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Star Trek: Discovery is ending!


Perpetually Offended
I feel like some of y'all just want to gatekeep ST... Like because YOU didn't like it, it should go in the trash. I don't want to watch Prodigy, but I'm not calling for it to go the way of the dodo.

Like I said .. I really, REALLY liked when went into the future... Even seeing the Guardian of Forever gave me goosebumps!

And sidenote: they're Starfleet officers... Of COURSE the women in ST are supposed to be strong and capable.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I feel like some of y'all just want to gatekeep ST... Like because YOU didn't like it, it should go in the trash. I don't want to watch Prodigy, but I'm not calling for it to go the way of the dodo.

Like I said .. I really, REALLY liked when went into the future... Even seeing the Guardian of Forever gave me goosebumps!
Lamenting a franchise losing its identity isn't 'gatekeeping.' If any person in the world walks up to me and says they're getting into TOS, TNG, or DS9 I'll be all:
High Five GIF by MOODMAN

And sidenote: they're Starfleet officers... Of COURSE the women in ST are supposed to be strong and capable.
Great, so they should probably stop crying every five seconds and committing war crimes for fun. Yum yum.
DS9 is extremely overrated. Remember, this is the show that made Worf into a puritanical terrorist and endlessly tortured the Chief (yes, I know I have a DS9 avatar).

Voyager is legitimately the best Star Trek series.
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I feel like some of y'all just want to gatekeep ST... Like because YOU didn't like it, it should go in the trash. I don't want to watch Prodigy, but I'm not calling for it to go the way of the dodo.

Like I said .. I really, REALLY liked when went into the future... Even seeing the Guardian of Forever gave me goosebumps!

And sidenote: they're Starfleet officers... Of COURSE the women in ST are supposed to be strong and capable.

Honestly, I feel that you are being disingenuous by characterizing the criticism of nutrek as "gatekeeping". Nothing is being done or said in this thread that prevents you or anyone from subscribing to peacock and watching the shows. As if we could do anything to deter a megabilion corporation from conducting business.


Suffers with mild autism
And sidenote: they're Starfleet officers... Of COURSE the women in ST are supposed to be strong and capable.

We're not talking about actual mature competence. Discovery has no idea what real maturity looks like. Every single one of its "empowered" women are weirdly immoral people lacking self-control or rational ethics, a pale shadow of actually good female characters.

But the show makes sure that they are almost comically successful at any kind of fighting, engineering, etc in every scene as if it's some kind of Marvel superhero film... while falling over backwards to ensure that the men around them do not seem that way:

It's obvious how the minds of these childish writers work, since the gears in their heads turn so slowly that you can read every scene's subtext from ten miles away. They think that this kind of thing makes the women badass, even the moments like unethical torture, killing, etc. They actually believe that this is edgy and empowering.

But they're only showing us how permanently stunted their minds are, and how no one involved in writing this show could possibly comprehend the actions of a genuine leader like Picard on TNG. I'm offended by their degradation of the intellectual quality of the show, by their idiotic glorification of violence, by their use of profanity and other elements, as if they are teenagers who snuck onto their parents' HBO subscription for a week and want to emulate GOT, and by their reduction of female characters to comic superheros who are badass as they are unethical, petty and emotional, by their evident resentment towards and fear of any traditionally masculine virtues of leadership or professionalism, .... I could go on.

Any person should be bothered by the very existence of these fools and their attempt to take the title of Star Trek. I don't care if anyone enjoys it, it's trash that makes us all worse people for merely existing out there under a franchise which used to stand for something.
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All you have to do if they ever want to pull their heads out of their asses is call it Star Trek: Prime, and spell it out that Nu-Trek is in some bullshit alternative timeline.

Set the date specifically to the start of the Picard abomination just to twist the knife.


I started watching this and am enjoying it so far. Yeah, they redid the Klingons. But it is better than I thought since I fell for all the hate. After enjoying other recent Trek shows, I decided to give it a shot and I am glad I did. I am a Trekky after all.


I started watching this and am enjoying it so far. Yeah, they redid the Klingons. But it is better than I thought since I fell for all the hate. After enjoying other recent Trek shows, I decided to give it a shot and I am glad I did. I am a Trekky after all.

Are Trekky an offshoot of Trekkies that speak Clingoff?

Star Trek Smoking GIF



I'm surprised to see two people calling Voyager the GOAT

Clearly TNG is the benchmark of the entire franchise, and DS9 is also an acceptable answer if you prefer a slightly different spin on things. But despite good intentions and a nice serial setup (actual exploration! well, until the Borg plot ruined the show) Voyager was the beginning of the end for Trek. I can't stand its characters, except maybe for the holographic doctor.
Voyager is fun to watch though. My wife and I have run through TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise every couple years for over a decade and Voyager has slowly crept up in the ranking because of 7, the Doctor and more than a handful of "fun" and some quite funny episodes.

DS9 is the pinnacle I'd argue, and TNG is more a slog.
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Watched the first three seasons a few years ago. It was entertaining at times but I couldn't really enjoy it, primarily due to the characters (but also the lame story, bad dialogue, bad pacing, etc...). The only saving grace is that Michelle Yeoh is having fun in her role even if it's a completely ridiculous set-up. It's crazy how much better she is than the rest of the cast. The actors are treating this like it's some serious space sci-fi, but with material this bad it's better play up the camp.

