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Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Review Thread


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
now this is a good game of Star Wars like the old times.

Im gonna get this game in 30 Dollars or less.

Miracle to EA to bring us a Good Game


I guess I shouldn't be surprised? Stig is a good developer, and GoW3, the last title he directed, was a really good game. This reminds me of when the first Infamous came out, how it looked so uninspired in stills, but a lot better in video, and probably even moreso from behind the controller. Also, Debra Wilson is a good actress. Amazing that not even EA can sabotage Respawn.


From what I've played of it (got to some giant alligator) it's another movie game. Good graphics, poor hit detection and clunky combat. It isn't a bad game but it isn't especially good.


Gold Member
I feel almost an obligation to support this simply because it's a singleplayer game from EA. Gotta show them that it's worth it to make more.


I sense a disturbance in the force...

People comparing it to Uncharted but having recently played those games it looks nothing like them. The levels here look generic and boring... lots of big empty spaces, caves etc, the graphics are no where near as good (Uncharted 4 was 2016 as well) and if theres an amazing story and set pieces I havent seen them.

It looks *ok* not bad, but I'm definitely waiting on a big sale. It definitely feels like this game is getting a bump because its Star Wars without offensive business practices. If I'm wrong when I play it I'll be a happy gamer.


Neo Member
Regarding “Quality” mode... I have no option anywhere for this on my Xbox One X. There is a Performance mode option, but I can’t find the option for Quality mode anywhere in the options menu. Am I to assume that if Performance mode is off that Quality mode is the default?
Wasn’t really sure where to post since the B/S/T OT is gone... so thought this would be a good place to start?. I’m selling the digital copy of Star Wars (Deluxe Edition) that came with my new Xbox One S if anyone is interested. Asking $50 obo, thanks.

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theGeek.games - 8.2/10

"Successful bet for Electronic Arts, which confided a big challenge to the studio Respawn: deliver a solo experience, as mastered as true to the matrix work. Admittedly, the flaws are there: the game sometimes suffers from a lack of personality in its mechanics, a repetitiveness often rough, and a lack of finish here and there. "


I'm finishing SW Jedi Fallen order in these days... I think that it's a good title with a story "good". It's not a masterpiece. I like the mechanics of the Gameplay inspired from Uncharted, Assassin's Creed :D


I'm probably getting it for Christmas. To anyone playing, has the latest patch improved the amount of bugs in your opinion?


I'm probably getting it for Christmas. To anyone playing, has the latest patch improved the amount of bugs in your opinion?

i played it on xbox one original and i never experienced any of the bugs people were complaining about except for that one part you fall through the floor which has now been patched. from what ive seen most of the bugs were on ps4. dont know if thats how it is or i just got lucky.


The game is a travesty. Only because it clearly needed more time in development. I of course blame EA as the whole title smacks of interference.

Apart from that the combat is great. The game plays quite a lot like Sekiro but suffers similar problems, mainly that the open world design isn't really suited to action. There's far too much jumping around and the constant bugs are so annoying that you'll almost certainly spend more time falling off cliffs, than dying by the swordplay.

It's a game that if the fat was cut, the levels streamlined, and there was more polish, could well be game of the year. There is a lot of ambition here and I love the way that the title leans into a more DS / Last Guardian style approach.

Instead though, you're constantly being pushed back, whether it's by the constant bugs, puzzles that sometimes don't work ( even when you do have the solution) and indistinct direction. I spent more time looking at the map in this title than any in recent memory. If you didn't know how to read a map this could well be a gamebreaker.
The game is often so poorly designed that it says "Shortcut unlocked" when you haven't even been to the area where you were shortcutting to. It's pretty confusing.
Having said that some levels are just great and obviously exactly what the developer intended. Others barely appear finished on a graphical level.

It's such a shame, and all I can hope is that someone does a sequel that irons out all the problems, because this is definitely the best Star Wars game. It's probably going to become a cult classic. I doubt most people will bother getting through it though.


I like the open level exploration. It's not too open to lose my interest (such as with actual open world games), but still big enough so that I do not get bored and feel like im just running down corridors.

