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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production


Keep Lucas OUT.

Rian Johnson is a clever director and all, but I don't think he could pull off the 'used future look' well. His attempt was terrible in Looper.

If Lucas gave a shit about backseat directing he wouldn't have sold Lucasfilm. He consciously made a decision to relinquish all authority/control over this for 4.05 billion dollars. He's tired as fuck, obviously. Look at him in those interview videos.

Kennedy is not the kind of person to vacate her position as a major power player simply to be George Lucas' puppet. And Lucas knows better than to hire someone like Kennedy and think he can just cede all authority to her and still puppeteer her like she was Rick McCallum.

Doesn't he still have $2 billion worth of shares in Disney?


Yeah, I've never really had a problem with that scene. And don't forget, this is a series of films that have featured melting nazis, invisible bridges, immortal knights, mind control, and a little boy competently driving a car.

Yep, the film fell apart way after that. The fridge had something from 80s Adventure Action films. Not any more offensive than Indy's very own Para-Boat scene in Tempel. But the last half/ the last third... oh man.

Don't know if old: Disney is thinking about releasing 2-3 Star Wars movies a year/doing it Marvel style
Them saying star wars related movies, I imagine they might do some smaller SW set films, perhaps direct to video or animated even, highly doubt they would do multiple big episode films.

The whole concept of the live action tv series could probably be just turned into a series of direct to video films


Yep, the film fell apart way after that. The fridge had something from 80s Adventure Action films. Not any more offensive than Indy's very own Para-Boat scene in Tempel. But the last half/ the last third... oh man.

Don't know if old: Disney is thinking about releasing 2-3 Star Wars movies a year/doing it Marvel style

It's a misquote. Disney/Kennedy is thinking of doing 2-3 LucasFilm films a year, not Star Wars. So that means more Indiana Jones or stints like Red Tails.
I guess this also means they have control over the video games? So in a world where everything works out great, Disney will get KOTOR 3 and Battlefront 3 made with Star Wars 1313 out the door? Or does that mean there will be more ... kiddy themed games?

Thats not bad also. We will get at least one shot @

Can't say I've watched Willow. I can definitely see a bunch of Indian Jones prequels in the pipeline with a new actor taking the helm.

(Or they might drag it out with Ford like Die Hard is being dragged out with Willis. And fuck that also means more Shia La Beouf).


qt said:
I want to stop at a certain point. Directors don't get better as they get older. Usually the worst films in their filmography are those last four at the end. I am all about my filmography, and one bad film fucks up three good ones. I don't want that bad, out-of-touch comedy in my filmography, the movie that makes people think, 'Oh man, he still thinks it's 20 years ago.' When directors get out-of-date, it's not pretty.
Oh man QT speaks the Paul Pierce. Death Star shots fired

***replace directors with Lucas & Spielberg


I guess this also means they have control over the video games? So in a world where everything works out great, Disney will get KOTOR 3 and Battlefront 3 made with Star Wars 1313 out the door? Or does that mean there will be more ... kiddy themed games?

Can't say I've watched Willow. I can definitely see a bunch of Indian Jones prequels in the pipeline with a new actor taking the helm.

(Or they might drag it out with Ford like Die Hard is being dragged out with Willis. And fuck that also means more Shia La Beouf).

They said they will focus on social / mobile games


It's a misquote. Disney/Kennedy is thinking of doing 2-3 LucasFilm films a year, not Star Wars. So that means more Indiana Jones or stints like Red Tails.

I don't think they could pump out an Indy movie a year without damaging the brand.

'Water' it up with some Monkey Island, X-Wing, Vader vs. Wolverine and a Grim Fandango movie and I may be cool with that decision.

just give me Grim Fandango in any form and I'd be happy


I loved the fridge scene actually (aside from the CGI chipmunk or whatever) and the great shot that followed.


Anyone got this in higher res?

I agree. Really loved everything about that sequence. It's too bad that all the oldschool Indiana Jones fans were upset that the series abandoned its strict, scientific, realistic origins.
I don't think they could pump out an Indy movie a year without damaging the brand.

'Water' it up with some Monkey Island, X-Wing, Vader vs. Wolverine and a Grim Fandango movie and I may be cool with that decision.

just give me Grim Fandango in any form and I'd be happy

They'd be really stupid to try and do an Indy movie without Ford. He IS that character, maybe moreso than any other in cinema history.

