Tomodachi wa Mahou
Ultimadrago x moonspeak doujins plz
Obviously we need an updated animegaf pairings chart.
Ultimadrago x moonspeak doujins plz
Obviously we need an updated animegaf pairings chart.
Attack on Titan 2
So who's still excited for Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya in July?
So who's still excited for Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya in July?
Ultimadrago x moonspeak doujins plz
Black★Rock Shooter (OVA)
Best animation in any girls' love story I've ever seen. This was quite an entertaining OVA! The small talk among Mato and Yomi along with the action segments in-between all made this worthwhile. It also teaches the best lesson of all:!Don't take your friends/lovers for granted
Watch Revolutionary Girl Utena: Adolescence Apocalypse and Dennou Coil.Black★Rock Shooter (OVA)
Best animation in any girls' love story I've ever seen.
Ahaha, this post made me log in. Glad I'm not the only one that immediately thought of forced insertion during that seemingly somber and depressing moment.
Oh... I have messages? o__O
where have you been extol-nyan
I'm kinda mixed on the first episode. I very much like the art direction but I hate the CGI. The movements in space for the battleships is way too precise and speedy. There doesn't seem to be any weight or sense of physics to it compared to say Battlestar Galactica. The story was fine until the end when some Gundam-level shit happens. The direction at times feels fine but then there is this comedic stuff that doesn't really fit in. The tone can be comedic but then dead serious and it feels off. I do like the character designs though.
Valvrave 1
I thought this was pretty good. Harutofeels like an unusual start to a mecha series, which is good, because a lot of this was by the book. As in, meet Haruto, the loser who finds the super robot during the enemy attack on his home colony. Particularly awful was the villain and his team, who seem to be comprised of every over used mecha anime villain cliche not related to women or old men.losing the girl of his dreams without ever telling her how he felt
Even so, the last ten seconds were crazy, the episode itself was good, the mecha did not seem 300% crappy CG like the ones in MJP, and the prompt "Do you Resign as a Human?" was interesting.
I'll keep watching.
So who's still excited for Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya in July?
It's got a serious shot at being the second-best Fate anime ever made!
it is the safest practice for one to do for ones favorite show...ill probably do likewise for valvraveGargantia ep2
In the future I guess I'll just completely abandon this board when a new episode comes out, until I've had a chance to watch it.
Heartcatch Precure 20
Well okay. It seems thatthe 3rd fairly has shown up. His name is Potpourri. Everyone seems to think he's adorable. That cry while he was flying was annoying as hell though. Worse than Porun's cry. But hopefully now that he's with Precure he'll stop crying. And this also means the 3rd Precure will soon show up. WHO WILL IT BE?! Hopefully Itsuki. Or it's just there for Cure Moonlight, but I doubt that.
Potpourri is cool and I'll fight anyone dissing him!
Heartcatch is the most :firehawk season of Precure.
This episode got me good.![]()
Black★Rock Shooter (OVA)
Best animation in any girls' love story I've ever seen. This was quite an entertaining OVA! The small talk among Mato and Yomi along with the action segments in-between all made this worthwhile. It also teaches the best lesson of all:!Don't take your friends/lovers for granted
Oh yeah, that's both this weekend and the next, huh... there's a group going up on Sunday the 21st, but I'm not sure if I want to bother driving all the way up there or not.Went to the Cherry Blossom Festival in SF today and picked up some stuff from Kino.
Picked up the first volume of the manga for Senyuu and Yahari as well as super cheap CDs of the xxxHolic OP, a JAM Project single and a Sengoku Basara OST for 3 bucks each~
Also picked up more One Piece figures, picking up another Luffy and another Zoro. At least I didn't get another damn Shanks.
Bonus older Law-kun figure.
Also I kinda wish I am going next Sunday since apparently Kylee is performing next week :<
Gargantia ep2
Well... I'm stillslightlyextremely irritated I had the biggest shock of the episode spoiled for me, but otherwise, yeah, that was pretty enjoyable. Loved the dialogues between Red and Chamber.
In the future I guess I'll just completely abandon this board when a new episode comes out, until I've had a chance to watch it.
Heartcatch Precure 20
Well okay. It seems thatthe 3rd fairly has shown up. His name is Potpourri. Everyone seems to think he's adorable. That cry while he was flying was annoying as hell though. Worse than Porun's cry. But hopefully now that he's with Precure he'll stop crying. And this also means the 3rd Precure will soon show up. WHO WILL IT BE?! Hopefully Itsuki. Or it's just there for Cure Moonlight, but I doubt that.
Potpourri is cool and I'll fight anyone dissing him!
what part was spoiled?
I thought it was pretty well done so I liked it.
What do you think of Erika now? Personally I think she's pretty awesome after that initial hiccup in the first episode I had with her.
K-On!! 2
Best episode. Holy shit.
Went to the Cherry Blossom Festival in SF today and picked up some stuff from Kino.
Picked up the first volume of the manga for Senyuu and Yahari as well as super cheap CDs of the xxxHolic OP, a JAM Project single and a Sengoku Basara OST for 3 bucks each~
Also picked up more One Piece figures, picking up another Luffy and another Zoro. At least I didn't get another damn Shanks.
Bonus older Law-kun figure.
Also I kinda wish I am going next Sunday since apparently Kylee is performing next week :<
http://sfcherryblossom.org/index.php/schedule-of-events/saturday-sunday-april-20-21Kylee will be performing next Sunday!? What time and place!?
Potpourri is not cool. This is me dissing him.
Kylee will be performing next Sunday!? What time and place!?
Just watched Xam'd Lost Memories and wow, it was simply fantastic.
The characters, world and music were simply excellent.
Anything else similar to it out there?
Looks like 4:00pm on the 21st, wherever the main stage is for the festival.
Looking at my program, it'll be next Sunday, April 21st at the Peace Plaza Stage (the one with the giant pagoda) at 4 pm.
I would want to go but it's quite a lot of effort of going to Japantown.
.Chamber's beams of death that make people dissolve into itty bitty particles... I'd seen people already mention beams in general unspoiled before, and that was fine, since hey, you'd expect a super robot to have some kind of beam weapon, right? But the detail about disintegration lasers would have been a lot cooler to see for the first time in the moment than have spoiled ahead of time
Heartcatch Precure 21
Remember: the ironclad rule of new Cure speculation is that anyone who doesn't have a unique hair color is an NPC in that world.
We all got fucking trolled byin Suite. FUCKING. TROLLED.Waon
where have you been extol-nyan
Make that double. We've missed you!
I'm at a really weird point in my life right now where I need to reevaluate what my goals are, and what the hell I'm supposed to do. I've cut off as many distractions as possible in order to focus.
I won't be around.
But duuuuuuuuuuuuude, it would be so cool.
Edit: Damn, that's like my third internet frowny-face of the day.
I'm at a really weird point in my life right now where I need to reevaluate what my goals are, and what the hell I'm supposed to do. I've cut off as many distractions as possible in order to focus.
I won't be around.
I'm at a really weird point in my life right now where I need to reevaluate what my goals are, and what the hell I'm supposed to do. I've cut off as many distractions as possible in order to focus.
I won't be around.