Yami continues to be a thing. I don't know what's going on. It's jumping around like crazy and I can't follow anything. It's draining me. We're in space for some reason.
Yami is an experience not to be missed.
Your life is now better having watched it.
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito 08
Wat. Fuck off shredder.
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito 09
Butts. And Elf shota meidos. Also ririsu trolling. Also hats. What is going on. Ninjas.
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito 10
The hell is going on. The hell are they there for. Hats. Why is it always hats.
I love how the literal explanation of one character is "she is a character that Lilith created and then forgot about". Explains some things.
Yup, it is.
My Little Future Diary: Friendship is Death: 09
So yeah, craziness about. Yukki better think twice about what he's getting himself into. After all, everyone knows its a bad idea to stick it in the crazy.
Also,. No doubt he'll pop up again.That guy wasn't a diary owner apparently
Love dat Yuno.
some of the best girls are Yunos.
Yuyushiki 5
She dropped those Jelly Bellies all over the ground D:.
It's finally picking up, and Pinky looks like she's trying to avoid the "Akari~n" or worse than that, the Shiny Luminous fate (she won't at least).
I love jelly bellys so much.
would eat them off the ground if I dropped them.
Yami Complete
Fuck this bullshit
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito 11-13
Wait what. WHAT? Oh wait what now. AHAHAHAAHAHAH This show.
I am being trolled. THIS IS 2deep4me.
Oh wow. ahahaah
tl;dr: Lovecakes.
The gift that keeps on giving.
Girls und Panzer is now confirmed to be ahead of Anohana in the modern (2000-present) per-volume average sales rankings.
020) *32,467 --,--- ¥*,914m 12 (*6) 2012 Girls und Panzer (4 vol current)
021) *31,523 --,--- ¥1,210m 11 (*6) 2011 Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai
According to something's analysis, in the long run it will "definitely go ahead of Infinite Stratos (33.8k), probably ahead of Angel Beats (34.1k), and maybe Gundam 00 S2 (34.6k)".
edit: also, "there's got to be at least a 5000 BD shortfall for v1 and 4000 for v2", thanks to the early stock issues... with those added numbers, it might have even had a shot at eclipsing SAO.
I had no idea AnoHana sold so well.
I actually want to go through the Madoka OT. So many delicious reactions to be had.
Oh its well worth revisiting!
I haven't watched Madoka. For a long time I was oblivious to anything happening in anime.
I would watch it soon, but Branduil spoiledI'm not sure how major a spoiler that is, but I'm not watching until I forget it.Charlotte (or somebody) dying.
Thats only the tip of the iceberg.
you havent really been spoiled to anything yet.