ed Edd n Eddy. Kirito isn't bad at expressing his feelings, he's just not showing any at all.
Which I think, really, gets to the heart of the issue of Kirito's entire character. Where Asuna has been developed, and we've seen her development, and has had a chance to express herself and have some substance, Kirito is still a very empty character. Aside from his shift from selfish asshole to guy who cares about the game, there's not much depth to Kirito. He kinda reminds me of Prince Sneasel, from Code Geass, in that respect. He feels really lacking in anything.
Finally, a boss fight. I'll say this for the show: it's environments are always visually interesting.
Still, Hunter x Hunter's oppressive atmosphere makes the villains more creepy than fun imo. I don't really know if you would like it, especially if you're basing your interest off of a character that doesn't appear until 80 episodes in. No shortage of fucked up characters before that, though.
girls und panzer ova five
Yukari truly is the best bro.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann 03
This is exactly the kind of ridiculousness I needed in my life. Although, to be honest seeing Yoko's boobs and butt taking up half the screen for parts of the episode was... eh I'm not one for fanservice so it was kinda taking away from the experience, personally.
The sooner you embrace Yoko, the better. Cuz Yoko is far and away the Best Girl in the show.
Slayers Try 6
Lina and the gang decide to take the train! Things get out of hand.
Well Corvo approves so I no longer feel shame. I can now embrace the Yoko.
(Also I'm just watching this on my laptop screen instead of apartment TV now so I don't feel as hawkward lol)
Gurren Lagann 04
Wow, the animation quality kinda took a bit of a drop in this episode. Classic Gainax?
Gurren Lagann 04
Wow, the animation quality kinda took a bit of a drop in this episode. Classic Gainax?
the last of us -
Solid writing, beautiful art and sound design. Stumbles early on and is hobbled by its insistence on forcing up the bodycount to comical levels. But there's a point in the latter half of the game where everything just comes together--a perfect confluence of great level design and narrative stakes--where it hits true greatness. Never hits that high again, but that's fine. Druckmann-sama won.
I think Ep. 4 is a different animator entirely or something. Some drama there or something. Regulus knows the deets. Also, if it makes you feel better, I laughed my head off at one of the upcoming episodes, which is basically dedicated to fanservice.
Takami Akai, the producer of the series and a co-founder of Gainax, announced that he would resign his position effective episode five, which aired on April 29, 2007, over comments that he made regarding posts on the Japanese Internet forum 2channel. Akai and another Gainax employee, Keiko Mimori, made disparaging remarks about comments criticizing the animation style of the fourth episode of Gurren Lagann, which was completely directed by guest and friend Osamu Kobayashi. With regard to reading the fan criticisms, Akai stated that it was "like putting [his] face next to an anus and breathing deeply." Fans later became aware of his comments, and he announced his departure from the company he helped to found.
No to both.Gurren Lagann 04
Wow, the animation quality kinda took a bit of a drop in this episode. Classic Gainax?
So, if I liked Date A Live should I definitely watch Infinite Stratos?
Random crazy prediction for the ending of Garganta (has episode 11 spoilers):What if Kugel is actually dead and the AI/robot is acting on its own? Not coming out of the cockpit is a coverup.
I do this because it's fun.
How could it be worse than last week? Or the week before that?hataraku maou-sama - 11
Wow, this really is QUALITY week.
I'd take a twist like that, but I doubt will happen. There is nothing subtle about how they are handling any of this. I fully expect to be hit with a sledgehammer for another 40 minutes. If only they had kept it a show about an estranged soldier finding his place in a different society instead of bringing in all this rote scifi stuff.
Who knew Cajun was Araragi.
Haha love it!Woke up this morning and I have an ahoge.
it looks hilarious. Im gonna leave it there all day.
I used to get ahoges all the time as my hair likes to curl up at the tips.
But now I have cut my hair.
Gurren Lagann 06
>Sees bunnies
This is the episode you're talking about isn't it Corvo
Seriously cajun, go to bed.
Corvo: You won't be disappointed.
Seriously cajun, go to bed.
Gurren Lagann 06
>Sees bunnies
This is the episode you're talking about isn't it Corvo
"I'm sorry... there are... SOME THINGS A GUY HAS TO SEE!!!"
The one I'm talking about has pixels. Not pixies, but pixels.
Summer thread incoming, by popular demand.
This the crunchyroll version?
This is definitely the episode. ahahaha I was laughing my face off at this episode. Yoko IS totally best girl.
It really is impossible to choose.But the most devilish thing in this show are the girls... so pure they are hard to choose witch one is the best ...such a difficult decision no doubt.
Your exposure to cute has reached its logical conclusion.Woke up this morning and I have an ahoge.
it looks hilarious. Im gonna leave it there all day.
Can you please tell the member popular demand to look out of a window.Summer thread incoming, by popular demand.
It really is impossible to choose.
Can you please tell the member popular demand to look out of a window.
It's not summer.
But Tsukiko. And King of Steel.Azuki Azusa is the easy choice.
Can you please tell the member popular demand to look out of a window.
It's not summer.
*checks weather*Can you please tell the member popular demand to look out of a window.
It's not summer.
Sounds like spring.*checks weather*
84F, 81F, 81F, 81F, 83F
Summer to me!
But Tsukiko. And King of Steel.
It's hard!
Yeah, you're right, but it SHOULD be summer. Seattle was awesome for that.Sounds like spring.
Can you please tell the member popular demand to look out of a window.
It's not summer.