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Star Wars Battlefront impressions


GameFan Alumnus
I played about two hours of Battlefront online, and it's a lot of fun. There are a lot of different maps and they all look fantastic. They're not too big to the point where you're walking miles to get to the action, but they're just big enough to not feel confined even though there's 20+ people running around shooting everything. The visuals in this game are some of the best I've seen in any Star Wars game.

It seems there are a lot of noobs online, just standing in place and shooting. If you can get into an enemy spawn point, you can wreak major havoc on them as they are getting oriented.

My main gripe about this game is the character classes don't seem balanced at all. Granted, this may be because people are still getting used to them all, but it seems the regular grunt stormtrooper/rebel trooper is the best class in the game by far. Your standard infantry gun shoots way faster than any other weapon, and you mow down other classes as they fire their inferior weapons.

Snipers appear pretty worthless. I think you only get three shots before you have to reload, which kicks you out of zoom, which is a major pain in the ass.

I never saw anyone as the engineer or medic class, or if they were, they didn't appear to do anything.

The heavy weapons class seems kind of lame. You get 3 volleys from your rockets before you run out of ammo and rockets are mainly to take down vehicles, not groups of enemies. I fired some rockets into a pack of enemies and did about half damage to them. You'd think a powerful rocket launcher which limits you to three shots could kill a guy, but no... it's strictly anti-vehicle. Kind of silly for a class to be only anti-vehicle like that.

I didn't mess around with all the weapons, as these are only initial impressions. The engineer class can plant land mines, which I think I died from one once. The sniper also can call in tactical strikes from the sky with his recon droid, but I never saw this in action. There is a lot of close range fighting and the sniper gets killed easily at close range.

I'd be interested to hear from others who've played this game a lot. Is the infantry trooper overpowered? I seemed to go on killing sprees of mowing down 5-6 guys as infantry, but never as a sniper or heavy weapons.
tx for the impressions, i hope that this game can be patched because i sam sure that there will be balancing issues.
they are vehicles yes? how do they play?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
God I want this game :(

Damn my lack of Xbox live.

Is it wrong that THIS is the game that makes me take the XBL plunge, instead of Halo 2?
i dont think you need a particular title to make you get LIVE. pandora tomorrow and PGR2 and motogp and black arrow and so on are well worth going on LIVE for. SW:Bf is just another good reason.


GameFan Alumnus
I only spent time in one droid hovership from Episode I. It was awkward to control (slow and clunky), plus I was on a slope which didn't help. It took me a while to get oriented and headed towards the action, so I didn't have the best time in a vehicle. I've been mowed down in spawn by vehicles which kill in one shot, so they can be effective. There was one game were a guy in a vehicle went 23-0. Vehicles are useful, and it's cool that you can have another player be a gunner riding shotgun. I jumped in a turret of a vehicle once, but the map ended just as I did. I'll spend more time with vehicles when I get the chance. The server I was on is down right now.


It sounds like I'll be picking mine up today since so many other establishments broke the street date. Hopefully I can get my DVD set as well.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
When playing offline multiplayer, how many players per Xbox? Is it just one person per system, or are there any split screen options?


GameFan Alumnus
Musashi Wins! said:
Does the Xbox version have downloadable content ticked on the back cover?
No downloadable content. :(

1st Born said:
\\Is the single-player mode fun to play? I don't have broadband yet, but I do have an XBL account.
My roommate really likes the single player. I heard someone else say it sucks and multi-player is the only way to go, so all the time I've spent with the game has been on Live. Haven't touched single player at all.

Lyte Edge said:
When playing offline multiplayer, how many players per Xbox? Is it just one person per system, or are there any split screen options?
There is a split screen mode and link cable support. I've only seen two players at a time on one box (no link). The back of the box says "System Link 2-10." I don't know if that means you can have 10 players or not. I'd guess at least 4. Dunno about 10.

