Hundred episode 3
Okay, finals are behind me, and I’ve had a few days of rest, so let’s chip away at this piece of shit.
While I didn’t get to it in my previous episode assessments, let me just say that I absolutely hate the character designs of the Cat-girl (Her name is fucking Mai-mei… its like someone heard someone mispronounce meme and said “yeah that’s what we should call her”

and the Black Butler reject (Chris). They don’t fit, and the proportions are all weird on those two. Its very very jarring when they are on screen, but HAY we see them on screen together here! This episode doesn’t start off strong, lets just say that…
Anyway, we see a look at the first “Savage” other than the one in the flashback and its… lackluster to say the least. Kinda boring looking. Very generic, insect big-enemy looking creature. We see it clearly and then they change the camera angle for no discernible reason only to go “Its Huge! A Giant!” Well no shit. When was there a small savage? We’ve never seen one, how could we assume there would be small ones? Well, right after that we get a back and forth of characters going “you’re not going, yes we are” which doesn’t tell us anything about the characters. Its just fluff writing.
Then we get the opening. I must say, I actually like the OP in this show. The visuals... some of them could be better. That’s all I’ll really say about it. The scene after the OP isn’t bad, just mission exposition. We get into the actual battle. Defeating these “Savages” actually doesn’t look that hard, if the people fighting them weren’t so damn incompetent. Most of the issues arising from these fights seem to be incompetence or lack of contingent planning, which for a military-esque mission like this, is pitiful.
I’ll get back to that in a second, but let me just say that the exposition in this show is kinda bullshit WHILE its being demonstrated. “A Savage’s skin is said to be as strong as steel, but an attack from a Hundred can slice it like butter” is said just as a strong energy blast does nothing but break the glass-like weakest part of the savage (which is shielding the core… kind of a huge design error, eh?). We then see the green-haired side character pierce the core with a drill weapon (not quite like butter), and then immediately exclaim “Did you see that, Emile Crossforde?!” which made me question her sanity, intelligence, and the writing in general. Why does she say this? Emile is still on the plane, waiting to deploy. Sure she doesn’t like Emile, but just piercing a core like that isn’t very impressive. If she had done that single handed and the Savage wasn’t tied up and incapacitated, then sure go and gloat. But here it just looks really petty. Maybe that’s what they were going for, but I doubt that. I think the writers wanted to write her as “proud”. I didn’t get that here. This is only 7 minutes in.
Emile then pushes Hayato off before being clear for deployment and whatever, slight comedy and mid-air planning. Nothing offensive. But then we’re given a few shots that screw with the constancy of the toughness of the Savages. We see that Emile’s blasts do… nothing (I get that she’s putting up a smokescreen, but why?), then Hayato’s slash cracks the glass-like core shield, but then Emile slices off the Savages arm no problem. This begs the question, are slices stronger, or are blasts? Because Queen Drill’s blast decimated the shield, but left everything else without a scratch, but slashes seem to have the opposite effect. They seem to be have an easy time taking apart limbs, but have problems with the shield. Whatever, just something dumb I noticed.
We see that one of the side-character’s abilities (a poor man’s Chain Jail) is inconsistence in tying up enemies, and so shit hits the fan. Because of this, the 2 side characters are out of the fight and Queen Drills tries to use here supped up suit thing to finish the job. We then see that she doesn’t have enough energy because of the fight with Hayato in episode 2 (HOW WAS THIS NOT CHECKED PRIOR TO DEPLOYMENT?!). To be fair we do see that Savages do have the power to do strong energy blasts, so maybe they kind of are a threat… but still… We then see Hayato saving Queen Drills while grabbing her side boob, because why not. And Queen Drills falls more in love with him for saving her and princess caring her and side boob grabbing her because why the fuck not? Both Queen Drills and Hayato then shield from a blast from the Savage, and while this should have been kinda cool, I couldn’t help but wonder why the hell was he still carrying her? He had ample time to put her down. We’re halfway through the episode now, I’ll speed thing up now.
Emile ends up holding her own a little and then gets into danger. Hayato then remembers that Emile is really, wait for it, EMILIA (dun dun DUN!) who was the girl in the first part of episode 1 (not like anyone didn’t know at this point). How do they show that she’s a girl? By ripping her battle uniform to show side boob, of course! Hayato saves her, goes berserk like in episode 2. He goes nuts and is about to throw a red spirit ball until Emilia comes up and kisses him, which calms his shit down. She even gets some tongue in there. Hayato is now able to control his supped up form and defeats the savage (The “Hayato goes nuts to win” formula is very apparent here… I don’t expect that to change). Everything's over, Hayato is exhausted and Queen Drills is flustered over the kiss and the fact that Emilia is a girl. They return to Mother Base and Hayato and Emilia talk. Here we hear all the exposition: Hayato and Emilia are infected with the Savage virus which normally kills people, and if not makes them go nuts when close to death. The only way to stop them from going nuts close to death is through heavy training or through kissing someone whose virus isn’t active (because why not).
Narag proposed that this might be foreshadowing for Emilia to go nuts with no one able to help her, but that doesn’t hold water here. The only way for her to not get help is if Hayato also goes nuts at the same time. At that point everyone would be just fucked and honestly, that would be a LOT more interesting that what we have so far. Sort of a 2 lovers turned monsters destroying the world story. I’d actually enjoy it if that’s how they went, but that would be giving the writers and scenario builders way too much credit.
Well, after that whole shtick, we then get some hammy kissing romance BS from Hayato and Emilia as she “administrates her inactive virus” into him. At this point, we are 22 minute into the episode, the credits are about to roll, but 1 thing that I saw in pictures hasn’t happened yet. Suddenly, in the 11th hour, Queen Drills enters the room to see Emilia on top of Hayato (because why not), then Hayato tries to get up and trips on Emilia (because why not), and then lands on Queen Drills. Lips locked, boobs grabbed. Because, why the fuck not? Everyone’s slightly flustered and everything that you’d expect from an anime like this that would happen, happens. But we do get a good slight gag from the hall mates.
And that’s the episode. I promised a long write up, and here it is. Around 1300 words. Its good to be back.
This anime is so shitty. I love it.
I'll talk about the other episodes I've watched since last week later.