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Star Wars favorite movies list: One more time, loud as you can, how does it GOOOO?


With Rise of Skywalker looming, I wanted to ask all you Star Wars fans: what is your list of favorite Star Wars movies? Sticking with just the movies, not the TV shows, here is my list. Share yours! And when you see TROS, come back here and edit in where you think it should go.

1. Return of the Jedi
2. Revenge of the Sith
3. A New Hope
4. Empire Strikes Back
5. Rogue One
6. The Force Awakens
7. The Rise of Skywalker
8. Attack of the Clones
9. Solo
10. The Phantom Menace
11. The Clone Wars

Fifty feet of crap.
12. The Last Jedi
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THE Prey 2 fanatic
1. Star Wars
2. Return of the Jedi
3. The Empire Strikes Back
4. Solo
5. The Force Awakens
6. Rogue One
7. Caravan of Courage
8. The Battle for Endor
9. The Phantom Menace
10. The Holiday Special
11. Revenge of the Sith
12. The Clone Wars
13. Attack of the Clones
14. The Last Jedi

It sure is a shame that such a fantastic franchise has so many subpar entries. I guess the original trilogy really captured something almost impossible to replicate.


1: Empire Strikes Back — Amazing, and pretty much my starting point for what a great Star Wars story should be

2: A New Hope — What more can be said about this?

3: Revenge of the Sith — Gonna get some crap for this. It isn’t perfect, but it’s really good at times, and an incredible ride

4: Return of the Jedi — I love the finale, which is beautiful and amazing, and many parts of it are fantastic, but this movie spends far too much time with teddy bears for its own good

5: The Phantom Menace — A good children’s movie, a fun adventure, and the start of everything

6: Attack of the Clones — I need to rewatch this for the first time since near when it came out (tonight maybe), but I genuinely regard this as a bad movie


Gold Member
I basically grew up with the prequels and the video games and a lot of EU comics/books that were power fantasies.
1. Episode 3
2. Episode 6
3. Rogue One
4. Episode 5
5. Episode 4
6. Solo
7. Episode 7
8. Episode 1
9. Episode 2
a cliff
10 Last jedi (doesnt deserve a number)


1. Attack of the Clones
2. Empire Strikes Back
3. A New Hope
4. Revenge of the Sith
5. The Phantom Menace
6. Return of the Jedi


I don't really like the originals all that much, but I do like ESB. I don't really like the prequels all that much, but Sith has some great scenes. I don't really like the new trilogy all that much, but I liked some of the characters and setup from TFA. Overall, I guess I just don't like Star Wars all that much.


1: Empire Strikes Back — Amazing, and pretty much my starting point for what a great Star Wars story should be

2: A New Hope — What more can be said about this?

3: Revenge of the Sith — Gonna get some crap for this. It isn’t perfect, but it’s really good at times, and an incredible ride

4: Return of the Jedi — I love the finale, which is beautiful and amazing, and many parts of it are fantastic, but this movie spends far too much time with teddy bears for its own good

5: The Phantom Menace — A good children’s movie, a fun adventure, and the start of everything

6: Attack of the Clones — I need to rewatch this for the first time since near when it came out (tonight maybe), but I genuinely regard this as a bad movie

For fun, if I could include Kotor, it would come in #3. I don’t know how it’s aged (movies have a nice advantage there), but at the time, that was one of the most amazing experiences this universe ever produced.


Gold Member
idk how people liked last jedi
rey visits a drunk on retirment, rose and finn's useless adventure to casino planet taking up 2/3rds of the film, bad jokes through-out, kylo takes a shower, the ending is a planet full of salt. that's just the tip of the iceberg.
1. Return of the Jedi (I know most don't agree, but I like the Ewoks.)
2. A New Hope (I like the smaller scale of the film.)
3. Empire Strikes Back (Don't like how the team's split up in this one.)
4. Phantom Menace (I like the new robot and alien designs and all that)
5. Revenge of the Sith (It's not AotC)
6. Attack of the Clones (I hate this film)

Everything else's buried in a landfill somewhere.


