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Star Trek: Discovery is ending!


Gold Member

youtube the evil is defeated GIF


It was bad. I gave up on it. Hated every second a Klingon was on screen, though I think at least they got rid of that plot.
We got Klingon Boobs though.

But yes, it really killed Trek in many ways. If this is mainline future, any other show before it is meaningless. That’s the problem with time travel: We know that every universe threatening menace will be defeated without consequences.

Apart that Disco was just bad storytelling in so many ways, it would take ages to count all of them. Inconsistency with the other series not even taking into this count.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I saw a half a season 1 and I just could not get into it. I love Star Trek by the way. But this show is just a drag. I like that Isaac actor whose name I can't remember but he was in Harry Potter and Event Horizon and he played a real bastard in The Patriot.

Edit: Jason Isaacs.

What's funny is I almost forgot how to spell his last name and his last name is my middle name lol.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
On the meta commentary, it feels like well over half of the fandom has been asking them to make a new show in the vein of The Next Generation since the late 2000's and they just kept refusing, pushing this music video of a take on Star Trek on us instead.

I suppose it's a good thing the show is ending, but I still don't have much confidence in them giving the fans what they want. Hell, The Orville is more a Star Trek show than this or even what I've seen of the latest episode of Picard.


Good. Fuck off back to your hole, with your emotionally unstable children instead of Starfleet officers, lacklustre scripts, and your fucking terrible spirituality and faith shit that would have made Roddenberry turn in his grave.

Read in the Drinkers voice. Perfect.

Once I saw the Klingons I was out and never looked back. Nice to see it final taken to the back of the shed.
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The most unlikeable protagonist ever. Fucking hated her in the walking dead and after watching the first season of discovery, i am 100% going to avoid all her projects.


Bless the maker. I watched the first 3 seasons and am currently struggling to get through season 4. It's just so damn bad and boring. The only reason I watch it, is because it's Trek. And maybe there is some good Trek in the future which references this bullshit.

And is Burnham even crying on the damn poster? Why is she crying all the time?!
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I watched 3 seasons and tapped out.

God was it bad. Used to have a buddy that was an old school trekkie and we’d laugh calling it Star Trek Chlamydia because the name spells STD.

From that point onwards the name “Burnham” acquired a different connotation 😁


Good. Fuck off back to your hole, with your emotionally unstable children instead of Starfleet officers, lacklustre scripts, and your fucking terrible spirituality and faith shit that would have made Roddenberry turn in his grave.
It always rub me the wrong way as It was established for a while that to make it to Starfleet is extremely hard and they only take the best from each Species. You can't have it both ways.
You can't be the best of the best and emotionally unstable wreck.

It the same with every space drama where you see astronauts getting into fights where these people wouldn't pass the first screening NASA does while recruiting FFS.

NuTrek is complete trash.

Star Trek Lower Decks is pretty decent. They have decent characters arc and you can see growth over the seasons.


It actually started off fine and then halfway through the first series is plummeted and never wanted to see much more.


I didn't make it past season 2 of that stress experiment. It was like being stuck in one long bad episode of normal Trek.

Prodigy seemed to manufacture better the uneven installment storytelling of Trek from the couple eps that I watched. Maybe there is something to writing these shows like under the conditions of Kelis the Poet.
I don't know why I expected better commentary from the people here, lmao.

Disco was only really bad in season 1, it was fine the rest of the way. Better than Enterprise, not as good as the GOAT Voyager.

What I'd really like to see now is a late 25th century Enterprise episodic show that's completely divorced from the TOS and TNG eras.
I don't know why I expected better commentary from the people here, lmao.

Disco was only really bad in season 1, it was fine the rest of the way. Better than Enterprise, not as good as the GOAT Voyager.

What I'd really like to see now is a late 25th century Enterprise episodic show that's completely divorced from the TOS and TNG eras.
It picked up slightly in the second season for a brief moment but overall it is a total shitshow.


Suffers with mild autism
I guarantee this trash show was a money loss the entire time it was produced, but they didn't really care about that and kept pushing it anyway.

Anyhow, it turned Star Trek from being about intelligent, rational adults, to being a weird diversity fantasy filled with the worst corporate-HR-department caricatures of women you could possibly imagine.



I guarantee this trash show was a money loss the entire time it was produced, but they didn't really care about that and kept pushing it anyway.

