No Men in Boxes we need you leading the counter attack!
I will take the reins then

This game has sold fine not amazing and obviously not bad it's done enough to probably be profitable already and justify dlc blah blah.
BUT! It's not the mega hit Square obviously want it to be. When all is said and done it won't be at God of war, Horizon or even resident evil level.
All this BS about attach rates etc ain't gone change that.
And Square fucking want it to be that big why on earth wouldn't they? Yoshida was banging on about how FF was no longer a must buy any more and this game was attempting to change that.
Well news flash it hasn't. It sold enough to be profitable and to justify Sqaure faffing about with this franchise for another 5 years not really committing to anything.
And yes I have a vested interest in Future FFs not being like FF16 fucking sue me!