Gold Member
1. Return of the Jedi (I know most don't agree, but I like the Ewoks.)
2. A New Hope (I like the smaller scale of the film.)
3. Empire Strikes Back (Don't like how the team's split up in this one.)
4. Phantom Menace (I like the new robot and alien designs and all that)
5. Revenge of the Sith (It's not AotC)
6. Attack of the Clones (I hate this film)

Everything else's buried in a landfill somewhere.
that landfill somewhere


1. The Last Jedi
2. The Empire Strikes Back
3. A New Hope
4. Return of the Jedi
5. The Force Awakens
6. Revenge of the Sith
7. Attack of the Clones
8. The Phantom Menace


1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Attack of the Clones
4. Revenge of the Sith
5. Return of the Jedi
6. The Phantom Menace
7. The Force Awakens
8. The Last Jedi

i highly rate the Ewok movies too, loved them as a kid. they explored a more fantasy style. wtf is Disney not doing Ewok style movies?
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1) Star Wars (A New Hope)
2) The Phantom Menace (I really have a soft spot for the prequels. Grew up watching them. Just watched them all again, and the contrast with Disney's films is insane)
3) Revenge of the Sith (There's something about this one. Flawed, but the epic tragedy still comes through)
4) The Empire Strikes Back
5) Rogue One
6) Attack of the Clones (Geonosis, Jango, and Obi-Wan are all fun)
7) Return of the Jedi (For some reason, this is the one I've seen the least amount of times, aside from the Disney films)
8) Solo (better than JJ and Roundhead's abominations--not nearly as good as Rogue One)

*five miles of bantha poodoo*

9) The Force Awakens

*Admiral Ackbar's disintegrating flesh*

10) The Grand Subversion
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and everything else doesn't matter and belongs in trash can not worth ranking.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
1) Rogue One
2) The Force Awakens
3) Solo
4) OT
5) Last Jedi
6) Prequels

Honestly, never enjoyed the SW movies as much as I did the expanded universe. Outside of Rogue One, I wouldn’t really consider any of them to be “great” movies.
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I think Empire comes in at #1 if we had a proper weighted poll. Everyone rates it favorably at worst, while the rest of the moves are pretty divisive.


1. Empire strikes back
2. A new hope
3. Return of the Jedi
4. The last Jedi
5. Rogue one
6. Force awakens
7. Solo
8. Revenge of the sith
9. Phantom menace
10. Attack of the clones.
Rewatching revenge of the sith right now. The CGI does not hold up well. The practical effects of the originals hold up better. You lose too much three dimensional space with heavy CGI. Movie creators lean too heavily on it as well. A good magician knows how to hide what they are doing. Lucas thought he didn't need to do that with CGI, but years later it's obvious that you still need some tricks and deception. The writing is juvenile far too often. Acting is commonly bad. The droid army is bad. (Don't give that many speaking lines to cannon fodder.)

And still there's at least a soul to the movie that some of the sequel trilogy lacks. Lucas had a plan. He had a very political plot. The message is actually relevant. The opening of Phantom is mirrored in Revenge. There is thought and planning. You can't really say that about the sequels.

I don't have a list, just two thoughts on the series: Return of the Jedi is the most underrated film. Rogue One is the most overrated film.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
1. Empire
2. Hope
3. Return

That's it. If Empire and Hope aren't your top two in either order then you're a mook. If I really had to think about the rest?

4. Rogue One
5. Revenge
6. TFA
7. Solo
8. TLJ
9. Menace
10. Clones
One day people will realise AOTC is the best prequel and better than ROTJ. It has the best story, subplots, pacing, setpieces, visuals and minor characters of the prequels.
Love the original trilogy

1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Return of the Jedi
3. A New Hope

4. The Mandalorian (it's everything I wanted from a RotJ sequel. The main story about rebels vs empire was told, show me those interesting side characters and how the universe felt after the victory of Endor.)

theeen.. (I don't feel about these movies as real Star Wars movies anymore, but here we go)
5. Rogue One (thought this was a good movie, showing Star Wars from a more serious perspective. Could have done without the Vader fanboy porn at the end.)
6. The Force Awakens (brought some nice new ideas to the franchise, and felt "Star Wars" again after the horrible prequels)
7. Solo (Fun movie, has that heart that a star Wars movie needs. Should have been about some smuggler, and not Han Solo, though.)
8. The Phantom Menace (with all its flaws, I really liked a lot about this movie. Darth Maul was amazing, and some really nice world building in it.)
9. Revenge of the Sith (It's okay, but it's just too much stuff happening, and the actors are all so bad)

