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Star Trek XI: The Romulan War?

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Trek Today reports that in comments made to Star Trek Communicator, Braga hinted at a pre-Kirk setting for Star Trek XI, and that the film might involve the Romulans in a big way. "[The Romulan War] is certainly one of the things that we've been discussing," Braga apparently said, referring to Enterprise. "But there's also a prequel feature [film] in development regarding the Romulan Wars, so we might have to stay away from that."


Someone please get rid of Berman and Braga NOW. Put them in a space shuttle with Eisner and launch it into the sun!

If they were smart, they would do the Romulan War in Enterprise. The Neutral Zone was established in 2160, and Enterprise takes place in 2154. Just do a multi-year story arc with the Romulan War on TV and do a start a new movie series with a mixture of Next Gen and DS9 cast members but don't give any cameos to Voyager characters.


But they used the Romulans in the previous movie too (Star Trek Nemesis, was it?). While the idea is great I dont know if they'll go with another movie with the same alien race involved. Then again...its Berman/Braga...


Still Tagged Accordingly
ManaByte said:
If they were smart, they would do the Romulan War in Enterprise. The Neutral Zone was established in 2160, and Enterprise takes place in 2154. Just do a multi-year story arc with the Romulan War on TV and do a start a new movie series with a mixture of Next Gen and DS9 cast members but don't give any cameos to Voyager characters.
Doesn't get much nerdier than this folks. :)


Kills Photobucket
When enterprise first started I was hoping for the premitre to be Klingon First Contact, which didn't go well.

As for the story, It sounds interesting,b ut the Romulans just aren't a good villan anymore. They've been ignored to long. In TNG they were a good villan, in DS9 they were there as an ally, but they were always getting the crap beat out of them. They needed a Romulan version of Martok to flesh out the Romulan people more.
The openeing scene should start with all the Voyager crew in a shuttle being transported to Risa for vacation and SPLAT as a Ferengi ship smacks into them. Cut to tight shot of Ferengi viewport as the crew's gooey remains are wiped off the viewport.
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