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Spring Anime 2013 |OT-8| What could be beyond OT-8? Possibility.

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Woah, I've never been in here before, it's crazy. What's up guys?

Anyways, I watched Paprika for the second time since a while and I was reminded how awesome the film is. I was bored and made this because why not?


It's such a shame Satoshi Kon has passed away. I've seen Millennium Actress, but do you guys recommended any of his other films?


Woah, I've never been in here before, it's crazy. What's up guys?

Anyways, I watched Paprika for the second time since a while and I was reminded how awesome the film is. I was bored and made this because why not?

It's such a shame Satoshi Kon has passed away. I've seen Millennium Actress, but do you guys recommended any of his other films?

Tokyo Godfathers

On the television side, Paranoia Agent (13 eps.)
Woah, I've never been in here before, it's crazy. What's up guys?

Anyways, I watched Paprika for the second time since a while and I was reminded how awesome the film is. I was bored and made this because why not?

It's such a shame Satoshi Kon has passed away. I've seen Millennium Actress, but do you guys recommended any of his other films?

All of Kon's films are worth watching. Paprika is the weakest. Tokyo Godfathers is my favorite.

Be sure also to watch the short film Magnetic Rose from the collection Memories, which Kon wrote and carries a theme about the lure of illusion that he would go on to explore in his directing work.


Woah, I've never been in here before, it's crazy. What's up guys?

Anyways, I watched Paprika for the second time since a while and I was reminded how awesome the film is. I was bored and made this because why not?


It's such a shame Satoshi Kon has passed away. I've seen Millennium Actress, but do you guys recommended any of his other films?

Everything Satoshi Kon is worth watching. That also includes Paranoia Agent and Magnetic Rose from Memories.

As far as his films go:

Millenium Actress > Perfect Blue > Tokyo Godfathers > Paprika

That we never got Dream Machine is a great injustice :(


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
SDBurton should totally do his own seme-uke list, imagining us all as women. It's only fair.

You know what, I'll do that. Give me time though as it's going to take a bit to get the pairings right.

And because I'm watching season 2 of Queen's Blade right now. :lol


Queen's Blade S2 - 05-09


brainwashed Listy
you so fiiine!

It's moments like these (nsfw) that make me wonder why I decided to take a break from Queen's Blade. I mean, really (nsfw)?


All of Kon's films are worth watching. Paprika is the weakest. Tokyo Godfathers is my favorite.

Be sure also to watch the short film Magnetic Rose from the collection Memories, which Kon wrote and carries a theme about the lure of illusion that he would go on to explore in his directing work.

I have a lot of catching up to do it seems. Which is great, because now I have a bunch of films to watch. What isn't great is that the only one of his films that has been released for Blu-ray in English is Paprika, and I already own that :/
All of Kon's films are worth watching. Paprika is the weakest. Tokyo Godfathers is my favorite.

Be sure also to watch the short film Magnetic Rose from the collection Memories, which Kon wrote and carries a theme about the lure of illusion that he would go on to explore in his directing work.
My dislike of Paprika turned me off of watching more of his stuff. But if you say its his weakest film, maybe I should give it another go.


So I found his post, it wasn't as funny as I had hoped.

Didnt know there was a Bebop thread, though I just finished the series a few minutes ago. I dont see what there is to rave about for it.

Cowboy Bebop was an interesting experience and one I did have some enjoyment from watching. However, it was full of faults that damped much enjoyment that could have come from the experience. The character cast is pretty weak and difficult to like or even care about and I would have liked for better designs to be in just about every role. Perhaps if they were younger all across the board as it felt like old people were in control, except for Ed, who seemed to act just way too young and having little or limited relevance outside of two focused episodes. The world and environment was actually pretty compelling and was the best part to Faye's involvement as her story provided a good account of the changes between the past and the present. Spike had potential to be an actually good lead character but that win/loss record prevents him from being that good. Jet is Jet and well not all that good. Perhaps Vicious is the best character around though suffers from limited screentime.

The style of storytelling is another fault as it makes it hard to even care about most of the events. Within the first 45 seconds of an episode I imagine most people could already tell if they would like or not like an episode. I wish one whole continuous story was told as this type of storytelling is really only good in say ficlets/drabbles or I guess gag media. If events flowed into each other, it wouldn't have felt so character of the week oriented or had characters and events tossed away like nothing. At the end of the story, really only like five or so of the 26 episodes even mattered, so it was kind of like a waste of time to watch most of them.

