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Spring Anime 2013 |OT -7| My Giant CG Pony Can't Possibly Read This Much Baudelaire

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You wanna know what a true Otaku is?


So moe really is subjective. Take that Urobutcher!


Probably try and have a heart to heart convo on why that person loves such a shitty character.

Well seeing as he hooks up with every female in the show just about, I can see why people would want to be like him. All they would have to do is be good at videogames!
Higurashi s3 e2, e3 and e4

Loved this chapter. A perfect world where noone has ever sinned. I'm a bit confused at e4, did she really
kill her mother in the other world, to return back to her old world, or was it just a dream like Hanyu said?


Only if you're going to go as a fantasy character who wears crazy clothes. Cosplay as someone from Psycho Pass and all you need is a suit!

The downside is, of course, that you look like any old schlo in a suit

Also suits are fucking expensive bro


Also suits are fucking expensive bro

How do you not own a suit? You're going to tell me you work in IT and haven't ever needed one now :p

Admittedly my perspective is probably a bit skewed but I've owned a suit since I was a teenager so it doesn't seem like an extra expense. Certainly by the time you're in your early 20s like kayos I can't imagine not owning one for job interviews at least. And it's certainly no more expensive than the money some cosplayers spend on materials, makeup, wigs etc.
True otakus want to live forever.

Even if drifting in space for millions and billions and trillions of years, it will be okay. It will be worth it.

Because they have moe in their mind. True otaku need no other psychological fuel.
Only if you're going to go as a fantasy character who wears crazy clothes. Cosplay as someone from Psycho Pass and all you need is a suit!

Yeah, that's true. One time when I wound up going to a convention last minute, I just grabbed a blond wig and some dress clothes I already had and went as Sanji. It was certainly the lazy route to take, but there are plenty of characters you can dress up as relatively easily.


Mobile Fighter God Gundam 37

I'm not crying. I'm not crying. I'm crying. I'm not crying. Holy crap did Sai Saichi put up a fight. Flipping ALLENBY though, does everyone have to bend over and take it from her? UGH. At least Rain know's what's what about that wretched Allenby character. Anyway, Sai freaking kept fighting AFTER HIS ARMS WERE BROKEN OFF.


So Master Asia is Chinese, right? I mean, technically he's from Hong Kong, but still. And Master Asia has been coughing a LOT lately, hasn't he? And Sai Saichi's dad died of an illness, right?

True otakus want to live forever.

Even if drifting in space for millions and billions and trillions of years, it will be okay. It will be worth it.

Because they have moe in their mind. True otaku need no other psychological fuel.

Maybe it'll be like that Futurama episode, and a civilization of waifus will live on your butt.


Gunbuster and Diebuster were both about otakus refusing to grow up; the final "Welcome Back" actually means "To The Real World".



How do you not own a suit? You're going to tell me you work in IT and haven't ever needed one now :p

Admittedly my perspective is probably a bit skewed but I've owned a suit since I was a teenager so it doesn't seem like an extra expense. Certainly by the time you're in your early 20s like kayos I can't imagine not owning one for job interviews at least. And it's certainly no more expensive than the money some cosplayers spend on materials, makeup, wigs etc.

Tru dat.


Cosplaying sounds expensive.

Its not always. I cosplayed as L once requiring nothing but a white sweater and some jeans, a cheap flip phone and putting some eyeblack under my eyelids and letting my hair grow a bit long.

True otakus want to live forever.

Even if drifting in space for millions and billions and trillions of years, it will be okay. It will be worth it.

Because they have moe in their mind. True otaku need no other psychological fuel.

