Berserk goes on Hiatus the week HxH comes back
Its like poetry
Don't worry, HxH will be back on hiatus soon enough. When does the next Dragon Quest game come out?
Berserk goes on Hiatus the week HxH comes back
Its like poetry
I would actually like to go to AX one year, but I hear going by yourself is a huge drag.
Don't worry, HxH will be back on hiatus soon enough. When does the next Dragon Quest game come out?
Berserk goes on Hiatus the week HxH comes back
Its like poetry
I've been defending some of the particular quirks of the style chosen in the Welcome to the Ballroom anime, but.... WTF
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 3
Judging by the amount of twitter chatter mentioning her yet not actually reading a single tweet very closely, it seems like the star of the show has arrived.
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 4
i mean the dodgeball was cool and all but jesus christ at that backpack price tag.
My interpretation of things is that Dragon Maid is a bad show.
It's a hot take in that it's correct.
Transformers: The Last Knight
The 4th best live action Transformers movie ;p
Penguindrum 24 (End)
I'd like to say I was able to follow the most of the general plot, and the characters themselves were generally interesting and fun to watch. But man, I got so confused by everything in the last few episodes. I mean, I still had a lot of fun with it, but this was several layers more deep than I want to think about.
Penguindrum 24 (End)
I'd like to say I was able to follow the most of the general plot, and the characters themselves were generally interesting and fun to watch. But man, I got so confused by everything in the last few episodes. I mean, I still had a lot of fun with it, but this was several layers more deep than I want to think about.
My interpretation of things is that Dragon Maid is a bad show.
It's a hot take in that it's correct.
My interpretation of things is that Dragon Maid is a bad show.
It's a hot take in that it's correct.
ill fight you
So... other than monogatari, what's good next season?
I didn't finish the first season.New Game+
New Game+
Half the season is going be a recap of past seasons, so probably.
So... other than monogatari, what's good next season?
I'm looking forward toSo... other than monogatari, what's good next season?
I'm looking forward to
Ballroom e Youkoso
Shoukoku no Altair
and I am curious about
Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu
Made in Abyss
Musekinin Galaxy☆Tylor
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (TV)
So... other than monogatari, what's good next season?
Maybe Dive will be good.
I am beyond excited to experience a Symphogear season week by week after binging the 3.There's more Symphogear! And a giant robot isekai show.
I can't even remember what happened last season outside of the shuttle suplex... Sugita's character came back, did a face turn and helped everyone save the day before dying?There's more Symphogear! And a giant robot isekai show.
This reminds me of Coda, except without the crossdressing blackmail part. lolI'm looking forward to
Ballroom e Youkoso
Been a while since I've watched an easy going romcom I guess.Nothing yet, but...
Hajimete no Gyaru.
Shield Hero is getting an anime. Wonder who the animation studio is. This has the potential to be big, because we know people love The Edge
Sölf;241692702 said:Was the Gintama live action trailer already posted here? This is the most recent one I found (ignore the last 40 seconds):
And, I have to admit, this looks actually quite good. Give me subtitles and I am happy.
Also, a trailer for the Shinsengumi series, as far as I know:
How edgy is it compared to Goblin Slayer?
Oh, it was the old one that was posted here before.
(The CG looks baaaaaad lol)
I'm a bit disappointed that it's just a remake of the Benezakura arc instead of something metatextual that shits on the idea of a live action Gintama movie. I think they should have went comedy route instead of "serious". Hell, even if it meant a live action version of the episode where Gintoki and Hijikata are stuck in the crapper without toilet paper.
ah ha i can steam gift single eps, just not the whole bundle
It's the first major arc of the series and where the show really goes serious and hits its stride. I can understand why they decided to make that arc into the first anime movie.Sölf;241693341 said:The toilet paper scene is the best in the whole series.
As far as the movie goes, I think the Benizakura arc works pretty well as a standalone. Who knows what else may come after that. Comedy would be great though, I really hope we do get that at some point.
ah ha i can steam gift single eps, just not the whole bundle
Other than trolling, I don't understand the CR business model for anime on Steam.Kemono Friends for all
My interpretation of things is that Dragon Maid is a bad show.
