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Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Here's Where The Fun Begins

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Urgh, adding more modes fractures the player base more. A game should not have too many modes... heck, it already has, if you ask me.
Of course, if this happens, rotating playlist may solve that issue.

The Issue is, that the game has way too much small modes. It should have been focused on big warfare instead of this small stuff.

Conquest, something like Rush, WA, a Titan kinda mode would have been way more awesome than all the small stuff we have IMO.

The first Mappack being CQ focused didnt help either.


I wanted to play some Outer Rim, and got placed into an HvV match where I experienced three Draws in a row with the score still 1-1. I left.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
just 13 pages to that new OT brehs


So in the off-chance that my Halo habits don't send the shot flying somewhere else, this happens. Weren't the only cases of a pulse cannon being a straight hit and doing absolutely nothing.


So in the off-chance that my Halo habits don't send the shot flying somewhere else, this happens. Weren't the only cases of a pulse cannon being a straight hit and doing absolutely nothing.

I've seen that happen as well. Direct hit, nothing happens.

And i have a feeling i've had this happen on other weapons and things too.
So in the off-chance that my Halo habits don't send the shot flying somewhere else, this happens. Weren't the only cases of a pulse cannon being a straight hit and doing absolutely nothing.

I swear this is an issue with DICE games, Ive had a similar thing happen in Battlefield 3 and 4. Its like the hit detection just shits itself occasionally.


Has there been any tweaks to rag doll physics? It's been so good since the patch. So many oh shit moments after a kill. Loving it.


Right, it seems my FPS limit is broken... sigh, i gotta go over all the graphics settings again.

Also, i can't hit TIE interceptors either. It is as if starfighter aim-assist (PC has it too) has been changed or something.


Right, and now i noticed that latest AMD drivers have broken Freesync or something. Massive screen tearing constantly when flying...


Really hope in the next update they fix the post game screen with Hutt Contracts. Seeing contracts I've completed days ago still and not ones I'm working on on there is annoying


What the fuck?
First time ever in the new Endor map in Supremacy. And sure as hell the final one as well. First, imps get the capture point in 20 seconds from beginning or so. Then, the way the spawns work, it is impossible to attack the capture point (not that the imps could attack ours either).
Utter shite.



Why. Multiplayer costs, PS4 has no games i'm interested in and my PC is far better than PS4.
Besides, the way i read, PS4 has its own problems, problems i'd find as annoying as anything on PC.

Just never use PC with the very newest drivers before hotfixes etc.


Since this thread took a snooze, I think the following adjustments should be made to the new blasters:

DT-12: small damage increase
Relby: 2 burst shots
DLT19X: shorter cooldown

What say you? Keep as is? Don't care at all?


Since this thread took a snooze, I think the following adjustments should be made to the new blasters:

DT-12: small damage increase
Relby: 2 burst shots
DLT19X: shorter cooldown

What say you? Keep as is? Don't care at all?

I like all of that. I've thought the Telby could use a tiny damage boost, but two shot burst would work too.

The DL18 is perfect, one of my favorite guns in the game now.
Yeah, the new weapons definitely need some tweaking.
What I also would like to see:

- Fighter squadron: when the rebels pop a shield they should receive some kind of penalty to the damage they do themselves. It's just not up to par with the abilities of the Tie fighters
- Cargo: the player holding the cargo should not be allowed to use personal shield.
- I really like playing Nien, but he seems a bit OP compared to the other heroes imo. Also needs some tweaking.
What do you think makes him OP? The distancing? It does seem that he can be nearly untouchable in larger modes with the orbital strike and pulse cannon.

Ever seen Nien hold a hallway on Sullust? Not to mention his ability to orbital nuke an imperial hero. I learned to never pick Vader when I know there's a Nien on the other team.
What do you think makes him OP? The distancing? It does seem that he can be nearly untouchable in larger modes with the orbital strike and pulse cannon.

- he can have 4 proximity mines on the field at one time and the cooldown is very short on those. You can spam the hell out of them.
- the turret has a short cooldown as well, basically making it a portable turret.
- he's very strong both at short and long range. Only weakness is the fact he can't block or shield, but his speed makes up for that a bit.

Sounds to me like the guys at DICE wanted to say "Nien Nunb not a hero? Let's make him the strongest of them all", after getting so much hate when they announced him as one of the heroes.


I've only gone against Nien once on an extraction map, most people seem to still choose Luke every time I play. Hopefully that stays the case!
Understood. I'm talking about in other modes (Supremacy and Walker Assault); I wasn't clear at all. Nien on the larger maps and orbital strike with built in scan pulse is pretty nuts.

Yeah Nien is amazing on WA and you can easily make him last the entire game too.


