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Star Wars Episode VIII Production Thread (Principal Photography Complete)


I wasn't saying you were criticizing the cinematography overall, but I was very impressed with it. Abrams has grown a lot as a filmmaker and some of those scenes we're talking about are in my opinion the best shots in the series, at least rivaling ESB. It had a more theatrical vibe than earlier Abrams stuff, which was pretty solid but you could tell he came from TV roots on stuff like Mission 3. With Super 8 he started to mature but it was trying too much to (purposefully) imitate Spielberg. And that's not a criticism at Super 8, I actually really like it, but it's true.

TFA feels to me like the first film of his with a lot of visual depth. His Star Trek movies were pretty well shot and looked good, but they all have this clean look. Which I'm not against specifically, but it was something I was slightly worried about with this movie but no, it... actually looked like a film. Not that his others don't, just, this one far more so.

Right. And some shots (particularly the indoor scenes) still have SOME of the cleanliness, but it's very VERY subtle. Enough to notice, but upon multiple views, it starts to diminish.


Gold Member
I think it was just a final rewrite.

From what Del Toro's said I'm not sure he's an outright villain. I have a feeling he might be part of another faction not attached to the Resistance or the First Order.

This is very intriguing to me "Benicio Del Toro was originally set to play Darth Maul. Del Toro left the film after George Lucas took most of Maul's lines out of the film."
Right. And some shots (particularly the indoor scenes) still have SOME of the cleanliness, but it's very VERY subtle. Enough to notice, but upon multiple views, it starts to diminish.

With modern filming it's difficult to not get that look, so naturally you're going to see it here and there. I gotta say though, I can't really think of any specific example right off the top of my head. You're likely correct though as it's typical. I'm very eager to get the Blu-rey (forgive me)


With modern filming it's difficult to not get that look, so naturally you're going to see it here and there. I gotta say though, I can't really think of any specific example right off the top of my head. You're likely correct though as it's typical. I'm very eager to get the Blu-rey (forgive me)

OK, I'll try a couple examples. Now, don't get me wrong, I fucking LOVE the opening scene, it's one of the best parts of the film. It just feels like there's so many damn lights on the scene that the Stormtrooper outfits seem more like diamonds and less like worn uniforms. There's something about their brightness/shimmer that feels a little too clean. Or some scenes on the Falcon. Lot's of objects in shots feel like there's too much light, as if someone with a huge ass flashlight is behind the camera, shining on the entire scene, instead of strategically lighting the actors/ship with appropriate visibility that allows for some areas to be cast in shadow and feel more worn in. Like I said, it's not bad by any means, just slightly distracting.


Any word on Billy Dee Williams, and do ya'll want to see or hear about Lando for ep8 or 9?

Can't wait for the new movies. Personally hope we see more of the underworld, maybe Del Toro will star as King Prana. Gotta imagine that Chewie will still be hunted down for the bounties on Han
It'll be interesting to see how Rian incorporates the Knights of Ren into VIII. From what Snoke says in TFA, they are still out there, but where are they during the events of TFA?

The First Order aren't a galaxy-spanning force yet. What's more important than finding Luke and destroying the Republic? I'd laugh if Luke has a collection of their helmets.

Any word on Billy Dee Williams, and do ya'll want to see or hear about Lando for ep8 or 9?

At the premiere he gave a wry smile when asked. Pretty sure he'll be in VIII in a small role.


Any word on Billy Dee Williams, and do ya'll want to see or hear about Lando for ep8 or 9?

Can't wait for the new movies. Personally hope we see more of the underworld, maybe Del Toro will star as King Prana. Gotta imagine that Chewie will still be hunted down for the bounties on Han

I'd love to see some scummy locations filled with bounty hunters and criminals, lots of potential for world building there. It's also important to make sure those characters are INTERACTING and feel like they're a PART of the world, not just additions, or an after the fact inclusion.


My only prediction for Eps 8 and 9 is the redemption of Kylo Ren/Ben Solo. It's going to happen. It's basically the inverse of Anakin's arc.
My only prediction for Eps 8 and 9 is the redemption of Kylo Ren/Ben Solo. It's going to happen. It's basically the inverse of Anakin's arc.

Nah. We've had a redemptive arc before. I want to see Kylo descend further into madness. My prediction is that he kills Snoke for his own reasons, before any of our heroes get to.


I wasn't saying you were criticizing the cinematography overall, but I was very impressed with it. Abrams has grown a lot as a filmmaker and some of those scenes we're talking about are in my opinion the best shots in the series, at least rivaling ESB. It had a more theatrical vibe than earlier Abrams stuff, which was pretty solid but you could tell he came from TV roots on stuff like Mission 3. With Super 8 he started to mature but it was trying too much to (purposefully) imitate Spielberg. And that's not a criticism at Super 8, I actually really like it, but it's true.

