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Star Wars Episode 7 - Thread of Pre-Production

Yeah, but I don't see her checking in with him, either.

If Arndt wants to do it, and JJ wants to do it, she's gonna say "Do it."

She got those guys for a reason. I think she's more concerned with the movie working on its own as a movie than she is placating the guy who has no more stake, financially OR emotionally, in what happens.

Besides which, Lucas has already stated nobody working on the project has said word one to him about it, or asked him anything.

His position as "creative consultant" appears to be purely honorary.
The Kathleen Kennedy connection with Lucas is the only thing that worries me. She was hired by him and they are friends.

So? She's an established, long-time protege of Lucas and Spielberg. If anything I'm more comfortable that she has it. You're talking as if Lucas is going to secretly sabotage the movies under the table or something. The prequels were bad for a lot of people because of the dialogue and performances, things that George won't be responsible for. He's a great storyteller and as far as we know he's only going to help out with that.
That stuff was written before he sold Lucasfilm to Disney. Arndt had access to them to use as a basis to write his treatment, but so far we don't know how much of that material actually made its way into Arndt's treatment, or further, his actual screenplay for Episode VII.
It was Jedi, actually. But yeah, they both fought hard to get Lucas to allow it, and Lucas wouldn't budge.

edit: The Han death scene was supposed to be Death Star II. He wasn't going to be killed on Endor. Basically - instead of Lando flying the falcon, it would be Solo.

Even then, Lando was supposed to die at one point, and they rewrote that, too.

Just goes to show how safe Jedi played it.


Well they couldn't kill the only black man in the universe, that would be genocide.

"There is another..."

So? She's an established, long-time protege of Lucas and Spielberg. If anything I'm more comfortable that she has it. You're talking as if Lucas is going to secretly sabotage the movies under the table or something. The prequels were bad for a lot of people because of the dialogue and performances, things that George won't be responsible for. He's a great storyteller and as far as we know he's only going to help out with that.

Sometimes friendship can hurt movies. Spielberg preferred Darabont's Indy 4 script, but let Lucas decide the final story. Kathleen Kennedy has been a part of great movies and some really shitty movies. It's apparent that Lucas doesn't have the say he did with Indy 4, but I'm paranoid, what can I say. It's also possible that Episode 7 will still suck even without Lucas's involvement.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I think they'll kill Han.

Hell, I think they'll blow up the Falcon. Or severely damage it, leaving the leads of this trilogy to fly around a modified version of it for the rest of the movie.

This is going to infuriate millions of fans. The Internet will feel the fury of angry reactions.
Sometimes friendship can hurt movies. Spielberg preferred Darabont's Indy 4 script, but let Lucas decide the final story. Kathleen Kennedy has been a part of great movies and some really shitty movies. It's apparent that Lucas doesn't have the say he did with Indy 4, but I'm paranoid, what can I say. It's also possible that Episode 7 will still suck even without Lucas's involvement.

I just think you're looking for something to panic about when there's nothing to panic about yet. It's Star Wars, it doesn't need to be high art.


I think Chewbacca will die before anyone from the Big 3 does. And you can easily replace the wookie with another walking carpet anyway. I also think keeping Han alive helps the movie's chemistry between the Skywalkers, droids, and the supporting cast. The prequels needed a lot of things but they needed someone like a Han Solo character, even the hit Shadows of the Empire had a Han Solo clone in Dash Rendar.
It shouldn't have to be a steaming pile of shit ala the prequels though either.

I may be way off here... but I think Nostalgia is blinding you from the quality of the original trilogy. (i am not saying the original trilogy was shit... just that it shared similar flaws to the new trilogy... only difference was Star Wars was an extremely unique experience in the 70s. You can't say that about the prequels)


I may be way off here... but I think Nostalgia is blinding you from the quality of the original trilogy.

you're way off. The original trilogy, especially the first two, have aged really well imo. as far as the monomyth-type story goes, or the Hollywood blockbuster, the OT still tower over all.
the seeds of the prequel trilogy were planted in return of the jedi. there was some goofy ass shit in that film.

the first two are still fantastic though. and i like a few scenes in jedi.

prequel trilogy had GREAT ideas. but it was just executed poorly with the hilarious scripts, bad performances, ugly green screen etc. But seriously attack of the clones had the potential to be the best with that awesome obi-wan investigation of the clones. and i liked the political plotline in this trilogy too.