+Special effects are good
+Michelle Yeoh (in a campy fun, so-bad-its-good way)

-Main character is annoying and off-putting; this is OK in spurts but it would be like making Eugene the main character in Walking Dead - it just doesn't work.
-The second-in-command alien everyone raved about - didn't like the face design. He's OK as an actor and character but too ugly.
-The story flat out sucks and the ship is way too advanced for the era.
-The gay character feels like a stereotypical American big-city gay. Would love to see a fully fleshed out character like a Picard, Riker, Worf, etc... type that is gay rather than what they did here. Maybe little bit of subversion. How about that African American character they meet in the future is gay and the stereotypical dude is straight - would have played much better to do something like this and kept me much more entertained.
-I hated the time jump and what become of the Federation and Starfleet. Doesn't make sense at all for Earth to leave. If anything, that storyline (Federation and Starfleet coming apart and Earth leaving) would have been much more compelling than what we got.
-Weak villain in Season 3 when they time jump. Would have liked to see them build up a worthy, recurring villain and so disappointed they killed her off.
-Hated the whole incorporation of Spock and TOS stuff, just doesn't fit in with all the previous Trek shows and movies.
-Probably the worst part was that curly haired girl that was extremely unprofessional and freaking out all the time. How in the world did she make it through the Academy and get an actual position on a starship? She's a huge liability. Doesn't Starfleet care about competence and composure? To be fair, most of the crew is a liability including the main character.

A lot of other things bothered me (like the Klingons). I haven't watched Season 4 or 5 so I don't know if it got any better, but I'm really not invested in any of the character so not sure if I'll ever get to it. When I heard about the Stacey Abrams thing of course I thought it was stupid and ridiculous but it's the only thing that has made me interested in watching again cause at least it seems like it's entertaining. Not sure about sitting through a whole season for the payoff though. I really wish the show had gone more in that direction where it became aware it was shlock and maybe even fourth wall breaking - I mean go full-on Deadpool or something cause what they were doing as a "serious" show just wasn't working.
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I started watching this and am enjoying it so far. Yeah, they redid the Klingons. But it is better than I thought since I fell for all the hate. After enjoying other recent Trek shows, I decided to give it a shot and I am glad I did. I am a Trekky after all.
I actually really liked the first season. It was great. But… it drops off a cliff imo. Some characters are great the whole way through, just the story is kinda meh.


Gold Member
A lot of other things bothered me (like the Klingons). I haven't watched Season 4 or 5 so I don't know if it got any better

Season 4 was really, really, good. Very much a Gene Roddenberry Star Trek story like The Motion Picture. The whole season is about a new alien race that can wipe out entire solar systems and Starfleet can't communicate with them. So the whole season is them trying to find out how to communicate with this new race when it turns out their language is based on hydrocarbons.

Haven't seen 5 yet, but it's a continuation of the TNG Episode "The Chase".


Perpetually Offended
Season 4 was really, really, good. Very much a Gene Roddenberry Star Trek story like The Motion Picture. The whole season is about a new alien race that can wipe out entire solar systems and Starfleet can't communicate with them. So the whole season is them trying to find out how to communicate with this new race when it turns out their language is based on hydrocarbons.

Haven't seen 5 yet, but it's a continuation of the TNG Episode "The Chase".

Agree with all of this.

Last season is good. Best one was season 4. Finale is more about the characters ... But that makes sense since they had to retool the ending to be the series finale.


Perpetually Offended
I'm going to miss Lower Decks

And Prodigy is actually really good! I binged both seasons on Netflix last week.


Agree with all of this.

Last season is good. Best one was season 4. Finale is more about the characters ... But that makes sense since they had to retool the ending to be the series finale.

I assume retooled ending was with all the characters? A lot of them looked different.

As for the Burnham focused ending, that soured me a little knowing even at the end, all they could do was focus on her and fuck the rest of the cast.
In fact the entire S5 I was wondering where the fuck half the crew vanished, some barely got more than a few lines on the bridge.

I don't know, every trek gave a decent amount of cast time but I guess when you're limited to 10 episodes you can't go far.


Gold Member
I assume retooled ending was with all the characters? A lot of them looked different.

As for the Burnham focused ending, that soured me a little knowing even at the end, all they could do was focus on her and fuck the rest of the cast.
In fact the entire S5 I was wondering where the fuck half the crew vanished, some barely got more than a few lines on the bridge.

I don't know, every trek gave a decent amount of cast time but I guess when you're limited to 10 episodes you can't go far.

The Burnham ending was what they added to make it a series finale.