Hnnng is life. Squee is hometown.
Maoyu 12 (End)

There was really only one good moment in this episode and that was it. Unfortunately this episode actually does highlight the huge flaw of the series. It seems that the animators attempted to try to have some action but consistently tried to run away from actually showing it when it counts. Sure the best moments were from Yuusha doing some pretty amazing abilities but oftentimes they were not at exactly key moments. Like most fantasy series, every key events conclusion just turned out to be rather anticlimactic and just utterly unexciting. Example in ep 12
They barely attacked each other to have what ought to have been a super explosive action intense episode before the "hug" to bring her back. Rather the hug happened just when they did one barely qualifying move thats an attack and then shes back

I think the true star of the series, since the source writer clearly didnt know how to capitalize upon the talents of one of the best characters in the fantasy genre, Yuusha, ended up being the servant maid girl. I dont think Ill ever actually forget her huge moment several episodes ago, which oddly even Demon King remarked upon.
Her speech and liberty moment in the plaza and just her passion from there. Sure I did say I would have preferred if Yuusha had just attacked and obliterated the place, but her speech is still memorable

Source material was just odd to adapt and they ought to have passed on giving this an anime. History and economics as presented here is just as boring and dull as it is in school and likewise there, it failed to be any sort of entertaining or interesting. Often it did spiral into just being overly wordy, too complex, and just felt pointless when swords and magicks were available right at characters fingertips. Why would an anime about the fluctuating price of bland potatoes be interesting in anyone's eyes? It reminds me of the concept of playing farmville, why would anyone actually want to partake in farming when we live in an industrial world and society? Baffling really. They ought to have actually adapted the source to a novel and left it as that, as it is just not what an anime ought to be about.

Yuusha was great, though not much can be sad about the anime. Oh it had pretty backgrounds, perhaps an art illustration visual works book will be released so that the anime can be remembered in some form as everything else was just forgettable. Ah and Merchant was nice too. 4 / 10


Maturity, bitches.
L cosplay is the anime equivalent of Mario cosplay. So lazy.

Though I suppose in the UK the laziest would be putting on your school uniform and saying you're from a highschool anime. What do you mean my tie is the wrong colour? Shut up!


Neo Member
L cosplay is the anime equivalent of Mario cosplay. So lazy.

Though I suppose in the UK the laziest would be putting on your school uniform and saying you're from a highschool anime. What do you mean my tie is the wrong colour? Shut up!

I dunno, I figured that anything Bleach is the standard in lazy cosplay.


L cosplay is the anime equivalent of Mario cosplay. So lazy.

Though I suppose in the UK the laziest would be putting on your school uniform and saying you're from a highschool anime. What do you mean my tie is the wrong colour? Shut up!

When it comes to cosplay, thats exactly what I like.
Plus being like L is a lot more about acting like him.


Maturity, bitches.
Well technically the laziest is the emperor's new clothes. But I was once kicked out of a convention for that one so I wouldn't recommend it.


Ash at least has a specific vest/hat. L is literally a white sweatshirt and jeans.

Im a skinny, lanky person with jet black hair like he is, and often wide open eyes with circles from long hours staying awake.
Right now actually Im sitting on my chair like he does which was always a naturally comfortable way for me to "sit". I do have socks on though. My feet get cold.
Im a skinny, lanky person with jet black hair like he is, and often wide open eyes with circles from long hours staying awake.
Right now actually Im sitting on my chair like he does which was always a naturally comfortable way for me to "sit". I do have socks on though. My feet get cold.

Are you eating sweets too? That'd be moe as fuck.


But anyway I was sitting and looking like that long before Death Note was around, which is why when I saw the show and how L behaved it was kind of creepy.


Chihayafuru S2 12


The flashbacks fleshing out Megumu and her Karuta club comrades was nice and all but the pacing in this episode definitely reminded me of the first season which really isn't a good thing, especially after how all the matchups in this season have been resolved in a single episode thus far. The next episode better be wroth it!


Travel back in time with me, AnimeGAF.

Travel back to the late 90s and early 00s, when everything was still ripping off Evangelion rather than light novels about banging your sister.

For tonight, Friday night was old Sunrise show night.

These are all shows that most people would tell you are crappy. And you know, they kind of are. Chock full of ridiculous Western literary/dramatic references, tonal whiplash, and in one case an alarming number of naked little girls, they're all still interesting in some ways in their first episodes.

Let's start with...

Argento Soma

So we're off to a good start with just the title (written in Greek, of course!), but it's not long before we've got totally unsubtle Frankenstein references and a giant alien Prometheus (ZOMG RIDLEY SCOTT YOU HACK) thrown into the mix. I could have done without the secret organisation seemingly being called MORGUE, though.