I may be way off here... but I think Nostalgia is blinding you from the quality of the original trilogy.

Maybe so but whatever way you look at it the Originals had decent characters, decent dialogue and a decent story. The prequels are just flat out terrible at the very basics of cinema to the point of being cringe-worthy.

I'm not wanting the new films to be Citizen Kane I just want them to be watch able.
I may be way off here... but I think Nostalgia is blinding you from the quality of the original trilogy. (i am not saying the original trilogy was shit... just that it shared similar flaws to the new trilogy... only difference was Star Wars was an extremely unique experience in the 70s. You can't say that about the prequels)

You are. The first two are still very good movies (specially Empire).
I may be way off here... but I think Nostalgia is blinding you from the quality of the original trilogy. (i am not saying the original trilogy was shit... just that it shared similar flaws to the new trilogy... only difference was Star Wars was an extremely unique experience in the 70s. You can't say that about the prequels)

I was 10 when Ep1 came out, I'm sure many on this board are even younger. So, where's the nostalgia for the new trilogy?
If the original trilogy was bad, people on here would most likely admit to it (and RotJ already gets lots of shit)
I was 10 when Ep1 came out, I'm sure many on this board are even younger. So, where's the nostalgia for the new trilogy?
If the original trilogy was bad, people on here would most likely admit to it (and RotJ already gets lots of shit)

There is a reason Empire is praised as the best Star Wars... Lucas didn't script it. And seriously, i didn't say the original trilogy is bad.

But I do think New Hope and Return's dialogue is comparably cheesy to the prequels. As is the Wooden acting (save for of course Han Solo)

I am trying to find the rationality behind thinking that Episode 7 will be great if it stays closer to the original trilogy (which also had wooden acting and cheesy dialogue) but will fail if it tries to be the prequel trilogy (whcih had wooden acting and cheesy dialogue and Jar Jar...) I guess I will be satisfied if the new trilogy is on par with Sith. Thats my expectation. Thats where my tolerance level will be. I don't care about the bad acting, or the cheesy dialogue so long as the characters and story are tolerable. Which is what i come to expect from star wars. I am already invested in the story, so it really comes down to the characters. They can't be worse than Jar Jar who was basically written out of the 2nd and 3rd so I think my expectations will likely be exceeded.
On some days I prefer The Phantom Menace over Return of the Jedi. That's how much I hate the Ewoks.

I agree. actually my rankings have phantom menace over return of the jedi on most days. phantom menace may have some annoying shit but it did a pretty good job trying to recreate the adventure feel of a new hope.

plus i hate how they handled han in return of the jedi. dude stopped being cool.


Jedi is a pretty big step down from Empire but I can't get on board with putting any of the prequels above it. throne room sequence is great, even if the rest of the movie is basically 20 minutes of story being stretched out over the course of 2 hours. I struggle to think of a single scene or sequence from the prequels that is good, let alone great
On some days I prefer The Phantom Menace over Return of the Jedi. That's how much I hate the Ewoks.

See I actually agree with this. I liked Jar Jar and the gungans more than the Ewoks... and yet Han Solo is arguably the only character that I find superior to any Prequel character. Everyone else is very comparable i think (and CG aside, Yoda being a bad ass was better than Hermit Yoda... even if his purpose was greater in the originals). But hey, I guess I have low standards.

Less opportunity to be disappointed


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Phantom Menace better than RotJ?

This thread has gone crazy. Crazy talk, I tell you.


plus i hate how they handled han in return of the jedi. dude stopped being cool.

Han being completely de-nutted taints Jedi considerably. He basically just turns into Leia's lap-dog. Ford completely sleep walks through the role and you can tell he absolutely does not want to be there.