TFA feels to me like the first film of his with a lot of visual depth. His Star Trek movies were pretty well shot and looked good, but they all have this clean look. Which I'm not against specifically, but it was something I was slightly worried about with this movie but no, it... actually looked like a film. Not that his others don't, just, this one far more so.

I think the scene that best captures Abrams graduation was the Rey/Ren interrogation scene. It was something that could have gone very badly, in a lot of ways but in particular for how it was filmed. It was basically a staring contest in a small room - the potential for unintentional comedy was high. But Abrams filmed it like the battle of wills that it was. The actors nailed the internal struggle, the sound design helped convey what was happening with the Force, and it just worked. The camera work supports Rey's increasing dominance in that confrontation beautifully. In the end it's one of the best scenes in the film.

It's a scene that would have felled a lot of less skilled directors.


Spruced up the OP a little. Spoiler warning is in place for Episode 7 spoilers as well.

News will be added on the OP, organized by latest to oldest.


I think the scene that best captures Abrams graduation was the Rey/Ren interrogation scene. It was something that could have gone very badly, in a lot of ways but in particular for how it was filmed. It was basically a staring contest in a small room - the potential for unintentional comedy was high. But Abrams filmed it like the battle of wills that it was. The actors nailed the internal struggle, the sound design helped convey what was happening with the Force, and it just worked. The camera work supports Rey's increasing dominance in that confrontation beautifully. In the end it's one of the best scenes in the film.

It's a scene that would have felled a lot of less skilled directors.

I didn't like this scene at at all the first time, and in my theater, it got a couple small chuckles. But seeing it more than once really put into perspective how powerful and well done this scene is in regard to its overarching implications.

I've grown to love it, like so many other moments in the film.


My only prediction for Eps 8 and 9 is the redemption of Kylo Ren/Ben Solo. It's going to happen. It's basically the inverse of Anakin's arc.

My prediction is Kylo goes full evil. He'll kill Snoke and most likely anyone who gets in his way and when he ascends further than Vader he'll turn his back on him too. (destroy a vader statue or toss the helmet in trash or something)


Nah. We've had a redemptive arc before.

Exactly the point. Not to pull an "it's like poetry", but this is, through 2 trilogies and 1 film of another trilogy, what Star Wars does - reuses familiar tropes and themes. It's almost cyclical. I'd be VERY shocked if Ren doesn't become a heroic figure.


Exactly the point. Not to pull an "it's like poetry", but this is, through 2 trilogies and 1 film of another trilogy, what Star Wars does - reuses familiar tropes and themes. It's almost cyclical. I'd be VERY shocked if Ren doesn't become a heroic figure.
After killing Han, they'd have to work hard to earn that.
My only prediction for Eps 8 and 9 is the redemption of Kylo Ren/Ben Solo. It's going to happen. It's basically the inverse of Anakin's arc.

I think he'll turn on Snoke, but Snoke will evade death by taking over Finns body causing a triangle of chaos to be resolved in the finale.
My only prediction for Eps 8 and 9 is the redemption of Kylo Ren/Ben Solo. It's going to happen. It's basically the inverse of Anakin's arc.

Yeah, there's absolutely zero chance we don't see him turn back to the light side by the end. I think he'll survive the whole trilogy as well, not just get a redemptive death.
I think the scene that best captures Abrams graduation was the Rey/Ren interrogation scene. It was something that could have gone very badly, in a lot of ways but in particular for how it was filmed. It was basically a staring contest in a small room - the potential for unintentional comedy was high. But Abrams filmed it like the battle of wills that it was. The actors nailed the internal struggle, the sound design helped convey what was happening with the Force, and it just worked. The camera work supports Rey's increasing dominance in that confrontation beautifully. In the end it's one of the best scenes in the film.

First time I saw the movie, right after that scene I thought "oh god that could have been so bad but it was so good." So yeah, I absolutely agree. Surely that day of filming had some laughs on set. I mean it had to have been so incredibly awkward.


To the people wondering why we haven't gotten Rogue One marketing material yet... I think it's definitely because they want to maximize revenue from TFA first. I don't honestly expect to hear ANYTHING about Rogue One until TFA has finished its theatrical run, and only possibly a teaser or some info around the Blu-Ray release. My bet is that the hype machine starts in May, alongside the release of Civil War. That gives time to maximize revenue from TFA's theater run, then some time for the Blu-Ray hype to peak and die down. A teaser for Rogue One with Civil War will likely boost that movie's hype, and will then give a second wind to TFA's Blu-Ray sales.

I'm no expert, but I think that's the plan.


First time I saw the movie, right after that scene I thought "oh god that could have been so bad but it was so good." So yeah, I absolutely agree. Surely that day of filming had some laughs on set. I mean it had to have been so incredibly awkward.

Yeah I really want to see outtakes.
My only prediction for Eps 8 and 9 is the redemption of Kylo Ren/Ben Solo. It's going to happen. It's basically the inverse of Anakin's arc.

