The one and only thing that has me excited for this movie is special effects supervisor Chris Corbould which, hopefully, means we aer getting practical special effects rather than cgi nonsense for everything.
Vader's suit was burned and the "source" even acknowledges it. This rumor makes no sense.
In-universe, someone claiming to be Darth Vader might work well. Aside from the good guys knowing it's just faking, though large percentage of civilian population might be scared enough to join the faction that fakes Darth Vader...
EDIT no comment on the credibility of the rumor. Just wondering how it'd work in-universe.
The one and only thing that has me excited for this movie is special effects supervisor Chris Corbould which, hopefully, means we aer getting practical special effects rather than cgi nonsense for everything.
"The conversation we're having all the time now about Episode VII is, 'How much CGI?'" Kennedy told the audience at this weekend's Star Wars Celebration Europe event in Essen, Germany. "We're looking at what the early Star Wars films did; they used real locations with special effects. So [for Episode VII] we're going to find some very cool locations, we're going to end up using every single tool in the toolbox."
Kennedy continued, "I was amazed yesterday and looking at what the fans are doing," referring to some of the presentations and displays at Celebration Europe. "Using model makers, using real droids, taking advantage of the artwork that you can touch and feel -- we want to do that in combination with CG effects."
"I would say we are working really hard to make a movie that feels as emotional and authentic and exciting as possible."
Its been nice see that how important it is and to be reminded how important it is to so many people. We all know that [creator George Lucas'] dream has become almost a religion to some people. I remember reading a thing somewhere, someone wrote about just wanting [the new film] to feel real; to feel authentic. I remember I felt that way when I was 11 years old when I saw the first one. As much of a fairy tale as it was, it felt real. And to me, that is exactly right.
A fake Vader might be feared amongst the Imperial ranks, but I doubt it would inspire much loyalty beyond that. Vader's record as far as military operations we see on screen isn't very good. Heck, I think Hoth's the only battle he actually wins and he botches that pretty badly and lets most of the rebels escape. Robert E. Lee he isn't.
Keep in mind some of the imperial generals in Episode IV basically act like he's a joke until he starts force-choking people, so claiming some sort of stellar EU battle record for him that only happens off camera doesn't make sense either. And nobody knows he's Anakin Skywalker (sans the Emperor) so any Clone Wars stuff won't count either.
Not sure why the civilian population would even care. A fake emperor they might fear.
Well, Abrams' track record with practical effects and set constructions is pretty fucking good. Go watch some of the making-of doco's for Star Trek Into Darkness. A lot of effort put into sets which are very impressive indeed.
Then we had this:
Plot twist: At the end of Episode VII "Darth Vader takes off his mask just to reveal himself as......Obi-Wan! He faked his death together with the original Darth Vader and took his place after Episode 6 (we never saw Obi Wans body, remember he just vanished!)
Obi-Wan in Episode 4 was really Obi-Wan's clone Ben, the real Obi-Wan froze himself in carbonite after Episode III.
Well, Abrams' track record with practical effects and set constructions is pretty fucking good. Go watch some of the making-of doco's for Star Trek Into Darkness. A lot of effort put into sets which are very impressive indeed.
Then we had this:
the idea of a vader imposter might be interesting for a comic or a videogame, but I dont see it in a main saga movie
Keep in mind some of the imperial generals in Episode IV basically act like he's a joke until he starts force-choking people, so claiming some sort of stellar EU battle record for him that only happens off camera doesn't make sense either. And nobody knows he's Anakin Skywalker (sans the Emperor) so any Clone Wars stuff won't count either.
Not sure why the civilian population would even care. A fake emperor they might fear.
Cucumberpatch is Vader from an alternate universe. His first line to Luke will be "shall we begin?"if Cumberhatch is revelead at the end of VII as the imposter wearing the Vader suit...
somone holds my hands please...I'm feeling nauseous.
Did anyone ever post this rumor from a few months ago?
The source of the rumor is Steven Greenstreet, a documentary filmmaker, who was apparently working on the set of Boardwalk Empire when he claims to have been given this information:
Could be total bullshit, but I just thought it was sort of interesting.
If someone is in the Vader suit, I want him to be like Lelouch Lamperouge from Code Geass. Just some kind of crazy revolutionary figure (maybe it's because I just finished the series and the character is on my mind).
I'll have Supershadow forward this rumor to Lucas ASAP.
Wat. Han should have died in Episode VI. Since it didn't happen, he should die in Episode VII >_<Interestingly, Ford also is said to have wanted to see how Han would develop over more than just Episode VII, indicating that the character will indeed be around for most of the new trilogy and will not be killed off in the new film as some fans have speculated.
I don't believe it. By the time Indy 5 (and VIII and IX) gets made, Ford himself will be a ghost.
Mara Jade?I think the villain will end up being a secret apprentice to Vader or Palpatine.
And I'm OKAY with that, as long as it's not a clone of either.
Indiana Jones and the Retirement Home of DoomI don't believe it. By the time Indy 5 (and VIII and IX) gets made, Ford himself will be a ghost.
Mara Jade?
Indiana Jones and the Retirement Home of Doom
They're saying all of the right things. I am a big Abrams fan, so I hope that they can nail a few things... A good amount of shooting in locations instead of in front of green screens, practical effects mixed with CGI, decent acting, and competent scripts.
it'll be an old Luke in the suit, under the influence of Palpatine's ghost
Haha is that clown still going?I'll have Supershadow forward this rumor to Lucas ASAP.
Luke would never allow himself to be persuaded by the dark side.
Oh man, I literally lol'ed.Because this needs to be posted in every Star Wars thread at at least once.
Because this needs to be posted in every Star Wars thread at at least once.
Because this needs to be posted in every Star Wars thread at at least once.
The "NeoGAF" logo fading in is what really does it. Bravo to whoever included that.They remind me of those cat's that have some disease where they lose their balance and fall.
Because this needs to be posted in every Star Wars thread at at least once.