Just like how Sean Connery is Bond, Shatner is Kirk, etc.? Eventually someone else will play Indiana Jones. I'll bet they go for a younger Jones (that takes place in the 1920s or early 30s) in the next one without Harrison Ford.

Maybe it'll succeed and maybe it won't but they will definitely do it.
Get in chris nolan as director

I'm hoping Nolan directs his attention to another original film rather than taking on a franchise. Indeed, he does seem reluctant to take on another franchise, outside of James Bond, now he's done with Batman so I can't see him taking on Star Wars.
They should resume the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. Abner Ravenwood, Belloq and characters from the movies were supposed to appear in later episodes. The series was cancelled but all the plot outlines and scripts had already been written and are sitting somewhere just collecting dust.


I didn't know he was doing a sci-fi movie. That's good enough for me. I have little doubt Disney will get some powerless chump they can control for SW.
They should resume the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. Abner Ravenwood, Belloq and characters from the movies were supposed to appear in later episodes. The series was cancelled but all the plot outlines and scripts had already been written and are sitting somewhere just collecting dust.

I'd love that.
Every time I see this thread I hear Harry Plinkett saying "Star Wars Episode 7 is the 1,938 worst film ever made. Its harder to watch than the trial of my wifes murder."
Hmm. Bird was my first choice, and really did seem like a perfect fit. Hopefully he'll be involved with one of Disney's future SW projects.

So, who's left? I recall Blomkamp, Whedon & Cuaron being on a rumored "shortlist" with all the other major players who have stepped away from consideration.
Hmm. Bird was my first choice, and really did seem like a perfect fit. Hopefully he'll be involved with one of Disney's future SW projects.

So, who's left? I recall Blomkamp, Whedon & Cuaron being on a rumored "shortlist" with all the other major players who have stepped away from consideration.

Whedon would be a nice choice but won't he be occupied with Avengers 2, which releases in the same year?

Blomkamp currently has Elysium to get out the door, after that he's free. I would have thought that like, Duncan Jones, he would have wanted to do "his own thing" for a couple of movies. But he was said to be really interested in Halo before that went to shit, so that interest may carry him over to Star Wars. Think Disney/LucasFilm may view him as "risky" though.
So I can write these movies off now? Cool. Saves me a lot of time and disappointment.

Too early to tell. Personally I think The Lord of the Rings movies suck. I also think The Hobbit movies will suck too. But I'm giving them a chance. Hell I love the prequels. :p
Like him or not, I think its going to end up being Joe Johnston. He hits all the bullet points: knows George, knows the universe, has worked with Kennedy before (JP3), and has handled big budget, effects laden pics.
Like him or not, I think its going to end up being Joe Johnston. He hits all the bullet points: knows George, knows the universe, has worked with Kennedy before (JP3), and has handled big budget, effects laden pics.
I would be fine with that. Even though his last film was trash, he has the connections and ability to pull it off.
He seemed to be suggesting that Lucas's involvement would be significant. I think we can call it now.

Who was? It won't be. Yunno, what with his selling the entirety of his company to somebody else.

Because he did that.

He sold the entirety of his company to a completely separate global multimedia conglomerate. People who care about maintaining control of their property don't sell it off.
Who was? It won't be. Yunno, what with his selling the entirety of his company to somebody else.

Because he did that.

He sold the entirety of his company to a completely separate global multimedia conglomerate. People who care about maintaining control of their property don't sell it off.

He has $ 2 billion worth of shares in Disney though. It's not like he's completely cut off his link.
He has $ 2 billion worth of shares in Disney though. It's not like he's completely cut off his link.

Yeah, but do you really think he's holding onto those shares SOLELY so he can yank a choke chain on Disney whenever he feels like it? the $2 billion of shares is simply $2 billion dollars that COULD become 4 or 5 billion dollars down the line if the company does well, plus the 2 billion IN CASH they gave him. It's money first and foremost.

He's out. "Creative Consultant" is an almost entirely empty title. Again, there's no way Kathleen Kennedy takes this job if she thinks she's going to have to answer to a man she technically doesn't even work for. She's got the control, not Lucas.

Yeah, but Lindelof is the writer on the film, not Bird.

There's also Jeff Jensen, who won an Eisner for his writing on "Green River Killer." And it's not like Brad Bird is any slouch at writing himself. It's not like Lindelof writes a screenplay and then it gets made totally unchanged. Those three are collaborating on the screenplay for 1952, not waiting for Lindelof to dash off a script so they can rubber stamp it and run in front of a camera.
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