This show seems to have some interesting ideas but the execution is very dry in the first episode. The characters are that bit older (college-aged to adult), and some of the visual concepts are pretty neat - I like the design of the aliens, and the scene where they resurrect Frank(enstein) is suitably offputting as its body "flows" together. But the episode asks us to invest very quickly in a relationship that is basically destroyed twenty minutes in, and none of the characters have any time to get us particularly involved.

And then the perky blonde girl in the top hat turned up, tripped over a dog, and clutched at a presumably Magic Pendant, and I frowned a little.

So while not obviously a brilliant show, this isn't as bad as I had been led to believe in the past.


This show's decided to go for Flowers For Algernon, it seems, as a weird Western literary reference. At least, that's the only reason I can think of that they keep talking about Algernon.

So this show opens up with a creepy little girl singing and then screaming into the camera about darkness. Then we get serene coral reefs and weird vocals. A scene where no-one can hear what anyone's saying. And then...

We get the main character.

I don't tend to watch a lot of shows with this kind of premise these days so I don't encounter this kind of thing so often, but man is he annoying. A total geek who bumbles around shouting all the time and et ends up being amazing at piloting a mecha? Hoo boy.

Betterman is distinguished by not only having an incredibly annoying main character, but weirdly great character animation. Keita runs around like a total moron for huge chunks of the episode, but in a very expressive and amusing way. It's just a bit odd to see him smashing his nads into a car by accident about five seconds after a very creepy woman with a giant tongue for a face has spider-walked up the stairs towards him...

It's an intriguingly incoherent introduction, anyway. Lots of technobabble, a theme park called Bottom World, and at the end Koyasu Takehito turns up to save the day with his multicoloured hair. Except he turns into a monster to do so.

The ED song has a lyric about telomeres in it. It's that kind of show.

Brigadoon: Marin and Melan

Where Betterman, its "predecessor" in the sense that it shares a director and character designer, opens with on the sea, Brigadoon opens on the sky - with awesome robot soldiers falling from it. Of course, they're basically forgotten about for the rest of the episode while the main character prats about accidentally exposing her patched-up pants before she gets chased by a murderous spinning top, but we get some good action at the end so it's not all bad.

Although not in the same post-Eva vein by any means, Brigadoon manages to one-up Argento Soma - not only does it get Greek into the title of the show, but it takes its inspiration from a twee musical about a Scottish village that only appears every 100 years. It's a good excuse for some Celtic music, though.

I've seen a fair bit of Brigadoon before. It goes to some weird places later in the series - lots of little girl nudity for some reason, amid some seriously depressing stuff - and I kind of like it in spite of it not really being my normal kind of show. Marin is a bit too hyper and chirpy for me as a main character really. I love the music, though - this has been my ringtone for years - and the action's fun. Rather than mecha, Marin's counterpart is Melan Blue, a "Monomakian" soldier that looks like a robot knight. He's ace.

Another thing to enjoy about it is the setting - it's Tokyo in the late 60s, just before the World Expo in Osaka in 1970. Later in the series Richard Nixon pops up to ask for help with alien invaders. As you do.
Maoyu 12 (End)

There was really only one good moment in this episode and that was it. Unfortunately this episode actually does highlight the huge flaw of the series. It seems that the animators attempted to try to have some action but consistently tried to run away from actually showing it when it counts. Sure the best moments were from Yuusha doing some pretty amazing abilities but oftentimes they were not at exactly key moments. Like most fantasy series, every key events conclusion just turned out to be rather anticlimactic and just utterly unexciting. Example in ep 12
They barely attacked each other to have what ought to have been a super explosive action intense episode before the "hug" to bring her back. Rather the hug happened just when they did one barely qualifying move thats an attack and then shes back

This part was intended they could have made it longer but at this point
hero is broken as hell and much much more powerfull than everything else before him..it was intended that way from the source material ...a one sided fight with the demon lord brought back quickly ..

Also it might seem odd given the setting but the key moments are not the fights but the political moments and each characters actions to change things ..i mean , the hero and the knight are broken as hell from the start because the focus is not on them fighting but them find a way to end the war without fighting.
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