Cowboy Bebop is a 5/10 anime as most episodes were boring or dull, especially subsequent episodes at times, with only the plot relevant ones being worthwhile. A few episodes did have their moments, providing laughs and successes which I enjoyed somewhat. Otherwise, apart from Spike, Vicious, and always good action scenes, space fights, there isnt much else good offered in this vintage anime. The OP song was kind of weak and visually unimpressive, while the ending song was alright though not memorable at all.
Perhaps if the anime ended on a happy note not killing off the main character, one of the worst crimes in writing, it'd actually have been good

Specifically on the ending, for a two part episode for a conclusion which ought to have been filled with new hopes, aspirations, big action, and victory, we were treated to perhaps one of the most lackluster and embarassing endings that Ive ever encountered. 25 was alright and had me hoping that the ending episode would be really good but I left quite disappointed and kind of frustrated when the credits rolled by. Really do not understand the fascination with this type of ending as it just seems like a writer wanting to instill anger in viewers and perhaps ensure that they are giving them a guarantee at wanting to have a bad day.
Spike continued to as usual show that he is just simply not good against other human characters in any type of fight. Sure he managed to fend off against Vicious and actually win (I did like how they ended up with each others weapons then traded them back for final blows) but did he really win? Seemed to be such a waste to finally get him a victory but then have him die in the end right there, which ultimately means it was a draw. Why did they have to have him die, along with all the other numerous characters that really didnt need to. Lin's legacy lost as Shin died, Annie dead, the coveted Julia, dead from some random event which she ought not to have been there for, and now Jet and Faye left depressed and saddened because Spike threw his life away. Ultimately, there were just no winners in this or even any glimmers of hope. Endings are supposed to give closure as well as show new prospects and paths to take, filled with some inspirational life message to take away or something to give material to think over and reflect. This ending fails in all areas and actually is pretty sad, depressing, and emotionally rotten. Only thing the episode had going for it was good action and Spike being kind of epic running into there.
Woah, I've never been in here before, it's crazy. What's up guys?

Anyways, I watched Paprika for the second time since a while and I was reminded how awesome the film is. I was bored and made this because why not?


It's such a shame Satoshi Kon has passed away. I've seen Millennium Actress, but do you guys recommended any of his other films?

They're all worth watching for one reason or another, even if you don't necessarily like them all.

Also, welcome to the party. We're always raving it up in here. Sometimes.
My dislike of Paprika turned me off of watching more of his stuff. But if you say its his weakest film, maybe I should give it another go.

Paprika is severely flawed, mostly due to the incoherence of its plot and the poor character development for the principal characters (the detective was the best). As with a number of anime directors, Kon's personal obsessions, namely with the boundary between reality and illusions, became so emphasized as to make the film unbalanced. Definitely check out his earlier films, which don't suffer from the same flaws.


Oreimo 6

Incest stuff aside, kinda liked the sense of drama once things got rolling (until the designed visited) but I felt I wasn't fully able to appreciate it due to not watching the True End eps or whatever from the first season. Credit scene with Kuroneko was nice, I really liked how her body language is used. ED featuring her was lovely as well.

Just in general seems like some decent character drama wasted on this show though. :lol


Paprika is severely flawed, mostly due to the incoherence of its plot and the poor character development for the principal characters (the detective was the best). As with a number of anime directors, Kon's personal obsessions, namely with the boundary between reality and illusions, became so emphasized as to make the film unbalanced. Definitely check out his earlier films, which don't suffer from the same flaws.

The fact he even managed to pull a decent film from the novel was an achievement in itself. I lost count of the number of sexual assaults/rape occurrences in the novel, it's a bit of a mess, though I have shit taste so I enjoyed reading it.

First time here, couldn't resist Kon, Millennium Actress is my favourite.
Princess Mononoke impressions from roommates who've never seen anime

"Did... did that guy's head just fly off?"
"Holy crap I've never expected that much blood in a cartoon"
"I don't like this."

Last 30 minutes
"Are the eagles from Lord of the Rings going to save them?"
"Did... did that god's head just fly off?"
"I like this."
Mouryou no Hako - 10-13 END
Eh. I think it squandered its promising setup and first few episodes. It devoted too much time to characters that were neither interesting or that important. At times, it even comes off as somewhat messy with how many characters and terms they throw into the mix. There is something here that could have been quite good. Perhaps with a different director or writer and maybe a bit of refining, it could have gotten a better result.

It ultimately just left me feeling rather empty in a bad way. Anyways, on to the next show on my list which will probably end up being Kemonozume!

All of Kon's works are worth watching, but Millennium Actress and Tokyo Godfathers should be prioritized.
I second this. Tokyo Godfathers is my favorite.


Woah, I've never been in here before, it's crazy. What's up guys?

Anyways, I watched Paprika for the second time since a while and I was reminded how awesome the film is. I was bored and made this because why not?


It's such a shame Satoshi Kon has passed away. I've seen Millennium Actress, but do you guys recommended any of his other films?

All of them.
every single one.

You know what, I'll do that. Give me time though as it's going to take a bit to get the pairings right.

And because I'm watching season 2 of Queen's Blade right now. :lol


Queen's Blade S2 - 05-09

It's moments like these (nsfw) that make me wonder why I decided to take a break from Queen's Blade. I mean, really (nsfw)?

Its not as mych fun if we expect it, but go right ahead.

I have a lot of catching up to do it seems. Which is great, because now I have a bunch of films to watch. What isn't great is that the only one of his films that has been released for Blu-ray in English is Paprika, and I already own that :/

Millennium Actress is his best.
its my favorite movie.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
[Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon R] 083
Sword Art Online wishes its villain were as NEFARIOUS as Prince Demando.
I wonder what Usagi will think when she realises Demando had to undress her in order to put her in that outfit... Nothing worse than a man who wants to sully the garden. Only Mamoru is allowed to get inside that rabbit!

