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Star Trek Online Free to Play |OT| Boldly freeloading where others have subbed before


Yeah, that IGN vid is way outdated: 2 years of new Featured Episodes (many with cutscenes and voice acting!), new content, new ships, new areas like Starfleet Academy and lots of little changes to things like the economy and UI.

Think an outlet like IGN would ever do a re-review?


Obviously, but the time it takes to travel to your bridge, down the turbolift and to sickbay is roughly comparable to the time it takes to click "transwarp to Earth spacedock" and go to that sickbay. There's little downside, and it makes the interior of your ship somewhat useful.

EDIT: heck, if you want, make it so that Critical Injuries have to be cured at a spacedock, because "we don't have the facilities necessary" or something, but let Major and Minor Injuries be curable in Sickbay.

You're absolutely right. In a perfect world (hir hir) you'd have an expensive version of the sickbay/engineering functionality on your own ship, with advantages given to you for going back to a Starbase.

They've been talking about that for a while now, bringing more functionality to your own ship. The problem is you want to keep incentivising people who go to social zones...


Yeah, that IGN vid is way outdated: 2 years of new Featured Episodes (many with cutscenes and voice acting!), new content, new ships, new areas like Starfleet Academy and lots of little changes to things like the economy and UI.

Think an outlet like IGN would ever do a re-review?

Well the launch of F2P presents a good opportunity to re-review the game. They can treat all the changes since launch as if it were a single expansion pack called F2P or something.


Was a bit disappointed that the borg didnt adapt to my phasers in that intro tutorial section. I was thinking that i would have to program my phasers to alternating frequencies or something. Still an awesome game for a trekkie like me.


I played for a couple hours last night, but I should probably restart my character. I was just getting into the game and messing around and not paying attention to what crew members I was picking or what stat points I was buying and whatnot. There's probably some research I need to be doing about min/maxing my char and stuff. I'd be super pissed if I misplaced a couple points at the end I and had to pay for a respec.


Was a bit disappointed that the borg didnt adapt to my phasers in that intro tutorial section. I was thinking that i would have to program my phasers to alternating frequencies or something. Still an awesome game for a trekkie like me.

The Borg in the tutorial are "damaged, malfunctioning" weakened Borg. Later game Borg do adapt (requiring you to modulate your weapon) and even briefly assimilate you, taking over your controls and turning you against your teammates.


I must be missing something, after I hit install it takes me to a page asking for my CD key to activate.



Lol. It was actually my internet. It died, and just now its back up. Lets try this again. Question. Can you switch out officers? I have some blue alien girl with antenna's, I want someone else.
Lol. It was actually my internet. It died, and just now its back up. Lets try this again. Question. Can you switch out officers? I have some blue alien girl with antenna's, I want someone else.

Speaking of her--is she the only bridge officer available at the start? The game makes it sound like you get to take your pick, but the two times I've started characters I've had no option and just ended up with her.


Speaking of her--is she the only bridge officer available at the start? The game makes it sound like you get to take your pick, but the two times I've started characters I've had no option and just ended up with her.

It's been a while since I made my character, but I seem to remember having a choice of 3 (one for science, tatical, and engineering). You get more bridge officers as the game goes along, and you can swap them out later.
Yeah, you'll get more bridge officers. They don't all have to be active, but there is a limit to how many you can have total; a limit which can be increased by C-Store purchases and/or becoming a subscriber.

Also worth noting that if you go to change your new bridge officers' uniforms, total appearance can be changed. I always just hit Random a few times until I get something interesting. So I've got a Vulcan who kind of looks like Ralph Malph, and a pudgy balding Bajoran among others.


Heres my guy on Vulcan. Game looks way better with that half resolution off. Runs pretty well at max settings. I might actually spend money on this game. Never done that with a F2P game before. Yah, my bloom is at max. :p



Maybe we can form a better organized GAFleet with a central meeting area to find each other this time around if we get enough people hopefully

Yup. I'm online now if people want to make that fleet. Just add E'Sel@Walshicus and we'll form the party on Earth Space Dock.
That picture reminds me: If you want your character to look like they're in their standard uniform, it's possible in the equip screen to turn off the visual for things like armor. I usually go for a clean TNG look, which the gadgets tend to get in the way of.