Neo Member
The series was somewhat hilarious in the fact that they kept making it worse by killing off the best main characters/villians. I was always like "Hey, maybe this is getting better" and then they would eliminate the reason it was better, lol. Over and over. I just look at the bridge crew from when they started to when they ended and it just seems so much worse overall. The tone also seemed to shift from more serious to touchy/feely over time for some reason, at least to me. I just think it was a series that had potential but they made the wrong decision by having the same character solve every single problem, just got a little boring when you knew who was going to solve the problem and they were never going to fail. Could you imagine STTNG if Picard was on the ground solving every issue, hanging out surfing in a warp bubble on top of the ship, etc? It's just so dumb that it kind of makes the show hard to watch at times.
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Perpetually Offended
What I've liked about ST is how each show was tonally different. TNG was a bit more militaristic than the laid back TOS... DS9 was a bit more mixed in tone as it had more silly episodes than TNG but also FAR MORE serious episodes than TNG, as well. And then when the Dominion War hit ... It was elevated to EPIC in tone!

I never really watched many episodes of VOY because where I lived, we didn't get UPN ... But from what I COULD see... It was a retread of TNG and I already had that. Same tone and everything.

I've never seen an episode of ENT... But from what I can piece together, the tone was kinda more laid back but also had a curiosity about it. Everything was new to them and we got to see species we've never seen in live action. Still haven't seen Catians...

Lower Decks is, by all counts, a total comedy that gives reverence to TNG, DS9 and VOY with a bit of TOS fanboyism thrown in too! But it has heart and that's why it garnered so many fans.

Prodigy SEEMS like a kid's show. The look of the characters, how they act, etc. I can't wait til they have a live action Brikar in ST. But as the season goes on, it's quite a mature story ... Especially in season 2! Won't spoil it for y'all but, it's a great ride! 20 episodes each season!

Strange New Worlds is every bit as laid back as TOS was and I LOVE IT! Pike is a great captain even more loyal to his crew than Picard was! He was prepared to have his commission revoked than have StarFleet without his Number One, Una Chin-Riley.

Discovery has had good and bad episodes, good and ok seasons... Season 4 was the BEST season of that show! If it wasn't cancelled in Season 5, I think it might have ended MUCH better than it did. The tone changed from being serious to something different once they went to the future. It was at times serious and then laid back and then kinda funny back to serious and then laid back with lots of open emotions towards each other. The mystery of the 10-C was GREAT with the only sour note being that rogue scientist... I won't say any more.

Picard... Was kinda hit and miss. The end of the first season, IMO, more than made up for any complaints I had about it. Second season, Q was the best thing about it. Glad they got rid of Rios ... Season 3 was EXACTLY what Star Trek: Nemesis SHOULD have been! What a great story and conclusion for those characters!

I'm a HUGE Trekkie so I had to get that off my chest... LoL! I may go back and watch Voyager and Enterprise for the first time!


Gold Member
But from what I COULD see... It was a retread of TNG and I already had that. Same tone and everything.

Voyager reused effects and rejected scripts from TNG. In one of the early episodes Harry Kim is escaping in a shuttle from an imagined Starfleet or something and he's flying out of the Dyson Sphere from Relics in TNG. They just replaced the Enterprise in the shot with his shuttle. Garret Wang also wore Brent Spiner's shoes from TNG in the first season (Spiner's name were written in them). It was a cheap knock-off that was done as cheap as possible due to the new UPN network and not syndication.
It ended for me a while ago.
Ended for me before it even began. When i saw the klingons and all the articles about how girl boss was the chosen one and related to spock, and the captain took a back seat. Then there was the cursing all over the bridge and woke shit, along with cringy writing. I said nope.

Sucks as I love every Trek series up to and including Enterprise. Although the TOS is the best!
Good. Nu trek is awful in every way. Strange new world can die too.
Is strange new worlds as woke/cringy as as ST:D or picard?(cursing and acting non trek like on the bridge, not having any moral lessons or problems to conquer, horrible writing, and elevating certian people over others, klingon as idiots and different than past). I never even knew strange new worlds even existed. I certianly won't get a streaming service just to watch it though, even if it is good.


Perpetually Offended
Is strange new worlds as woke/cringy as as ST:D or picard?(cursing and acting non trek like on the bridge, not having any moral lessons or problems to conquer, horrible writing, and elevating certian people over others, klingon as idiots and different than past). I never even knew strange new worlds even existed. I certianly won't get a streaming service just to watch it though, even if it is good.

It's like a combination of TOS and TNG... An overarching looming threat but story of the week like TOS and TNG. Laid back like TOS with SOME of the military trappings of TNG... It's set 10 years before TOS... Pike and crew.


Gold Member
Finished up the last season. It was worlds above season 4 for me which seemed like everyone was always crying and in crisis. Still my least favorite Star Trek series, but liked that they have a defined enemy and some fun scripts for the ending of a meh show. Strange New Worlds is much better.

Also hate the Tilly character. She is smug and so disrespectful to command. Having been in the military, I find her to be extremely cringy. Really hope they don’t carry her over into the Academy series. Fan favorite she is not.
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So I am about to wrap this up. I think I am on the last episode of the final season. Wow, did this show take a dive after season 2. Essentially after jumping ahead 900 years into the future. Some parts of the 3rd season were interesting. I really lost interest in seasons 4 and 5. And am I surprised that about the same time they brought on new non-binary and trans characters, that the writing fell off a cliff? Nope. They were just awfully boring characters and they didn't add anything to the crew.
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