I thought this was pretty sad, actually.
Chibi-Usa going back to the past in order to have a fairy tale come and save her mama and papa. :(
Which, by the way, totally did not see this coming. Nope. Not a single time in twenty-four episodes.
Toei sucks at this foreshadowing thing.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Mouryou no Hako - 10-13 END
Eh. I think it squandered its promising setup and first few episodes. It devoted too much time to characters that were neither interesting or that important. At times, it even comes off as somewhat messy with how many characters and terms they throw into the mix. There is something here that could have been quite good. Perhaps with a different director or writer and maybe a bit of refining, it could have gotten a better rest.

It ultimately just left me feeling rather empty in a bad way. Anyways, on to the next show on my list which will probably end up being Kemonozume!

I agree with this. It's a really boring show. I tried to rewatch it because some people here really like it but shrug.

Kemonozume is pretty neat. Although I enjoyed watching it way more than I enjoyed what I was actually watching.
Aku no Hana 6

I've started skipping around. It's too damn slow to watch in it's entirety every week.

I still don't agree with them, but I'm kind of understanding the people calling this uncomfortable. I think a lot of that has to do with how ugly it is.


The Light of El Cantare
Seeing Rikka constantly getting friendship NTR'd as more people flock to Mana's perfection is the best thing about Dokidoki. That there was even an episode devoted to it is amazing.
Currently wouldn't mind Makoto being in last place on the harem ladder. Although I'm not sure who to place ahead, Alice or Rikka. I mean Rikka slept in the same bed as Mana did, but Alice beat the shit out of bullies for picking on her beloved Mana.

Regina will be on top though.
Kemonozume is pretty neat. Although I enjoyed watching it way more than I enjoyed what I was actually watching.
After Tatami Galaxy, I've been eager to check out some of Yuasa's other work and Kemonozume was the first to stick out to me. I plan to check out Kaiba some time later as well.

Plus, I felt the need to prioritize Kemonozume after finding out that this infamous scene was from it.


The Light of El Cantare
Futari wa Precure Max Heart Movie 1

It's your standard babby's first good vs. evil Annual Toei Cashgrab Movie plot, now skinned in the shittiest and most generic trappings of the Futari wa narrative and filled with an illegal amount of mascots! These rainbow-slathered alternate dimensions populated and run by critters really need to stop investing the entirety of their society's magical power in small objects that will end the fucking universe if stolen or tampered with. Just fucking discover electricity or something already and power your worlds with that.

If you're enthralled by such avant-garde concepts as DARKNESS VS. LIGHT and EVERYONE'S FEELINGS BECOMING ONE, this is a perfect use of seventy minutes of your time.


I am gonna have a positive attitude tonight. And you know why? Every show I'm watching is at least decent, so I will use the POWAH OF MY MIND to will myself to enjoy them all. Everyone keeps saying for instance, that I'm watching Valvrave for the wrong reasons, and after consideration, that's probably true. After all, the things that make me love Escaflowne could be derided with the wrong mind-set.

I've decided to call this project "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the L-Elf." Let's see how long it lasts.


Late reply, but you should totally watch it. Really, please watch it I want to see what you think of the ending.

Through the magic of that little arrow, I've divined what you're talking about and I'll back that sentiment. Also I'll do the usual pimping of episode 3 as being totally awesome and one of my favorite eps of any show.

What was it again? Bow and Sword? How long is it, and what genre?

Gun X Sword. 26 eps. MECHA. I think Funi has both sub & dub up on youtube if you're in NA.


Subete no aware
nao x reika is the only pairing worth a goddamn. owned by brian
I know, but SDBurton is a Nao x Akane freak. He's still in denial that Akane is living in England now.

Hey I said I'm starting to warm up to NaoxReika because reasons....

Be happy you hater!
You and your porn!


stay eternally owned by brian and the power of his baloney poney


Seitokai Yakuindomo OVA6


Things to look out for:
a) The Bondage Bear cameo.
b) The Norio Wakamoto impression.
c) 10 seconds of Kobayashi doing her thing.

I hope they keep making these things. It's stupid, but it's amusing and the manic 4-koma pacing is still pretty fun to watch.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Aku no Hana 6

Nakamura is the fucking best.

Gonna be sad when this show ends. Never thought a show could make a scene involving school handouts be exciting but here we are.


Seeing Rikka constantly getting friendship NTR'd as more people flock to Mana's perfection is the best thing about Dokidoki. That there was even an episode devoted to it is amazing.

Dokidoki looks and sounds amazing. Cant wait to finally experience the show.
most likely well after it has aired though.


I'm just posting here to let you all know that I am very sad and disappointed that people would rather post about Gargantia in this megathread rather than in my Gargantia OT. It makes me very upset and sometimes I cry.


I'll start watching Gun x Sword, but not until tomorrow. Nobody tell Cajun, though, because I'm still not starting Kiddy Grade until I'm done with Betterman, which should be a few days from now at most.
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