For those who are curious, the following are the back of the box options:

Players 1-2
In-game Dolby Digital
System Link 2-10
HDTV 480p
Communicator Headset
Online Multiplayer

No custom soundtrack, but listening to John Williams music over and over in an epic battle is not that repetitive because I consider it better than 95% of game music out there.


1-2 Splitscreen on a game like Battlefront, and no Guest option? Lazy!

Eggo, if you don't mind, could you post more about the class balance later? Typically, Engineer and (espically) Medic are the roles I typically like playing the best in these games.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
You lament the lack of balance in the classes, and then go on to gripe that the anti-vehicle class' weapon doesn't blow groups of enemies to bits, and that it requires frequent reloading? Would you prefer that they just carried a fully automatic tactical nuke launcher with infinite ammo instead? It seems kinda like you're asking for a class like the M60/LAW combo class in BF:V...


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Anyway, aside from my criticisms of the original post's review, this will also be a pretty busy week. There's this game, and then the DVDs, and Forgotten Hope .65 is released on the 24th! At 1.6GB, the mod is pretty much as large, if not larger, than the original game!


GameFan Alumnus
DarthWoo said:
You lament the lack of balance in the classes, and then go on to gripe that the anti-vehicle class' weapon doesn't blow groups of enemies to bits, and that it requires frequent reloading? Would you prefer that they just carried a fully automatic tactical nuke launcher with infinite ammo instead? It seems kinda like you're asking for a class like the M60/LAW combo class in BF:V...

It seems pretty pointless to me to have an anti-vehicle heavy weapons class that is not good for taking out personnel AND limiting it even further with long reload time and low ammo count (3 volleys). Either heavy weapons should be better at taking out enemies with their one shot and have long reload times OR let them be not as effective against enemies, but have slightly faster reload time. Compared to the infantry which can mow down anybody in seconds, it doesn't seem fair.

A friend at work today told me that heavy weapons was good at taking out enemies in one hit. I'll experiment more with it tonight. I'll also look into the medic/engineer class for Alex. They're the same class. You can repair and heal/resupply people. Ultimate support class.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
That sounds pretty much like the anti-tank classes in BF1942. You CAN kill infantry in one hit, but only if that one hit is direct. If you took their bazooka/panzershreck and gave it the ability to create profound splash damage, you'd make the assault classes superfluous, as everyone would just want the weapon that owns infantry and vehicles. An anti-vehicle soldier is MEANT to be used in that capacity, taking out the vehicles that the assault classes shouldn't be able to defeat, while themselves relying on their fellow assault soldiers to protect them from enemy infantry.


GameFan Alumnus
DarthWoo said:
That sounds pretty much like the anti-tank classes in BF1942. You CAN kill infantry in one hit, but only if that one hit is direct. If you took their bazooka/panzershreck and gave it the ability to create profound splash damage, you'd make the assault classes superfluous, as everyone would just want the weapon that owns infantry and vehicles. An anti-vehicle soldier is MEANT to be used in that capacity, taking out the vehicles that the assault classes shouldn't be able to defeat, while themselves relying on their fellow assault soldiers to protect them from enemy infantry.

Yeah, that is basically what the heavy weapons guy is. He's pretty good at taking out mid-small sized vehicles, but it takes A LOT of hits to take down a large vehicle (probably 10+ volleys). You either need to camp an ammo droid or have a pilot constantly resupplying you with ammo. I was able to kill infantry in one rocket hit, but I had to nail the guy point blank. Usually, I hit them with a rocket and switched to pistol for cleanup. Infantry will usually own you in a straight up 1 on 1. The thing that bothers me about this class is it is so hard to take out a large vehicle. You will have to respawn 3 times before coming close to damaging a large vehicle (like an AT-AT), and that is only if you hit him with all your shots. Meanwhile, the large vehicle is mowing down your entire army with 1 hit kills and endless ammo.

