Will we have an old Chewbacca? Can't have Solo without him.
Imaging a gray ChewieWill we have an old Chewbacca? Can't have Solo without him.
What are the chances that Abrams or someone else could do a complete do-over of the prequel trilogy, with better scripts and acting that stays within the framework of the classic trilogy? Think an adult Anakin instead of Jake Lloyd/Hayden Mannequin Skywalker. Think of a prequel outline without Jar Jar Binks. Would Disney give some serious thought? And do you think fans would buy into it if it were done right?
apparently there is a rumor that. Also Arndt was apparently let go because his script was focusing too much on the younger characters and Han, Luke and Leia.obi wan has a daughter or grand-daughter
Lucasfilm has already said they are not following the EU. The post-Return of the Jedi EU is erased from canon pretty much. The EU was only read by a very tiny niche of Star Wars fans anyhow.
Jesus, is the kid who played young Boba a clone of Temuera Morrison or what?
Say what you will about Episode 2, that's pretty spot on casting there.
apparently there is a rumor that. Also Arndt was apparently let go because his script was focusing too much on the younger characters and Han, Luke and Leia.obi wan has a daughter or grand-daughter
I think you mean focusing too much on the younger characters INSTEAD of Han, Luke and Leia. The rumor was that JJ wanted the latter.
I read a more recent rumor that says that Arndt wasn't fired-- he just has been moved on to write Episode 8. And it's backed up by the fact that Arndt isn't connected to any projects in the future right now. Makes sense too... I think they crunched way too much with Episode 7 and this gives them more breathing room for the next one. And if Arndt wanted to make a story about the kids, he'll get his chance with Episode 8.
Now, who do we have sitting in the room? Thanks to Lucasfilm.coms new team page, it is easy to pick out most of the meetings participants. On the far left, in the white shirt, is Jason McGatlin, SVP, Physical Production. McGatlin is also serving as an executive producer on Episode VII. Behind him, in red, is Kim Libreri, SVP, Technology.
The gentleman in black in the center of the picture is the one who, to me, confirms this as an Episode VII meeting. He is Rick Carter, the Academy Award Winner who will serve as a Production Designer for the seventh Star Wars film. Carter was not involved in the Star Wars Saga prior to being brought on for Episode VII. Carters appearance should probably serve as a red flag for identifying any photo as sequel-related.
Next, of course, is Kathleen Kennedy, President. And it appears that John Knoll, Chief Creative Officer/Senior Visual Effects Supervisor, Industrial Light & Magic, is seated next to Kennedy.
A Pixar Star Wars flick would be pretty cool if true.
So.. Whats this exactly? 'Star Wars 9 -24 -13 conceptual previs'
He's a stunt and action coordinator and actor. He did work on The Old Republic and a bunch of high profile movies previously. So maybe he is the stunt coordinator for the new trilogy?
So.. Whats this exactly? 'Star Wars 9 -24 -13 conceptual previs'
Given that Mayhew doesn't do much outside of being Chewbacca, Episode VII begins filming in May and this event is held May 23 - 26, then, it's probably safe to assume Chewie is in this movie.
Given that Mayhew doesn't do much outside of being Chewbacca, Episode VII begins filming in May and this event is held May 23 - 26, then, it's probably safe to assume Chewie is in this movie.
I'm surprised he's able to. The last time I saw him on TV, he barely could move.