Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku!
What if
the movie just wants you to think its Luke's hand but its really vaders
What ifthe movie just wants you to think its Luke's hand but its really vaders
That's the thing though, there's only two decades between Episodes 3 and 4.
So basically what happened is: everything was new and shiny in the PT and in the OT everything was run down. Okay, fair enough I can suspend my disbelief enough to accept that two decades of war has caused both sides, even the powerful Empire, to quit painting and shining all their material.
But what I can't accept is how in only two decades time EVERY vehicle was adapted and changed THAT much. I guess I should have clarified better, the vehicles in the PT should have been WAY closer to the OT than they were.
I mean, look at cars, I can clearly see the similarities in a VW Golf Mk3 (about 20 years old) compared to a current VW Golf Mk7, I was expecting an evolution like that.
Dooku takes Anakin's hand he cut off on Geonosis and lost it on the way to Coruscant?
Nah, the hand Luke cut off when he went apeshit at the end of RotJ. There is an entire EU book based around finding it, I sort of doubt they'd have it as the focal point of Ep. VII.
Interesting. I really need to get into the EU stuff (even though now its not official cannon).
Screencapped it, just because I felt like it:
Really beginning to like it, look forward to building the Lego model and putting next to the OT X-Wing. (such a geek)
Is it still the Empire if there's no Emperor?
I'm betting Han & Chewie are captaining a Star Destroyer at the beginning of this movie.
Boyega decides to defect with whoever this girl Daisy Ridley is playing.
She says she knows somebody who can figure out this lightsaber thing.
She calls someone to come pick her up.
Enter Star Destroyer
Boyega starts tripping because a Star Destroyer is the last thing you want to see if you're trying to defect from the Empire
Han Solo welcomes this girl.
This girl says "Hi dad."
Begin adventure.
....can't tell if serious...
Btw...somewhat similar teaser poster for ROTJ with a "hand in space":
That hand shit sounds so insanely stupid. Even more so if it's not the robotic hand.
Interesting. I really need to get into the EU stuff (even though now its not official cannon).
What ifthe movie just wants you to think its Luke's hand but its really vaders
In the prequels we're spending a lot of time in the galactic capital, with politicians, Jedi etc. what we see in the prequels is the high society, of course they would have fancy ships and clean looking buildings.
But there are still grimy worlds, stuff like the pod racers hardly looked new and shiny. Padme's ship sticks out like a sore thumb on Tatooine.
What's your point? A poster is different than some hand floating through space, by some miracle not burning up in the atmosphere, and the characters coming across it.
I agree with you. I'm staying spoiler free with the new movies, so I hardly know anything about it. What I'm hoping is that J. J. does something new with it, instead of relaying on the OT trilogy. I'm very wary of what's he's been doing, but I'm keeping an open mind. It might work, it might not. What I hope for is that there's more new planets. I am still looking forward to the new movies.
The characters come across the saber, not necessarily the hand attached to it, robotic or otherwise.
The characters come across the saber, not necessarily the hand attached to it, robotic or otherwise.
That hand falls onto a desert planet, where it is discovered by characters who will be our heroes.
How would the hand thing even be possible unless Luke had his hand cut off right near the planet? Hands aren't exactly capable of warp.
I'm betting Han & Chewie are captaining a Star Destroyer at the beginning of this movie.
Boyega decides to defect with whoever this girl Daisy Ridley is playing.
She says she knows somebody who can figure out this lightsaber thing.
She calls someone to come pick her up.
Enter Star Destroyer
Boyega starts tripping because a Star Destroyer is the last thing you want to see if you're trying to defect from the Empire
Han Solo welcomes this girl.
This girl says "Hi dad."
Begin adventure.
I do think it's fine to have some "OT-ness" in these; after all it's a continuation of the same story in the same universe, and like it or not SW has always focused on the Skywalkers. It's very possible that the new movies may not feature a Skywalker protagonist, but I think the story will still heavily involve that name. I wouldn't want the new movies to segregate themselves from the OT just to appease those who yell about nostalgia pandering; it is after all Episode VII, not a spinoff or this brand new thing. I think the story will be new but it's going to be a product of everything that has come before. It would be weird to have a nine episode series, have the first six episodes pertain to one thing and the last three just randomly being about something else entirely.
Yeah, but what has me worried is that rumor that it's 30 years, and the Empire is still there, and the Rebels are still there. It just to me makes no sense. I'm keeping a open mind, when I am going to watch it. Just to clarify, I want a mixture of OT, Prequel, and new. I don't mind it focusing on the Skywalkers. I do agree with what you said though. I'm not going to judge it until the final product is in theaters and after I watch it. I'm just saying my thoughts on the issue.
Gotcha. I'm simply waiting for the script to explain these things, as I'm sure it will. Context is so very important here, and these are really smart people so I don't think it'll be an issue.
As long as they explain it well I'll be fine with it. Even though I want an new villain other than the Empire, if they do it well, I have no problem with it.
I'm curious as to what type of presence the Empire has, and to what extent it will be involved with the new story. I think there will be a villain or villainous faction not related to the Empire.
That's another thing, I'm wondering if they will use the Sith Witches as one of the bad guys other than the empire.
what if theuse themidichloriansto decelerate theForceandhandor what if everyone on thegive it a soft landingwearsdesert planetand thespace suitshas little to noplanetand really spongyatmospheresand
That battle worn X-Wing is amazing. Some people will not be satisfied, screw'em.
Surely this new X-Wing isn't a retconned T-65... It must be a newer model
That X wing looks nice. I hope they've got some imperial stuff to.
Whoever did that work simply did not care
Get outta here with that bullshit.
The bullshit of the SE and PT effects work being sometimes shoddy?
The X-Wing is nice but... Is it X-Wing? The wings don't look like they'd open.
Also, the landing gear looks like it can't fit in the lower wing. Might be just due to perspective... but things like that bother me.
Looks a lot like Z-95 Headhunter. But then that was based on the same concept art as far as i know.
Also, as i noted to my friend, i still don't get why rocket engines look like jet engines. Unless they're like ramscoops, scooping up stuff for reaction mass (and given the advanced tech and pseudo-science of SW, perhaps they use dark matter or something. And no, don't link Wookieepedia page for me, like my explanation better than the formerly canonical one).
This is doubly odd as the X-wing is like the only ship with such engines.
It does look a lot more like a headhunter, but those fell out of canon afaik. Also it would seem strange to have quad lasers split like that if they didn't separate.
The X-Wing is nice but... Is it X-Wing? The wings don't look like they'd open.
Also, the landing gear looks like it can't fit in the lower wing. Might be just due to perspective... but things like that bother me.
Looks a lot like Z-95 Headhunter. But then that was based on the same concept art as far as i know.
Also, as i noted to my friend, i still don't get why rocket engines look like jet engines. Unless they're like ramscoops, scooping up stuff for reaction mass (and given the advanced tech and pseudo-science of SW, perhaps they use dark matter or something. And no, don't link Wookieepedia page for me, like my explanation better than the formerly canonical one).
This is doubly odd as the X-wing is like the only ship with such engines.