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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]


So about this

I am saying shopped?
Well in Aftermath,
his armor is seen on a Jawa Sandcrawler. Maybe this guy bought it?
Or maybe it's just another set of Mandalorian armor?


I'm still disappointed Denis Lawson (Wedge) turned down Disney's offer to be in the new trilogy because he thought it'd bore him lol.

On the plus side, that lets Lucasfilm have more freedom to do whatever they want with Wedge in the novels and comics since he's not guaranteed to survive. His stories can actually have tension.


A lot of people think the shot of Leia and Han hugging is them finally seeing each other again after many years. To me that shot comes off as their final goodbye.
So just to be cleR guys, Finn isn't going to die right just badly wrecked?

He's getting wrecked. Not sure if he'll be wrecked like Obi Wan at the end of Episode 2 where he gets knicked with the light saber but doesn't lose limbs or if he is going to end up like that Monty Python skit where he losses limbs.


I'm still disappointed Denis Lawson (Wedge) turned down Disney's offer to be in the new trilogy because he thought it'd bore him lol.

Yeah, I read that even JJ personally asked him to reprise his role, ah well. Maybe Wedge will show up in Rogue One?


Yes, I would love to see this. I don't know if any of the directors have the balls to do it though since association with the prequels might be seen as a bad thing. Clearly the rest of the new canon folks (the Rebels showrunners, the novelists, the Marvel teams) don't have a problem with tying everything together but JJ has been doing his best to make this movie a pure OT fest.

We'll get that association in Episode IX when Kylo uses Luke's old lightsaber and Rey fights him with Darth Maul's staff. That's right. A hero with a red lightsaber.

Just dreaming up a reason to keep Rey using a staff.


We'll get that association in Episode IX when Kylo uses Luke's old lightsaber and Rey fights him with Darth Maul's staff. That's right. A hero with a red lightsaber.

Just dreaming up a reason to keep Rey using a staff.

Maul's staff was destroyed, in canon.


On the whole Rey being Luke's (adopted) child. It has to be right? It makes sense for Luke to sent her away, more so than it would if she were Han/Leia's kid. It comes directly back to the talk that Anakin and Yoda had in RotS:

Yoda: "These visions you have ..."

Anakin: "They are of pain, suffering ... death."


Yoda: "Careful you must be when sensing the future, Anakin! The fear of loss is a path to the Dark Side."

Anakin: "I won't let my visions come true, Master Yoda."

Yoda: "Rejoice for those around us who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy, the shadow of greed, that is."

Anakin: "What must I do, Master Yoda?"

Yoda: "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."

I don't think Rey has amnesia but she was sent away at a very young age, Kylo might have been a student of Luke's at that time and that started his jealousy when Rey was born. Luke probably felt himself becoming more and more vulnerable to the dark side because of Rey so he makes the decision his father could not, cut all ties.
On the whole Rey being Luke's (adopted) child. It has to be right? It makes sense for Luke to sent her away, more so than it would if she were Han/Leia's kid. It comes directly back to the talk that Anakin and Yoda had in RotS:

I don't think Rey has amnesia but she was sent away at a very young age, Kylo might have been a student of Luke's at that time and that started his jealousy when Rey was born. Luke probably felt himself becoming more and more vulnerable to the dark side because of Rey so he makes the decision his father could not, cut all ties.

Luke has shown that he is the opposite - and probably would never indoctrinate his apprentices that way (especially since he never was in the first place). It's his connection and attachment to his father that prevents him from going dark in RotJ. He flaunted Yoda's warnings that his connections to his friends would lead to pain and suffering in Empire.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
I read the spoilers and the movie actually sounds great. I was cautiously optimistic before, but now I'm actually more excited to see it. I'd say my only complaint is that some of the new characters are too similar to old ones.


So in that compiled rumor thing it implies Phasma does indeed have a lightsaber. Which makes me ridiculously excited.
What compiled rumour? It's not in the MSW one.

Yeah, I read that even JJ personally asked him to reprise his role, ah well. Maybe Wedge will show up in Rogue One?
GL himself asked him to do a cameo in Ep III as well and he rejected. I think Ewan McGregor once said his uncle (Dennis Lawson) hates SW, the fandom, etc.