My online experience tonight was horrible. Hate to say it, but I think either the Live servers or Pandemic's servers are getting hammered. I had bad connections and poor pings to every server. The only ones that were green had less than 2 players in them. This was a stark contrast to the previous nights where there were less than 5 servers and pings were great to all of them.

I was able to get in a lot of time with the pilot class, which is a vehicle driver, medic, engineer, ammo and health resupply guy. As a foot soldier, this guy sucks at killing. His standard rifle is a grenade launcher that you can charge up. Yet even full charge, aiming an arcing projectile that has horrible reload time, I don't think you can kill a guy in 1 hit. I did much better using the pistol than the grenade launcher, and the pistol is very underpowered in a gunfight. This is a support class as a foot soldier. You can repair health/ammo droids and turrets with your pliers. I think you can also repair vehicles, but I'm not sure. It's nice that you can duck behind a corner and replenish your health/ammo by dropping some, but the pistol is a major handicap in a firefight, especially against infantry.

Where the pilot shines is in a vehicle, preferably something large. It's very difficult for enemies to take down an AT-AT-sized vehicle, and you can kill everything in 1 hit and ammo seems endless. As a pilot, you regenerate vehicle health automatically just by being in it. Vehicles dominate some maps, and there are other maps that have no vehicles, so the pilot is all but worthless there, reduced to a ground support class. On maps where vehicles are dominant, the pilot is probably the best class. Heavy weapons sucks at taking out vehicles when they become really large, unless you have multiple people going heavy weapons, which is somewhat unlikely on a server where everyone is still new.

I still stand by my initial finding that infantry are the best class. They kill footsoldiers like nobody's business. They will own any class in a straight up 1 on 1. The only thing that mows them down is vehicles, and not every map has powerful vehicles. Against small-sized vehicles, infantry can use concussion grenades to take them down without heavy weapons support. I have yet to see a sniper used well or a Wookie or those rolly polly droids from Episode I.

Musashi Wins!

I only played it shortly, but I enjoyed it much. There were several, several dedicated servers up and I had no lag even on my crappy wireless.

My brief impressions are that the Heavy Class is definitely toast against a bunch of troopers, but combines well with other vehicles or rocket users to take out vehicles. I also used it fairly effectively in taking out an enemy spawn point, it does indeed seem useful against collections of enemies in tight spaces.

It's one of the first games I've played that gives more of the large scale PC feeling on console. Frankly, with the subpar PC review and the fact that this experience is far more common on that format, I'm extremely glad to have it on console. The graphics are great as well (playing Xbox version).

Single player is fun if somewhat pointless since there AI is *not* up to human levels haha. That said, it will give you a modicum of feeling that you are indeed playing a large, user rich online shooter and the movie cuts and such are wonderful. If you're at all a SW fan I can't imagine passing on this one.

Look forward to playing it more and forming a deeper impression, but it was very impressive on initial accounts.


Picked up my DVD box set this morning and popped in the demo. I'm a long time Star Wars fan and from the short time I spent with it, I had a blast. Can't wait to try out the 2 player split-screen wih my best friend(we became friends 26 years ago thru our mutual fandom).


My roommate picked this game up last night (XBOX)...

I have to say I'm impressed. Online play allows only one player at a time, and it looks like the netcode might be iffy (not many 'green-ping' servers showed up), but we had a hell of a lot of fun doing split-screen coop vs. the AI.

The AI has proved to be passable foes, and they will do neat things like organize to get behind you and steal back control points.

The class variety is great, and I don't have a big problem with it being imbalanced - the HW classes are meant to play specific roles, not be an all-purpose balanced killer like the stormtrooper / assault classes.

Impressed so far...



I was at a Best Buy this afternoon and they had a really interesting setup...

a widescreen projection hdtv running in split-screen
left side-a dvd player running Empire Strikes Back
right side-an Xbox playing Battlefront

It was an interesting experience, as the battle on Hoth is occuring in the movie, I was playing the battle on Hoth.


