What episode is this?
Early season 4 "Legacy". Forgot which specific ep number.
What episode is this?
Yea, I don't have a problem with those. The dude with no pants though... You need pants
I'll still defend "Sub Rosa" as really not that bad in the grand spectrum of bad Trek. It's fun and hokey, which elevates it above a lot of the terrible pomposity in the worst episodes.
("Fun and hokey" describes a lot of S7 TNG, really.)
It's awful.
And plagiarized to boot.
Just awful.
It's no wonder why Voyager was filled with poor imitations of TNG filler episodes.Yes. Like most of S7. Written by Jeri Taylor who need I remind some people here, was one of the main architects behind Voyager.
wait, data has actually no real free time? like he is 24h working.
I know that they simulate night and daytime on the enterprise via the lightning and the regular bridge crew (picard,riker,worth,data etc) is working only day shifts. at "night time" they dim the lights and an entirely different bridge crew ,except for data (who commands the enterprise at night),is taking over. probably because he needs no rest/sleep
so, when does he actually have the free time to paint etc? why does he even have an own room?
This is an amazing look...
Absolutely gorgeous..
.And that's after she got into Fed style clothing. Here's what she wore before
I discoverd something a few years ago when doing a whole series re-watch. There has to be a producer who was involved with the whole series from TNG on who has a foot fetish. There is exactly 1 episode for each series where there is a longing shot around a womens foot. It is possie that there could be 4 separate directors with a foot fetish, but I want to belive in a grand foot fetish conspiracy.
I made a thread about how terrible life must've been like for one of those school children on the ship. The amount of times they heard "SELF DESTRUCT IN 5 SECONDS" should keep Councilor Troi in business for decades.
I want to see this thread!I made a thread about how terrible life must've been like for one of those school children on the ship. The amount of times they heard "SELF DESTRUCT IN 5 SECONDS" should keep Councilor Troi in business for decades.
I made a thread about how terrible life must've been like for one of those school children on the ship. The amount of times they heard "SELF DESTRUCT IN 5 SECONDS" should keep Councilor Troi in business for decades.
Data wanting to become human is an excellent character trait that motivated some of the best episodes of the series.As much as I like Next Generation, there are lore aspects from the first season that were never dropped which weren't great in the first place. Such as children being on the Enterprise (because no one in the 24th century is afraid of death, even though that's repeatedly shown to be not ture?), or Data wanting to become human.
Data wanting to become human is an excellent character trait that motivated some of the best episodes of the series.
That sounds amazing. Link?
I want to see this thread!