Alright, I really don't know what there is to say at this point. You know how it ends, you know the details, etc. etc. I really don't need to parrot these things to you if you're highlighting these spoiler tags.
What I will say is that I, at this moment in time, hate everything. I hate this show. I hate everybody behind this show. I hate this computer. I hate puppies. I hate all those cute things that this community loves so much. I hate couches. I hate potatoes. I hate NeoGAF. And I hate you. Yes, you. You reading this post. I hate you. I don't know who's going to read this post beyond a few people. But I do know I hate you.
I hate these fucking characters. I hate Fumito. I don't know how he managed to get such massive government funding for such a pet project. Would Saya change, or would she stay the same if she was put in that environment. Answer: WHAT DOES IT FUCKING MATTER?! But he managed to get massive amounts of money to build a whole fucking town and populate it with actors, then got the go-ahead to kill all of the extras afterward. All of them. Hundreds of people. He actually got the green light to have all of them murdered brutally once his experiment was over. His dumb experiment that does not provide any real constructive data whatsoever. Just a whim of his. Do you understand why I hate everything now? Of course you do. You've seen this. You know what happens. Fuck you, by the way.
I hate that girl that survived. You want to be governor of Tokyo, huh? Well everybody knows that the best way to forward your political career is to participate in above top secret experiments where hundreds of people are killed. Yeah, you got yourself a political ally. But come on. Do you really think nobody's going to find out about this? Should I remind you that nobody did anything to secure Saya in that territory? She's escaped the set, and now she's gone. And that reminds me; why didn't anyone care whether or not she escaped? She's kind of classified information, and a danger to everyone, and a danger to the secrecy of this whole project. It would probably behoove you to have her in custody again.
I hate all those other lead actors and I actually enjoyed seeing them get killed by that monster. Especially that second one. That was hilarious. And usually I would be disturbed by the mass murder of those extras. Particularly the part where they put a whole bunch in a bag and put a fucking GRINDER in there to rip them apart. But I'm not. Because I hate them now. I hate everything.
And I hate Saya and her "father". I don't know why. They're really the innocent victims here. But I do. I hate everything.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take a shower to try and cleanse myself. It probably won't. I can probably only cleanse myself by destroying my accounts on Huu and this site. Or destroying the sites wholesale, which I can't do, as well as destroying any memory for having watched this show. Or any trace that this show ever even existed in the first place. Okay, I've settled on traveling back in time and killing the creator of this show before he can create it. I'll probably be doing everyone a favor; the dude's obviously a menace to society. He should probably be institutionalized solely for this. He is off his rocker. I have a duty to mankind when you really think about it.
After my shower, I might watch some Heartcatch Precure. Because that's the one thing I don't hate right now. Yes, I realize I said I hate everything. But everything has exceptions.
But I still hate you. Fuck you.