Super weapon? Jedi Hand-severing?
Yep. Sounds like an Abrams reboot. Not an ounce of original thinking in those ideas.
Im sure Disney's HAND is involved as well.
fake edit: oh, I see what I did there
Super weapon? Jedi Hand-severing?
Yep. Sounds like an Abrams reboot. Not an ounce of original thinking in those ideas.
Super weapon? Jedi Hand-severing?
Yep. Sounds like an Abrams reboot. Not an ounce of original thinking in those ideas.
But instead of a spaceship zooming into frame we see... a hand! A severed hand, tumbling through space. A severed hand gripping a light saber.
That hand falls onto a desert planet, where it is discovered by characters who will be our heroes. One is Daisy Ridley. The other is John Boyega, who is playing someone trying to change his path in life (again, I'm keeping it vague here). They recognize the light saber as a Jedi relic and decide to return it to the proper people.
An example of why people are going to hate on this movie no matter what. Just rumors alone get people bitching.
A solar system-destroying weapon is dumb for a number of reasons. Besides the possible side-effects of basically creating a supernova, it's also far more destructive power than you would actually need. It's far more useful to blow up individual rebellious planets than to blow up everything in an entire solar system.
A solar system-destroying weapon is dumb for a number of reasons. Besides the possible side-effects of basically creating a supernova, it's also far more destructive power than you would actually need. It's far more useful to blow up individual rebellious planets than to blow up everything in an entire solar system.
An example of why people are going to hate on this movie no matter what. Just rumors alone get people bitching.
There's nothing that they could do regarding this movie that would appease the Abrams haters. He's a great director and him and his team managed to resurrect star trek, whether you like it or not. The best thing for this movie is to take everything the fanboys say with a massive slab of salt.
I don't know if the plot summary is accurate, but I'm willing to give JJ the benefit of the doubt; he has earned it in most people's books.
There's nothing that they could do regarding this movie that would appease the Abrams haters. He's a great director and him and his team managed to resurrect star trek, whether you like it or not. The best thing for this movie is to take everything the fanboys say with a massive slab of salt.
I don't know if the plot summary is accurate, but I'm willing to give JJ the benefit of the doubt; he has earned it in most people's books.
This is dismissive bullshit. I have no problem with Abrams. Liked the Trek movies enough, and absolutely loved Super 8. Was pleased when he was announced as director. These ideas sound pretty fucking lame.
It sounds stupid. Seriously, a solar system destroying weapon? I bet Lucas came up with that shit.
There are other generals and other high ranking peiple at coruscant probably. So what.
i laughed so hard when jar jar screamed 'weeesa free' in return of the jedi's newest release.
the character is too old to exist in the film and also it's obvious george threw it in to fuck with the fanboys
I actually LOVE the visual image of the robot hand floating above the crawl. Its the "we found it in the dessert and want to return it to its owner!" that kind of makes me grimace. And the solar system destroying weapon...
This is Coruscant at the end of Star Wars Episode VI:
To be fair, this isn't necessarily true. His race could very well live to be 500.
It's Jar Jar.It's also not necessarily Jar Jar.
See, this is fallacy. People always throw out such a blanket comment that has no base to it. It's usually a comment made by those who arent very familar with the EU to begin with. Truth is, there is more good/great EU than there is terrible. A lot more actually.People are just mad about the EU and are going to write off everything as fanfiction even though the majority of the content of the EU came off like the most fanfictiony bullshit out there. I don't think there is a screenwriter alive that could write scripts for 7-9 that wouldn't result in people whining about it sounding like fanfiction.
There are problems with the prequels, but this just goes to show that even if the prequels were technically way better than they were, people would still throw everything under a microscope and scrutinize the hell out of it.
The entire Star Wars universe, including the old EU, is lousy with people trying to one-up themselves with super weapons. A weapon that can destroy solar systems is nothing new :/It sounds stupid. Seriously, a solar system destroying weapon? I bet Lucas came up with that shit. It's just about all he knows how to do, make shit bigger than it was in the previous movie. Vader had one blade, but Maul had two! Then, Grievous had four! Holy shit, it's so awesome!
Crash landing hand with saber is a pretty lame jumping off point, but at least that's all it is and we'll move right along plot-wise. Doesn't fill me with confidence in the writers that that's the best they could come up with for a reason to start the adventure, though. Why not just start the movie with Han and Chewie searching for Luke already and they stumble on the two new main characters? Far less lame.
i laughed so hard when jar jar screamed 'weeesa free' in return of the jedi's newest release.
the character is too old to exist in the film and also it's obvious george threw it in to fuck with the fanboys
Super weapon? Jedi Hand-severing?
Yep. Sounds like an Abrams reboot. Not an ounce of original thinking in those ideas.
I'm sure it won't be that simple. There's going to be actual characters and story.I actually LOVE the visual image of the robot hand floating above the crawl. Its the "we found it in the dessert and want to return it to its owner!" that kind of makes me grimace.
I want one!
Wait, what? The prequels and sequels are only separated by a couple of decades. Was Jar-Jar afflicted with some terminal disease I'm unaware of that would make it impossible for him to live to the end of RotJ?
This is Coruscant at the end of Star Wars Episode VI:
well it is cg from almost 20 yrs ago.Hollllllly shit, that looks terrible.*
*Not blaming CGI - just saying it looks bad. Lazy, lazy work. WOW.
well it is cg from almost 20 yrs ago.
Looks awesome!