Jedi is a pretty big step down from Empire but I can't get on board with putting any of the prequels above it. throne room sequence is great, even if the rest of the movie is basically 20 minutes of story being stretched out over the course of 2 hours. I struggle to think of a single scene or sequence from the prequels that is good, let alone great

It's more of the feel of TPM than anything. It just feels like Star Wars movie. The sense of adventure is there, even though the writing and acting is kind of dull. Not counting the undeniably great throne room scene in Jedi, the movie is a complete slog to get through. I just get the feeling that no one in front or behind of the camera wants to be there whenever I watch it. The entire thing feels soulless.


It's more of the feel of TPM than anything. It just feels like Star Wars movie. The sense of adventure is there, even though the writing and acting is kind of dull. Not counting the undeniably great throne room scene in Jedi, the movie is a complete slog to get through. I just get the feeling that no one in front or behind of the camera wants to be there whenever I watch it. The entire thing feels soulless.

Jabba's palace. Rancor duel. Sarlacc Pitt sequence. Yoda's death. Speeder sequence on Endor. Luke's conversations with Vader. The Luke/Vader/Emperor scenes. Rebel assault on Death Star 2.0. Luke/Vader final duel. Jedi blows TPM away!
Jedi is a pretty big step down from Empire but I can't get on board with putting any of the prequels above it. throne room sequence is great, even if the rest of the movie is basically 20 minutes of story being stretched out over the course of 2 hours. I struggle to think of a single scene or sequence from the prequels that is good, let alone great

The Throne Room, as well as the final space battle, is just fucking brilliant. James Earl Jones, Palpatine, Lando (I think it would be a shame if he's forgotten), and John Williams >>>>

Only thing in TPM I really like
, and lets not forget that this edited version is different in the movie when you have to sit through Gungans/Droids, and a kid flying a starfighter.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
updated photo of Hamill and Fisher from today. Obviously other cast members too

They're still pretty out of shape, but Mark still has that great hair. Just grow a beard and lose 15 lbs, he's a Jedi master.

And does Mayhew never age? Jeez.
They're still pretty out of shape, but Mark still has that great hair. Just grow a beard and lose 15 lbs, he's a Jedi master.

And does Mayhew never age? Jeez.

Poor Mayhew can hardly walk anymore, that's why he has that lightsaber cane. I think TSA actually stopped him in an airport or something and harassed him.
Oh god i cant believe people would rank TPM over anything. I was one of the kids that grew up on the prequels (yuck) and that movie convinced me originally the series was trash
I may be way off here... but I think Nostalgia is blinding you from the quality of the original trilogy. (i am not saying the original trilogy was shit... just that it shared similar flaws to the new trilogy... only difference was Star Wars was an extremely unique experience in the 70s. You can't say that about the prequels)

you're way off. ANH and ESB are two of the very greatest motion pictures of all time. you realize how much the industry AND people's perception of it changed because of those films, right?
Ive only seen Zack Effron in that 17 again movie. I thought he did ok. It looked like citizen kane compared to haydens performances in the prequels. I really think the OT is supported by ESB, and its darker tone, and well...better director. The PT didn't really get one of those, in fact I would say AOTC pulls down the PT, along with the young anakin in the first movie.
you're way off. ANH and ESB are two of the very greatest motion pictures of all time. you realize how much the industry AND people's perception of it changed because of those films, right?

I think what he means is that there is also some bad acting and dialogue in the originals. Sure those movies are great, but for example that Han and Leia kissing scene in the Falcon is pretty cringe-worthy and would be laughed at now; but back then, "cheese" was pretty commonplace as it is in a lot of science fiction films of that pedigree. Also Carrie Fisher was terrible in the movies after A New Hope, and Mark Hamill never blew my socks off either. Neither one of them were bad per se, but they didn't turn in exceptional performances either.

I'm not going to make excuses for the prequels -- I like them -- but I do think that they're given way too much shit, and the originals are given way too much praise. I love the originals just as much as the next person, but I don't think they're wonderfully written or acted by any stretch. Now, how flawed they are compared to the prequels is obviously a different story, the writing and acting in the originals is definitely better. But I've never considered, in general, that much of the dialogue or acting in any of the Star Wars films have been worth any praise.
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