Lucky Forward
Flavoring your beer with mango, melon, lime, or chocolate? No. I don't see anyone other than teen-age girls buying this.

A booze buzz for teenyboppers?
Anheuser-Busch product so adorable it draws fire from alcohol abuse camp
With prom season and all its attendant hazards around the corner, some law enforcers and health advocates are adding one more cause for parents to worry a new alcoholic beverage called Spykes that is sized, flavored and priced in a way that critics say is aimed at teens.
Spykes, made by Anheuser-Busch, is a malt beverage with 12 percent alcohol content about the same as wine. It comes in mango, lime, melon and chocolate flavors and is infused with caffeine as well as the herbs ginseng and guarana. Sold in 2-ounce bottles that go for 75 cents to a dollar apiece, Spykes gives kick to your beer, flavor to your drink, and is a perfect shot, according to the promotional Web site,
Its also cute about the size of a nail polish bottle so it can easily slip into the tiniest clutch purse or tuxedo pocket.
Its the perfect drink for a child, lamented Judi Vining, coordinator of the Coalition to Prevent Underage Drinking in Long Beach, N.Y. She has started a campaign to alert parents and law enforcers in her area, and persuade retailers not to carry the product.
Prom season and graduation season are coming up, said Vining, who notes how easy it would be to conceal Spykes. Its scary. We dont want to see people die.
Anheuser-Busch rejects the criticism, saying Spykes is merely its response to contemporary adult consumers who it says are looking for innovative alcohol beverages to match their active lifestyles. The companys communications office said no one was available to be interviewed but supplied written comments attributed to vice president of consumer affairs, John Kaestner.
Anheuser-Busch notes that Spykes is clearly marked as containing alcohol. The company also cites its contribution of more than $500 million dollars to programs for preventing alcohol abuse, including underage drinking, since 1982.
That said, the way to prevent underage drinking is not by limiting product choices for adults, the company statement said. Rather, the solution is to prevent youth access to alcohol by training retailers to properly check IDs, supporting law enforcement officials in enforcing underage-drinking laws, and encouraging parents to set rules and consequences for their sons and daughters.
That argument has done nothing to cool the anger over the introduction of Spykes bubbling away on an Internet mail list for professionals in the drug and alcohol abuse field. Many of these people were already concerned about the impact of alcohol-energy drink blends on teen drinking. But Spykes' size, coloring and exotic flavors make it singularly offensive to them.
Introducing these products when our country is already so awash in underage and destructive drinking can be considered reckless at best, wrote a contributor who identified himself as Alan Markwood, prevention projects coordinator at Chestnut Health Systems in Bloomington, Ill. Hard to imagine the alcohol execs are really that out of touch with the damage they are doing by introducing products like this.
Law enforcers also are warning of the potential for youth abuse of the product.
These new products appear to be marketed for young people, warns a bulletin on Spykes issued in February by the Michigan State Police Tri-County Narcotics Team. It puts officers on alert that Spykes could/will be easily overlooked by patrol officers, especially in a womans purse.
A blog published by the Oregon Partnership, a non-profit for drug and alcohol awareness, calls on consumers to write Anheuser-Busch in protest.
Flavoring your beer with mango, melon, lime, or chocolate? No. I don't see anyone other than teen-age girls buying this.