Until the adrenaline pack came out I was using cooling cell extensively. Comes in really handy taking out a bunch of people in a row. I got bored of shield, scan pulse, and explosive shot. Focus fire is special for the shock blaster, of course.

I started using the cooling cell recently and was pleasantly surprised.
I mainly use the EE-3 and with cooling cell activated you can easily take out 3 or 4 enemies at a distance without having to cool down your weapon.


Scout Trait Level 3 makes Cooling Cell pointless.
Such a lovely trait. I've noticed people rely a lot on the radar as i've managed to sneak behind them often with it. And shooting at Level 2 onward... people get very confused.
Don't think there's anything i will trade the trait for.


Scout Trait Level 3 makes Cooling Cell pointless.
Such a lovely trait. I've noticed people rely a lot on the radar as i've managed to sneak behind them often with it. And shooting at Level 2 onward... people get very confused.
Don't think there's anything i will trade the trait for.

Yeah I use scout too and used to couple it with scan pulse for maximum carnage effect.
I found that I became over reliant on scan pulse though so have been trying out different cards recently.

I am also over reliant on thermal detonator. I dont really see too many other people using them but thermal detonator is easily my most useful star card and I've been using it since day one. It's the only card that seems to be able to get me multi kills consistently. Getting two people with one detonator just feels to good to replace it with anything else. Since I use the EE-3 I don't feel like I need a pulse cannon or cycle rifle either.


I'm shit at throwing 'nades for killing but the Thermal is useful for flushing out people or preventing them from advancing.

Indeed, i'm back to my usual loadout of Ion Torp-Ion Shot-Thermal Det, with alternate version changing the Ion Shot for Explosive Shot. (If i use a pistol or shotgun, i use Explosive Shot.)

Ion Torpedo sucks because DICE nerfed it too much but there is no other reliable way to kill droids (fast), AT-STs and annoy fighters.
I've seen enough games to know just a few Ion Torpedos can make a big difference (even in its nerfed state, just needs more of them), either clearing skies to allow your side's air supremacy, or deal with AT-STs.
Smart Rockets and Ion Disruptors are all fine and cool, but they're too randomly available to be reliable.

No other cards are as useful as these two, being too limited. One infantry kill rarely helps team as much as scaring away aircraft or AT-STs does.
They really need to fix the consistency of the Jawa shotgun. When I am not using focus fire on it, it's so random. I will walk up to somebody and point blank them, but it won't kill them (and sometimes it doesn't even do anything). Other times I am seriously wondering how I managed to get a one shot from a certain range.

Does anybody here know if they changed Han Solo? I shoulder charged into a few stormtroopers, but I did no damage. His explosive shot seems to have had a splash damage radius reduction?


Ion Torpedo sucks because DICE nerfed it too much but there is no other reliable way to kill droids (fast)...
Scattergun takes droids to a sliver of health and I think one-shots them if you are close enough. Quick follow-up with main weapon and it's dead before it gets a shot off. Turrets too.
So, had some fun with my favorite new starcard (Ion Disruptor).

- Shot a Tie in mid-air, it did no damage.
- Damage seemed to be somewhat random? Shot an AT-ST from the front and it got one shotted, shot it from the back (isn't that the weak spot?) and it did 3/4th.
- Got to love when some idiot walks right in front of you the second you fire your charged shot. Ugh.

Aaaaand today on shoddy hit detection!



Also, I have never been so conflicted on a weapon in any other game as I have been with the E-11. It's an unholy death machine when the enemy uses it, when I give it a spin it feels utterly useless.
They really need to fix the consistency of the Jawa shotgun. When I am not using focus fire on it, it's so random. I will walk up to somebody and point blank them, but it won't kill them (and sometimes it doesn't even do anything). Other times I am seriously wondering how I managed to get a one shot from a certain range.

Yep, totally agree. Ive practically point blank shot somebody with the Jawa shotgun (less than 5 ft away) and it completely missed, I think maybe one of the buckshot grazed their legs but what should have been a for sure 1 hit kill did almost no damage. Occasionally though, Ill one shot a guy with it from a distance of 30 feet or so.

Its really good when its good but sometimes it leaves you scratching your head.
Scattergun takes droids to a sliver of health and I think one-shots them if you are close enough. Quick follow-up with main weapon and it's dead before it gets a shot off. Turrets too.

That scatter gun is my favorite weapon star card, and it definitely one-shots droids / turrets. Just fly in and shoot them.

And one-shots shielded enemies too. I can almost hear them saying "WTF?! Oooh, damn scatter gun".

I also use it like a short range sure kill when I'm not sure I'll sure win the exchange with my main weapon. And it seems to kill multiple enemies when grouped.

It's so good, I hope it doesn't get nerfed somehow.
Sigh... Was just having a great round and just lost connection to the EA server. Anyone else having laggy or spotty times with this game the last couple of days?
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