Anyhow, it turned Star Trek from being about intelligent, rational adults, to being a weird diversity fantasy filled with the worst corporate-HR-department caricatures of women you could possibly imagine.

That's a tough video to watch. The comments are spot on in criticizing STD and the woke feminazi mob mentality.

Bury this show in the garbage.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I don't know why I expected better commentary from the people here, lmao.

Disco was only really bad in season 1, it was fine the rest of the way. Better than Enterprise, not as good as the GOAT Voyager.

What I'd really like to see now is a late 25th century Enterprise episodic show that's completely divorced from the TOS and TNG eras.

Season 1: our intro to the show. Klingons are morons and apparently adults with the emotional intelligence of children are now accepted in starfleet. Plots are thin and convenient and the show focus too much on shallow character drama.

Season 2: ok, this one sort of felt a little bit like star trek, there's a season running mistery and some occasionally good episodes like the meeting with the sphere, but the fundamental problems of the first season persist. Unfortunately it shits the bed during the last episodes where the mistery is resolved and poorly. In a very characteristic self serving way, the big mistery was just a ploy to introduce a character, make burn'em even more annoying and give the lanky alien superpowers. The last bit annoys me very much because startfleet knows better than to mess with civilizations wantonly but who cares it's nutrek. Oh and also it introduces a hot new twist for next season. We are 2 seasons in and we have a twist per season (mirror universe, now time travel). Are the writers secretly telling us they don't know how to keep viewers watching without introducing twists? You be the judge.

Season 3: at this point the writers give up and pass the writing duties to the proverbial army of monkeys with typewriters. Burn'em gets a boyfriend because this show clearly needed more teenage drama, dilithium scarcity is such a dumb and easy way to use it as a device that the plots write themselves. More boring and shallow character drama. More chasing around dilithium. Somewhere in there a new doctor grows from shrooms because apparently shrroms return people from the dead (or did it happen last season? I don't remember). Such a cringeworthy plot but hey maybe the writers were afraid we were gonna forget that the genius scientist is gay since he lost his husband. Turns out the dilithium crisis was caused by an adult manchildren who couldn't cope with reality, one of the dumbest things to be put on tv, but that's coming from the show who's producers went on record to say they had one faction of klingons represent the republicans and another represent the democrats so there you go.

At this point I tapped out.

Honestly, I thought this was not worth typing because the show is widely acknowledged as a dud, but nevertheless I hope you enjoy the "better commentary".

And yes, Voyager is the GOAT. Captain Janeway would run circles around the entire cast of discovery put together.

Star Trek Voyager Captain Janeway GIF by Star Trek
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Suffers with mild autism
I'm surprised to see two people calling Voyager the GOAT

Clearly TNG is the benchmark of the entire franchise, and DS9 is also an acceptable answer if you prefer a slightly different spin on things. But despite good intentions and a nice serial setup (actual exploration! well, until the Borg plot ruined the show) Voyager was the beginning of the end for Trek. I can't stand its characters, except maybe for the holographic doctor.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I'm surprised to see two people calling Voyager the GOAT

Clearly TNG is the benchmark of the entire franchise, and DS9 is also an acceptable answer if you prefer a slightly different spin on things. But despite good intentions and a nice serial setup (actual exploration! well, until the Borg plot ruined the show) Voyager was the beginning of the end for Trek. I can't stand its characters, except maybe for the holographic doctor.

I am aware, but I loved the concept and set up. To me trek is at its best when its exploratory... tos, voyager, heck even Enterprise (although the execution was admittedly very poor on that one).

Objectively I'll tell you TNG is the best trek. Period. But in my heart, trek is about to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Also, the italics on "two people" made me chuckle as if just a lone lunatic could believe that. and you were in disbelief there was two lunatics. Well done.
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Suffers with mild autism
One of the worst parts of Discovery is the way they chased after GOT filth and violence, as if it elevated the show rather than dragging it down further into gross stupidity.

And I'd love to understand fully why an embrace of filth, torture, and violence almost always follows directly on the heels of any series turning a corner towards hardcore diversity-writing (every female character must be strong, capable, etc). The two aspects correlate so often today. What's the actual link here? The same thing happened in Picard, and most often it was women on the dealing end of the violence, like the weird fetishizing of 7of9.
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