Slam Dunk 101 fin
Its over! and it just started getting exciting.
Anyway... This is a 101 episode basketball anime and the lead team only has like 7 or 8 games. This brings me immediatly to what I disliked about this show: its length, its too slow paced! The longest game took 14 episodes, okay I admit it was also the best one, but surely they could've done it with half of the length too? Sometimes someone jumps, throws and only 1 minute later it actually misses or gets in.... No the ball doesn't travel that long, they add some backstory, reactions of everyone yada yada...
The second flaw is, in almost every episode the protagonist saying something stupid, acting superior and jealous against his rival. This flaw is caused by its slow pacing, it makes a couple of things tedious. The 3rd flaw is some animations being reused, some may not like the animation, its an early 90s show afterall.
Read further because the positives outweigh the negative
With the 2 flaws out of the way, its time to talk about the good points. The story is amazing, a delinquent teenager who had nothing to dod with basketball, transitions into a keyplayer for his team. Usually anime shows like these only follow the most important person to the plot, Slam Dunk being about basketball follows the entire team. They all change, there is a lot of character development. Mitsui who deserved to get the shit kicked out of him in the beginning, joins the team he wanted to destroy. The first quarter of the show can be offputting because it feels introductory. No or little character development in Kuroko is what I didn't like about Kuroko's Basketball, it only follows Kuroko and Kagami, the rest of the team are just support characters. In Slam Dunk, everyone is important. You can really relate to them.
So what did I like more, Kuroko or Slam Dunk? They're both awesome, people will like Kuroko more because it has better pacing and gets straight to the point. Slam Dunk isn't inferior, it just needs more time to show its beauty. The best basketball anime would be a combination of both, Slam Dunk's story and emotional parts, Kuroko's entertaining action, yeah that would be the ultimate basketball anime.
Final score is inbetween 8-9/10
Highly recommended!
The moment Sakuragi masters throws and amazes everyone