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Square Enix earnings report strong on online & mobile content



Square Enix Strong on Online, Mobile Content

November 18, 2004 - Square Enix released its April to September earnings report today, and the numbers point to big things in areas like Online and mobile gaming.

Sales for the period were up 23.6% from last year's April to September period, coming in at 24.3 billion yen. Operating profit was up 155.3% to 5.9 billion yen with pure profit up 162.8% to 3.133 billion yen.

Online games performed well, with specific mention given to Final Fantasy XI and the Asian massively multiplayer Online RPG Cross Gate. This particular division of the company saw a 101% rise in sales to 7.684 billion yen, with operating profit up 230.9% to 3.252 billion yen.

Mobile contents also saw strong sales when compared to last year. This division saw sales rise 54.8% over last year, with operating profits rise 7%. The company claims to have added registered members to its portal sites both for the iMode and EZweb mobile services.

Finally comes the traditional packaged game business. Due to a lack of new software in Japan, sales dropped 13.4% from last year. However, profit increased by 7% due to strong sales of Final Fantasy 1&II Advance and Dragon Quest V.

With Dragon Quest VIII coming out during the current term, we expect Square Enix's console business to blow away the other facets of its business the next time around. Console fanatics start counting the days until Square Enix's next financial report.
neptunes said:
I wonder how many ffxi users are playing from their pc? :lol

It's the only way to go, honestly. Unless you have seriously outdated PC hardware.

Anyways, good news. If this means FFXI will keep growing in content, and not flopping to a stop. I'm glad. :p Though, I didn't have a doubt it would be successful, even back at the Japanese launch. I wonder how it's going to stand up to the brunt of these new "revolutionary" MMORPGs though.
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