absolute turd territory.
10. The Last Jedi (what a horrible turd of a movie, destroying everything that JJ tried to establish in TFA. Fuck you, Roundhead.)
11 Attack of the Clones (as much as I hate TLJ, AotC gets the crown from me. What an incredibly bad movie with some of the worst spoken lines of dialogue in Hollywood history.)
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THE Prey 2 fanatic
Rewatching revenge of the sith right now. The CGI does not hold up well. The practical effects of the originals hold up better. You lose too much three dimensional space with heavy CGI. Movie creators lean too heavily on it as well. A good magician knows how to hide what they are doing. Lucas thought he didn't need to do that with CGI, but years later it's obvious that you still need some tricks and deception. The writing is juvenile far too often. Acting is commonly bad. The droid army is bad. (Don't give that many speaking lines to cannon fodder.)
The poor greenscreen as well makes the film look like a total B-movie. Like goddamn do those actors look out of place in every scene.
1. A New Hope
2. The Empire Strikes Back
3. The Return of the Jedi
4. Solo

The rest are varying levels of shit, but I guess the ST kind of redeemed the PT for at least being 'bearable'..

Ulysses 31

the last Jedi was great always surprised to see so much hate.
The writing's pretty bad and retroactively diminish all the big battles(why don't rebels lightjump into ships, why aren't force ghosts helping out). And that's not even mentioning the bad tactical decisions of the 1st order makes at the start of TLJ.
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1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. .Return of the Jedi
4. Rogue One

5. Revenge of the sith
6. Phantom menace
7. Attack of the clones.






The Last Jedi

Disqualified - The Force Awakens

I didn't see any of the others
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They actually numbered the movies 1-9 so you know what order to watch them in. And believe it or not, if you watch them 1-9 THE STORY FUCKING MAKES SENSE.

I guess I'm the only Star Wars fan who appreciates all of the movies. Start with 1 end with 9, it's that simple.
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THE Prey 2 fanatic
They actually numbered the movies 1-9 so you know what order to watch them in. And believe it or not, if you watch them 1-9 THE STORY FUCKING MAKES SENSE.

I guess I'm the only Star Wars fan who appreciates all of the movies. Start with 1 end with 9, it's that simple.
A criminal take. The purpose of any prequel is to expand on the original material, starting with the expanded and derivative content is NUTS


1: Empire Strikes back
2: A new hope
3: Revenge of the Sith
4: Return of the Jedi
5: Rogue One
6: Phantom
7: Solo
8: TFA
9: Attack of the clones
10: TLJ


Canon movies
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. Star Wars
(3. Knights of the Old Republic)
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Revenge of the Sith
5. Phantom Menace
6. Attack of the Clones
7. The Clone Wars

Fan Fiction Garbage
1. Rogue One
2. Solo
3. TFA

and TLJ is a disgrace
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They actually numbered the movies 1-9 so you know what order to watch them in. And believe it or not, if you watch them 1-9 THE STORY FUCKING MAKES SENSE.

I guess I'm the only Star Wars fan who appreciates all of the movies. Start with 1 end with 9, it's that simple.

You do realize this is about order of favorites, right? Not watch order.


You do realize this is about order of favorites, right? Not watch order.

I didn't but my feeling on the matter stands. They're numbered for a reason and flow accordingly.

A criminal take. The purpose of any prequel is to expand on the original material, starting with the expanded and derivative content is NUTS

Disagree wholeheartedly. The Prequel trilogy only expands on history prior to the OT and only seeks to enrich everything about the OT by proxy of knowing and seeing more than led up to these events. Spoilery things like "I am your father" don't lose any impact when you already know who Vader is from the Prequel Trilogies because it's still the moment Luke discovers the truth which is key to the STORY, not the WATCHER of the movie.

The main problem with Star Wars fans, you're trying to justify the greatness of Star Wars for yourself and not recognizing Star Wars exists completely separate from any of your opinions. The movies are numbered and follow a very specific sequence that makes a cohesive story. Trying to break that up to act like it somehow makes Star Wars better is a real arm chair QB shitty take to make.
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A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
Rogue One
Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones

I've never seen Solo and the other two aren't worthy of the list.


1. Return of the Jedi for

2. A New Hope
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. Empire Strikes Back
5. Phantom Menace
6. Attack of the Clones

Episode 7 and 8 i wont count...and i havent seen any of the Spinoffs + i wont watch(pay) for Episode 9. Wikipedia synopsis will do for now....


Empire strikes back
Return of the jedi
A new hope
Revenge of the sith
Phantom menace
Rogue one
Clone wars
A guy who was shitting on the street making loud fart noises
A new order
The last shit

I still have to see solo but i hate the stupid queens of dragons so it's not gonna be soon...
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