It's a hot take in that it's correct.
So... other than monogatari, what's good next season?
Speaking of anime, I finally watched something so my streak of watching something every season is still alive.
Yeah it's Koe no Katachi, but whatever. lol
First and foremost, and this has nothing to do with the film itself, but teachers must be horrible people if they fail their charges in such tremendous fashion. I think I'm more sensitive to it now than when I first read the manga a couple of years ago, because there was just another teen suicide in Canada a few days ago due in large part to online bullying. (What's worse is that this is the THIRD teen suicide in the school district for the year, so teachers in the entire city are failing to properly support their students).
The manga is about the children coming to terms with their own isolation, but the adults are just terrible and I almost wonder if their complete absence from the text is in and of itself a condemnation of a social system that chooses to ignore those who "make trouble". Hell, you basically have two characters who consistently skip school and no one seems to care.
Anyway, I suppose the one major criticism that comes to mind for me is that you can tell that this is an adaptation of a much longer text. It reminded me a bit of the clunkiness of theadaptation, where a lot of the threads felt underdeveloped and aborted, although admittedly, I think this film is a much smoother adaptation than Kids on the Slope. You can see the seams particularly when the rest of the cast is introduced, showing a wider circle of friends who don't really have any depth because they're forced to be cogs in the wider plot. Mashiba suffers the most from this, as the entire arc involving his character is completely removed. Ueno is probably the only side character who approaches being fully developed, but even then, her motivations are found a bit wanting.Kids on the Slope
You have a scene with this particularly striking series of shots.
The characters are framed from Ishida's point of view, where Nishimiya casts a shadow over him - particularly after he blows up at his "friends" and causes a rift in the group - and we see her looming above him, to the point that when he looks up at her, she is bathed in a blinding light. We immediately understand the dynamic between them, but only as Ishida sees it, because it's not long after that we learn that Nishimiya has her own problems when she attempts to commit suicide later in the film.
Other than trolling, I don't understand the CR business model for anime on Steam.
I'm talking about, you know, authorities. The one teacher you get in the "prequel" (or One Shot, based on the manga) is pretty terrible. But then again I've read that schools don't really have guidance counselors or mental health professionals, so yeah. It's more a larger comment about a society where suicide is rampant enough where there's an actual "suicide forest" and no one seems to know what to do about it.I cannot speak to the manga, but if you thought adults were completely absent from the film I have to wonder how you missed every scene with Shoya and Shoyo's respective mothers, who are both very important characters.
Well, that's my problem - with K-On, Yoshida/Yamada clearly knew to throw out the manga and just do whatever they wanted to do. They could have done the same and cut several characters. At best, you could keep Ishida's "BFF" to show him making a friend, and Ueno to show a spectre of his past haunting him. Characters like Sasahara add nothing to the film and are there because they were in the manga.As someone who has not read the manga, I feel like this might be more of a problem for people who have and expect their adaptations to carry over every detail of the original. Sure, the film does not take the time to fully examine and flesh out every side character, but I don't see that as an inherent negative. The visual and thematic storytelling is so strong, as you acknowledge, and the throughline of the film is well-constructed and focused. If this had been made into a TV series rather than a film, the production would inevitably have been weaker (even for KyoAni), bloat and a looser focus would likely have been introduced, and ultimately I don't think the work would have been as powerful even if it would have been more of a 1:1 adaptation of the manga.
Yeah, I like that scene because at first it's an obvious visual metaphor, but it also reveals the depth of their relationship if you stop to think about how the characters are being presented. The fact that it's like a 5-10 second sequence is amazing, because it's just left to sit in your brain for you to think about subconsciously.I hadn't payed too much attention to the lighting and the different POVs in this scene. It sure is interesting how Nishimiya casting a shadow over Ishida perfectly translates how she sees her influence in his life at that moment "you will never be happy when I'm around". The same goes for Ishida who is still unable to understand her, blinded as he is by his own convenient interpretation of her person.
That doesn't help... lol