Banstick Emeritus
Bog said:
Sorry, but you guys are foolish for not buying the PC version.
Gotta agree with Bobster on this one - you want dribbled-out maps on a console or tons of mods and unit attribute file access on the PC? Not to mention the superior control options a mouse and keyboard offers...


I never touch user-made content, as I never go near the communities in the vast majority of online games, and I far prefer controllers to M&K.

M&K is (a lot) more percise, of course. But I just find the Xbox controller (far) more comfortable and easier to play with for me. Espically in terms of vehicle control and non-aim functions in general. Also, I do most of my work in front of a computer, I hate sitting in front of a monitor most of the time.

I have a PC that could probably run the game well, but if there's a solid console version, I'm always going to opt for that. I dig the ease and comfort of use, and Live interface.

I was big on PC shooters a lot back in the days of Tribes and Unreal Tournament, but can't stand it anymore. Not since Xbox appeared at least.

Couch + 36 inch TV + 5.1 audio helps me as well. Plus I want to play the co-op a few times at least.

Musashi Wins!

I have to agree with the console bias on this. The lower review reflects some of the reasons, but the primary one is...while this stands out in the online offering of console shooters it really doesn't on PC. It's combination of material / console gaming amenities is where the great package is for me. And I have a gaming PC. Still...hope you all enjoy it too however you go.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Just got my copy for Xbox. Gonna play some co-op tonight for a little while with a good buddy of mine before heading online to test connections out.

-------!!Community Warning!!----------

Demo on Trilogy DVD's is based on an ANCIENT build of the game that is missing tons of features and content. Amazing how Lucasarts could let that one slide through when the PS2 has a sufficiently more recent demo build in circulation on the magazine rack for weeks now.

Something to keep in mind.


some screens I took!








Picked it up, but haven't had the chance to try it out yet... busy watching IV :D

Gotta agree with Bobster on this one - you want dribbled-out maps on a console or tons of mods and unit attribute file access on the PC? Not to mention the superior control options a mouse and keyboard offers...

It's the same with every PC/Console game...

65" 480P TV or 19" 1280x1024 PC Monitor?
Comfy couch or not so comfy computer chair?
Fully featured XBL or not so featured internet?
Equal hardware Xbox or not everyone equal PC?
Controller or K/M?
Scarce developer created content or not as scarce user created content?
5.1 Surround or my 2 speaker + sub PC set-up?

Sure, mods are fun... but my experience has been that most mods never see the light of day and out of the handful that do make it, most aren't worth playing. Maps are usually more plentiful though and is something I miss.

I also know that you can play the game at higher resolutions on the PC, but any CS player worth a shit plays at a lower resolution so the target is bigger and your aiming more precise.

It's all about what you have now and what you prefer. I would never tell someone they should have gotten it for console... and frankly I'm a bit suprised that Bobster and you have given the console buyers crap. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. When all things are considered, the PC version may not be the best version for everyone.

If I had a sweet ass computer chair, top-of-the-line video card, 5.1 surround sound, and the promise of some great user created content, I would seriously consider the PC version. ... but I don't, so Xbox is the best version of the game for me.


Tag of Excellence
One question and a very important one:

Better than Battlefield 1942/Vietnam?

EDIT: I don't need an explanation, a quick and dirty yes and no is all I ask.
i havent been able to join a game! DAMN! it says joining then kicks me back to the game selection screen.

this is the xbox version btw.


TekunoRobby said:
One question and a very important one:

Better than Battlefield 1942/Vietnam?

EDIT: I don't need an explanation, a quick and dirty yes and no is all I ask.

Single player is alot better
Multiplayer is not.

Musashi Wins!

Can't believe how popular this game was today...almost every active member on my friends list was playing it. Too many full games :(


It is too hard to find a non laggy game. We should make a thread on the online matchup so we can get together and make our own games. Hopefully without lag.

