Did you ever buy that NISA bluray set of Denpa Onna? You need it. Its so worth it!
Did you ever buy that NISA bluray set of Denpa Onna? You need it. Its so worth it!
Man, I've seen so many Amnesia screen caps and every time I still look and laugh at how stupid the characters look.
So who's still excited for Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya in July?
You're outside the paradigm of good or bad. You are DTL.Really? I like their designs. Was hoping theyd get figures too.
I didn't mind Crossroads in the Ancient Capital (nor was I blown away), but damn was that CG motorcycle riding some of the stupidest CG I've seen. I'm interested to know your ranking of the movies once you're through them all.Detective Conan: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital
The tricks took a backstage to swordfighting, motorcycle-chasing action, and what puzzles there were relied too heavily on Japanese knowledge for me to solve them while watching.
Conan's gadgets also basically didn't appear - the only fancy thing was. Apparently the same trick was used before this movie, but it was new to me.Haibara's drug to temporarily restore Shinichi's body
It wasn't particularly good, nor particularly bad. Overall, it was just blah (verdict is 4 or 5 over ten), so I moved on to the next movie right afterwards.
Detective Conan: Magician of the Silver Sky
Hell yeah, much better than the last one. Now this is a Conan movie. Actually, it's also a Magic Kaito movie, which by proxy means it's a Sailor Moon movie, so it gets a pass from me because yay magical girls (ha).
The mystery side of things completely made up for the last movie.Conan's gadgets also got plenty of use, but Kid got the better end of that too.Kid's disguises were obvious to both me and Conan, but that just made it more interesting to see how he was going to succeed despite that. The little I know about Detective Conan includes the fact that he never catches Kid, so I knew I could expect a dramatic twist or three, and I got 'em..A gun that shoots cards? Well why the hell not! And a hang-glider built into his cape because apparently he's not only Tuxedo Mask, but also Batman. The bit with the retractable wire was also amazing
On the topic of rotoscoping that's all the rage these days, I laughed at the credits (they included live-action shots of scenes in the movie). I don't think it was actually rotoscoped - though there was some CG, both in this movie and the previous one - but the idea ofand painting over it to save animation costs made me laugh.crashing a plane
Anyway, verdict is a solid 7/10, pushing 8. Definitely the best Conan movie out of the ones I've seen. We'll see if that holds true once I'm through with the other half dozen I've got!
This is one of those injokes that you're really disappointed nobody stepped in to stop before it went this far.So who's still excited for Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya in July?
Strange ways to spell Aku no Hana!!!!This season is off to a great start, Attack on Titan and Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (Both by Production IG?) leading the pack!
Road to redemption.This season is off to a great start, Attack on Titan and Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (Both by Production IG?) leading the pack!
Nyaruko-san W 2
This is not only getting progressively less funny, but also more boring. I can finally drop a show this season.
Shingeki no Kyojin - 02
Another solid episode. Looking forward to next week.
Saint Seiya 52
I'm not sure I can watch this anymore.
Does that ever get explained?
This isn't from 26 but this was undoubtedly the happiest I've ever been seeing someone befriended
man, I really hope SAO returns this year, already missing all the fun we had here D:
I was considering Heartcatch Precure, Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Cardcaptor Sakura but I'm not sure which ones have aged well or whether they really live up to their praises.
Honestly I'm a little more into Maou-sama than I am into Attack on Titan.
I was considering Heartcatch Precure, Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Cardcaptor Sakura but I'm not sure which ones have aged well or whether they really live up to their praises.
So Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night.
Does the order matter? I know the former is a prequel.
So Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night.
Does the order matter? I know the former is a prequel.
So Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night.
Does the order matter? I know the former is a prequel.
Which brings me to that genre I've been kind of ignoring. What's a good magical girl show to start with?
I've seen and enjoyed Madoka Magica and Little Witch Academia but otherwise not much else in the genre. I also liked Kannagi and Kamichu but those are more slice of life with god powers, oh and of course Kiki's delivery service.
I was considering Heartcatch Precure, Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Cardcaptor Sakura but I'm not sure which ones have aged well or whether they really live up to their praises.
Attack on Titan 2
The Vision of Escaflowne 1
This is sort of a weird looking show, but I definitely remember watching this show for a little while when I was a kid. Pretty sure there are people with giant wings at some point. Anyway Fantasy Prince Kid is a dick, and Hitomi sort of looks like a boy. Also, there wasn't exactly any Fantasy Mecha in this episode.
Still, it comes highly recommended, so I'll give it a whirl.
Really, if you didn't watch FSN way back when, there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to go back to it. Ignore it, its terrible. Just watch F/Z and if it turns out that you like it, resist the urge to ruin the good feelings by watching FSN.
I am looking forward to it, given its set around a shooter not a MMO in the next arc. I imagine this will amp up the neogaf reaction.
Why are people wasting their limited rations?!
Nope not gonna watch can't make me
OreImo S2
We talking CS or Planetside here
Heartcatch is the most :firehawk season of Precure.Heartcatch PreCure!
Episode 14
It kind of gets mono no aware around the end and overall I thought it was a pretty well done episode again for Heartcatch.
Escaflowne is goooooooooood. Legit good. The villain is kind of insane and that makes him really memorable and the art style stands out. Musically it is absolutely classic. And yes, there are people with giant wings.
Heartcatch PreCure!
Episode 14
It's interesting to see when shows like this for a younger crowd decide to tackle more mature theme's such as this episode being a Mother's Day themed episode but centered around a familyI thought it was pretty well done showing a glimpse of the struggle the older sister faces in trying to take care of her younger sister as a mother would and having to basically grow up fast but still wanting to do the things kids do such as playing with friends. The younger sister wanting to give the Mother's Day flowers to her mother directly to hear what she thinks personally instead of everyone telling her she would be happy.whose mother has passed away.It kind of gets mono no aware around the end and overall I thought it was a pretty well done episode again for Heartcatch.Basically her learning to accept she's gone at such a young age.
Utena should be mandatory viewing for every anime fan.I was considering Heartcatch Precure, Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Cardcaptor Sakura but I'm not sure which ones have aged well or whether they really live up to their praises.
Which brings me to that genre I've been kind of ignoring. What's a good magical girl show to start with?
I've seen and enjoyed Madoka Magica and Little Witch Academia but otherwise not much else in the genre. I also liked Kannagi and Kamichu but those are more slice of life with god powers, oh and of course Kiki's delivery service.
I was considering Heartcatch Precure, Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Cardcaptor Sakura but I'm not sure which ones have aged well or whether they really live up to their praises.
It's pretty darn sci-fi. How else would Kirito getQuasar said:Well...from what I recall it is a MMO shooter, but not a scifi/fantasy one.
I'm going to hold you down.
I was considering Heartcatch Precure, Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Cardcaptor Sakura but I'm not sure which ones have aged well or whether they really live up to their praises.