Mother, can you forgive me?
There is something I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it.

Will you help me mom?


Anakin killed a bunch of little kids and even he got redeemed.

I'm not sure the prequels are a good comparison point of where the ST will go, considering the new films are much more heavily influenced by the OT.

So many things in the PT were done with almost no thought or common sense that you have to wonder if they're worth examining closely in terms of characterization and plot progression..

Kylo/Han's scene, in many ways, was the direct inverse of Vader's scene with Luke when he ultimately redeemed his character and saved his son (embraced the light side). Because Kylo was not only unable to do this but, in fact, embraced the DARK side, I think his decision will have brutal ramifications for his character in the long run.
OK, I'll try a couple examples. Now, don't get me wrong, I fucking LOVE the opening scene, it's one of the best parts of the film. It just feels like there's so many damn lights on the scene that the Stormtrooper outfits seem more like diamonds and less like worn uniforms. There's something about their brightness/shimmer that feels a little too clean. Or some scenes on the Falcon. Lot's of objects in shots feel like there's too much light, as if someone with a huge ass flashlight is behind the camera, shining on the entire scene, instead of strategically lighting the actors/ship with appropriate visibility that allows for some areas to be cast in shadow and feel more worn in. Like I said, it's not bad by any means, just slightly distracting.

I know what you mean, but it didn't have that effect on me, I've actually been praising those shots of the stormtroopers in the intro and such lol. Nothing saying you're wrong, just subjectively disagreeing.
To the people wondering why we haven't gotten Rogue One marketing material yet... I think it's definitely because they want to maximize revenue from TFA first. I don't honestly expect to hear ANYTHING about Rogue One until TFA has finished its theatrical run, and only possibly a teaser or some info around the Blu-Ray release. My bet is that the hype machine starts in May, alongside the release of Civil War. That gives time to maximize revenue from TFA's theater run, then some time for the Blu-Ray hype to peak and die down. A teaser for Rogue One with Civil War will likely boost that movie's hype, and will then give a second wind to TFA's Blu-Ray sales.

I'm no expert, but I think that's the plan.

You're probably right. Rogue One merchandise is rumoured to start appearing in June and I expect the trailer to hit with Civil War.


So many things in the PT were done with almost no thought or common sense that you have to wonder if they're worth examining closely in terms of characterization and plot progression...

Yup. PT was so determined to link every character, even if it wasn't necessary (Vader made C3P0 lol). I even think that move has influenced SW series/fans going forward... which is why we are so obsessed with shit like "omg Snoke is Anakin!!" Everything has to be connected and related now due to the template the PT has established.
I didn't care for Brick or Looper, the only two films of his that I've seen, but Brick isn't up my alley at all, and while I didn't care for Looper, I saw that it was very well done. So my opinions of the work I've seen from him aside, I also see the potential. Granted, apparently his Breaking Bad stuff was phenomenal but I don't have that as a gauge. Regardless, I have a lot of faith in him and am even more interested to see what he does.

Also stoked for Trevorrow, I know there's a target on his head on GAF but... well, I loved Jurassic World and thought it was entertaining as all hell, so there's that, and I think his Star Wars output will be better. He tried for more practical effects for example but was only granted one animatronic to work with but with all the practical stuff in the last one I'm not sure that'll be as big a problem for him.
Exactly the point. Not to pull an "it's like poetry", but this is, through 2 trilogies and 1 film of another trilogy, what Star Wars does - reuses familiar tropes and themes. It's almost cyclical. I'd be VERY shocked if Ren doesn't become a heroic figure.

While true, redemption is not one of those reused tropes and themes yet. Like you said, we've had two trilogies, but one has a redeemed villain arc, and one has a fallen hero arc.

I could see Kylo's arc going in many different directions that would still feel true to Star Wars.
I don't know how I feel about Kylo's development. I guess I have no strong feelings yet either way as I've only seen the first part and while he performs a giant dick move, Anakin was a well-tended garden of giant dick moves so it simply depends on the direction they chose. I don't think there's a right or wrong with it. Kylo may redeem himself but still be frowned upon by others (maybe think Nux from Fury Road), redeem himself and be forgiven, or just remain a colossal asshole.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I had a dream that the opening of episode 8 was Finn being hunted down by Phasma on the same planet that opens up Clones, where they race around and end up in the bar, I loved the neopunk look of the streets.


Need more of this stuff, its almost Blade Runner


I had a dream that the opening of episode 8 was Finn being hunted down by Phasma on the same planet that opens up Clones, where they race around and end up in the bar, I loved the neopunk look of the streets.


Need more of this stuff, its almost Blade Runner

I think Finn needs a breather.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I think Finn needs a breather.

*To give the story weight

I dont want him to die, but Rey isnt dying, Kylo isnt dying, Finn is to some degree expendable but the audience love him.

Because let us not be twisted, someone dying
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