Musashi Wins!

I've still only played a few games but I haven't had hardly any lag. You can search for dedicated servers too, of which there are a few. I wish I wasn't on wireless I would host a couple. Any good samaritans?
I actually have to say that this game caught me completely off guard. I haven't been keeping up on it and I wasn't expecting much. The ONLY reason I even bothered with it is because Pandemic programmed it and I love Full Spectrum Warrior and the first Clone Wars game they did for PS2/XBox. I have to say when I read the manual I thought, yeah this will keep me busy until Ghost Recon 2, but I was expecting something on the level of Shadow Ops: Red Mercury (which I love but by no means a stelllar title).

Once I booted this puppy up I was surprised how many people on my friends list were playing the game. Then once I read watched the tutorials I was hooked. This game is fun as heck to play online. Also I like the use of bots, they may be stupid as all get ot, but there's enough of them to flesh out a full scale war campaign (think Star Trek 'red shirts'). You want brilliant bots then play Counter Strike and Unreal Championship. You want to jump in and get your galactic scrap on then Battlefront is the game for you. I have played through the Clone Wars campaign, and will work on the Galactic campaign tomorrow. The game is surprisingly fun. As for issues of balance with the classes, I think it's going to boil down to who you play with. I was playing with some guys form another message baord and our battles were intense and came down tro the wire. Take some time with the single player and experiment. Learn the role of the different classes and play with the vehicles. I love how a lot of the vehicles can be manned by multiple people. The victorys will go to those who know how the diffeent classes work, and how to augment a team and stay focused. My Ghost Recon/Rainbow Six pals were in the mix and we were crushing fools left and right.

To me what makes the game fun is the fact that unlike Battlefield 1942, if you don't man a vehicle your not helpless and left ass-out. You get the right troops and you can take on some large vehicles. If your trying to play this game like Unreal Tournament 2K4 then your going to get used to losing. It's a little more tactical, and a heck of a lot more robust. A darn fine effort for consoles, and from what I'm hearing great on the PC as well. I played with pals with fat connections (private games) and I had a blast, I actually can't wait to get home tomorrow and play more (I still have to work on Fable and Burnout3 as well as open Gradius V and GunGraveOD). This game is surprisingly good and left me impressed. Graphics are not the best seen on the XBox but they are pretty good and the Dolby Digital 5.1 is awesome. I got it for my XBox because I can just pop it in and play.

As far as classes being unbalanced, I personally feel it's all in how you use them. The different classes offer you some flexiblity, and I like how a few troops cab stand up to some powerful vehicles. And to think I was impressed with the 'Assault mode' in Jedi Academy (the sleeper mode that people rarely played). This is even better and a load of fun to play. I would strongly suggest a rental so you can see for yourself. Like I said I was expecting the game to be mediocre at best (like most StarWars games). Now that Lucasarts jas been farming stuff out, the quality has jumped 10 fold. I agree with the IGN review of 8.5....the fun factor in this game cannot be ignored.

P.S. Be sure to check out Republic Commando when it's released early next year. I played a lot of it at GenCon this year and it was fantastic. My $0.02.....


I think this will be a sleeper hit. It was definitely selling a lot today (the SW DVD set launch date for this game was BRILLIANT by LucasArts marketing) and the impressions that it's getting are great as well.

I've played both single player and multiplayer on Live and it's just tons of fun. Great experience.


Thus far, this game is a fucking joke. How this made it past Microsoft QA makes me fear for future impulse purchases.

The game underlying seems quite fun, but I wouldn't honestly know. 2 and a half hours played, every single match plagued with MASSIVE lag despite connection report. And five, yes, five crashes.

Two friends who live close by me, both having same issues. Both Rodriguez and Brandon F from the forum are also suffering an unplayable lag fest as well.

I'll give them a few days to get their shit together, then it's gone.
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