On the plus side, that lets Lucasfilm have more freedom to do whatever they want with Wedge in the novels and comics since he's not guaranteed to survive. His stories can actually have tension.
I'd rather see them just leave the character alone, to be honest.
On the whole Rey being Luke's (adopted) child. It has to be right? It makes sense for Luke to sent her away, more so than it would if she were Han/Leia's kid. It comes directly back to the talk that Anakin and Yoda had in RotS:

I don't think Rey has amnesia but she was sent away at a very young age, Kylo might have been a student of Luke's at that time and that started his jealousy when Rey was born. Luke probably felt himself becoming more and more vulnerable to the dark side because of Rey so he makes the decision his father could not, cut all ties.

If Rey is Luke's daughter, what's the under/over on him saying: "No, I am your father." when it's revealed?


Denis warned Ewan about how boring filming a Star Wars movie really is if I recall.

It seemed Ewan learned the hard way.

Filming the OT would prob have been more fun than the PT i'd imagine. Mind you all Dennis Lawson did was sit in a fake cockpit for 99.99% of his shooting. Lawson is full on Alex Guinness in his feelings towards Star Wars nowadays and he doesn't get a 7 figure cheque from it every year like Guinness did. He says it would bore him but i can't believe it'd be as boring as filming crap he does like New Tricks. He did record the audio book of Heir to the Empire many years ago and did a good job.

Ewan Mcgreggor would come back and play Obi Wan i'm sure. (I think he's even said so but couldn't pull a source) I don't think he bares a grudge he just knows the films were shit.


By the way, I don't buy it either, just sharing his explanation.

He gets a lot of props for the call sheet leak (without which we wouldn't have a fucking clue what the movie was about)

But he's still prone to making errors/publishing wrong info. Especially now that he's making bank off the site but still needs clicks when there is not a lot leaking as there's no real shooting going on.
This is the most thorough and accurate synopsis of the film thus far. It's a very long read, but it comes with pictures and citations to prove every claim. It covers the entire film and is very satisfying IMO.


This is pretty damned good. Should probably be the go-to for the last couple months. I like the little percentages on the side, although basically anything under 80 is "I don't really know, I'm just bullshitting but it seems cool."

Which is fun!


Caved in, read everything I could. Not even sorry. I'd read bits and pieces of speculation on MSW, but not the full plot.

I'm intrigued about the finer details we don't know, and I feel like I have to see it all to really get it, so in not even disappointed in myself. I'm REALLY excited to see what the flashback scene turns out like.

I'm really curious where this trilogy will go.
With the traditional "I was just speculating" justification?
(I haven't been following the trailer thread, figured the discussion would have too much stupid.)

Heard a guy on a podcast earlier today pulling this shit. Like every single one of his "guesses" were pretty much dead on with speculation. So either he's Trailer Sherlock or he's fronting.
With Kylo Ren being Vader obsessed, it makes quite alot of sense for Hayden Christensen to appear in the later movies now. Have him appear to give him a moral whoopin or something.

I don't think we'll see any force ghosts in this movie. They could justify it by saying that you can only stay in that form for a limited amount of time. Luke could say that he talked to Obi/Yoda/His dad for a few years after Endor and then they just faded away. If all the Jedis start becoming permanent ghosts forever then Luke should be consulting with Qui Gon, Obi Wan, Yoda, and Vader. It starts to get a little ridiculous after awhile. It would also explain why Qui Gon's ghost went away before the OT.


Heard a guy on a podcast earlier today pulling this shit. Like every single one of his "guesses" were pretty much dead on with speculation. So either he's Trailer Sherlock or he's fronting.
Yup, I saw the same thing happen. Tim and Nick from Kinda Funny did a trailer breakdown and Tim "guessed" nearly every single thing right.
I don't think we'll see any force ghosts in this movie. They could justify it by saying that you can only stay in that form for a limited amount of time. Luke could say that he talked to Obi/Yoda/His dad for a few years after Endor and then they just faded away. If all the Jedis start becoming permanent ghosts forever then Luke should be consulting with Qui Gon, Obi Wan, Yoda, and Vader. It starts to get a little ridiculous after awhile. It would also explain why Qui Gon's ghost went away before the OT.

I wouldn't be surprised if we have a scene in 8 or 9 where Luke appears to be talking to himself, but he is really talking to Yoda or Obi Wan or his father.
It would be a shame if the Raid guys are only in those parts that the Google doc indicates

Is it possible that they play the Knights of Ren too?
Mark Hamill, Hayden Christensen, Ewan McGregor, and Yoda on the screen at the same time in Ep. 8.

Watch it happen.

Luke has a big ol force ghost pow wow because he needs to consult his mentors on how to defeat the great threat


Yeah I read spoilers. No regrets. Well more like just skimmed but wanted to confirm the Han thing but goddamn, I want this movie now.
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