Of course, either way a hand through the leg is a bit off.


Granted this was taken a while ago, but looks were never this game's problem. I think it's one of the reasons why I skipped on TOR. The graphics/character designs are so inferior compared to games like STO that I just couldn't go beyond beta.


Oh yes, I always turn off the armour and kit visuals. Right-click on them in your equipment page to do so.

(Still hoping to do that Fleet creation!)

Salami Inferno

Neo Member
I definitely want to suggest checking out the Foundry missions. There are some amazing player made missions out there. I recommend "The Worst of All Worlds" as one of my favorite player made missions.


Heh. I just started. I just did the orion quest, that was pretty cool. Saving the Azura. Now I'm doing an Episode quest. Escorting someone on Vulcan. I don't know my level, other than I'm a Lieutenant now.


I definitely want to suggest checking out the Foundry missions. There are some amazing player made missions out there. I recommend "The Worst of All Worlds" as one of my favorite player made missions.

I'm still trying to remember the name of a really good Foundry mission I played;
you investigated a planet and the author had this cool mechanism where the entire cave map disappeared and showed a parallel planet "beneath" it... really trying to remember more so I can do an update to the OP with it in.

Oh, and you should make noises about updating the Featured Foundry Episodes bit on the website!
I played for a couple hours last night, but I should probably restart my character. I was just getting into the game and messing around and not paying attention to what crew members I was picking or what stat points I was buying and whatnot. There's probably some research I need to be doing about min/maxing my char and stuff. I'd be super pissed if I misplaced a couple points at the end I and had to pay for a respec.

I'm starting to think so as well, the game also just doesn't explain much beyond the controls. It's definitely not new to MMO friendly, just a shit ton of stats being thrown at me which I have almost zero clue what does what, and don't even get me started on leveling... I have no fucking clue what is what and why I should do this over that.


I don't really think this game is noob friendly.

It actually reminds me of that mysterious feeling I used to get from playing early MUDS ,where I didn't know where to go or what to do.

It's pretty damn thrilling, actually.


If you want to avoid ground combat as much as possible, then don't do the episodic missions. Just play a bunch of PvP or PvE's, but levelling up will be very very slow for you, if you care about that, but you should for better gear and ships.


I'm not sure I get those complaints. The skill points screen tells you explicitly what each category does and what skills it effects, as well as showing you the diminishing returns on point usage in each category and what trainable skills you learn by traiting into that tree.

What specifically are you having problems with?


For me, I don't think it's a "problem" per se. I think I could make some bad choices and still do most of what I wanted. Where if I was in WoW and I misplaced 3-4 skill points in my tree, my DPS would noticeably suffer.

I'd like to see what the "cookie cutter" builds are for each class and then go from there with how I think I would play. When I pick stats, a lot of times what I think is awesome doesn't match up to reality because, frankly, I'm bad at videogames. :p


This game is amazingly bad, I can't even find my first mission.

What a waste of a download.

Ask for some help from GAF. At least finish the tutorial and the first couple of missions. The UI may simply confuse you.

You can autopilot your ship to any star system you need to do a quest on, you don't even have to find it yourself.
Ask for some help from GAF. At least finish the tutorial and the first couple of missions. The UI may simply confuse you.

You can autopilot your ship to any star system you need to do a quest on, you don't even have to find it yourself.

It's the second ever MMO I'v tried so your right about the HUD confusing me, I can see how fun this game could be so I'll try again tomorrow.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I don't really think this game is noob friendly.

It actually reminds me of that mysterious feeling I used to get from playing early MUDS ,where I didn't know where to go or what to do.

It's pretty damn thrilling, actually.
This is definitely something the game does much better in the early levels then my experience of levels 1-24 or so when I played WoW briefly. I'm trying to think about how to phrase my thoughts on this...its a feeling of there being a lot to do and the potential of a lot to do (even if there really isn't)


I'm about to rank up from Lieutenant. I can't wait to do some borg missions. Are those for high levels?

Believe so - you have to be a Rear Admiral before you get access to the Gamma Orionis sector block.

Popping off for the night now. Shall try with the Fleet tomorrow!
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