My only issue so far is the bad performance (regular ps4) and the times you have to slide down a path and risk to fall off the side, due to bad controls.


Just beat it yesterday. Overall I liked it but it could've used a bit more time in the oven so to speak. That being said, it's still the best star wars related thing I've experienced since Disney bought/ruined star wars.


I think I'm like three quarters through the game, so far it has surprised me in a positive way.

The marketing for this thing sucked, through most of the trailers it just looked like a bland attempt at making a star wars Uncharted. But the more open levels with decent level design, slight puzzle elements, platforming that isn't completely braindead and involves a bit of timing and player interaction as well as the fun combat system have all been a pleasant surprise


Suffers from extreme PDS
I think I'm like three quarters through the game, so far it has surprised me in a positive way.

The marketing for this thing sucked, through most of the trailers it just looked like a bland attempt at making a star wars Uncharted. But the more open levels with decent level design, slight puzzle elements, platforming that isn't completely braindead and involves a bit of timing and player interaction as well as the fun combat system have all been a pleasant surprise

Other than performance dips on the first planet I loved it. Really felt like a Star Wars from the N64 era that was made with a love and care for the product and not a front just to make money off the brand like the last few iterations of the franchise.


Best Star Wars game lately (im not counting Battlefront II because the actual state, make it an awesome game, but it took it almost 2 years of fixes).

The game is pretty good, pretty good planets, a good plot, memorable characters (in fact BD is a character more lovable than BB) Some graphical problems, not outstanding, just ok. Looking for the sequel.


Gold Member
It’s a good game, that’s it. There’s just way too much that drags it down.

The respawn mechanic is idiotic (on PC,I haven’t played console).

level design is far too lazy in places with random corridors just splitting off to try and make it interesting. And let’s just throw some random climbing areas in, for no apparent reason.

the dialog is atrocious. “Stand still Jedi” (yeah, ok).

Enemy mechanics, especially for creatures, are a joke.

Heavy enemy setups are idiotic. Having two giant spiders and one giant slug spawning at the same time to attack, for example, is something a junior level designer who has no idea what they’re doing would do.

Using your med-pack is one of the worst I’ve ever seen in a game. It takes way too long for BB to throw up a stim, which is a pain if you’re under melee attack and trying to run at the same time. What they hell were they thinking?

Having to backtrack through the entire level once you’ve completed your mission is ridiculous. They couldn’t have solved this with a story-arch? Again, this is clearly a junior level problem. Try to add length to the game.

Anyway, that’s my two cents. As someone whose been in the industry for a long time, it really bugs me to see things like this. At times, I almost feel as if it’s a mod for tomb raider. It’s nowhere near AAA quality.
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I give it about a 7. Fun initially but it outstayed its welcome. By the 5th planet I was pretty much bored. The combat lacked sharpness, I found the holomap almost impossible to follow, and having to trek back to the ship after finishing each mission was so tedious. In part due to the shitty holomap. It also artificially pads the length of the game, which is probably not a coincidence.

And what is with those bulbous eyes? Yuck.


I give it about a 7. Fun initially but it outstayed its welcome. By the 5th planet I was pretty much bored. The combat lacked sharpness, I found the holomap almost impossible to follow, and having to trek back to the ship after finishing each mission was so tedious. In part due to the shitty holomap. It also artificially pads the length of the game, which is probably not a coincidence.

And what is with those bulbous eyes? Yuck.
This is exactly my thoughts. Word for word


Gold Member
I give it about a 7. Fun initially but it outstayed its welcome. By the 5th planet I was pretty much bored. The combat lacked sharpness, I found the holomap almost impossible to follow, and having to trek back to the ship after finishing each mission was so tedious. In part due to the shitty holomap. It also artificially pads the length of the game, which is probably not a coincidence.

And what is with those bulbous eyes? Yuck.
Yeah, spot on. I forgot to add those two elements to my list.

I’d give it a 6, to be honest.


I give it about a 7. Fun initially but it outstayed its welcome. By the 5th planet I was pretty much bored. The combat lacked sharpness, I found the holomap almost impossible to follow, and having to trek back to the ship after finishing each mission was so tedious. In part due to the shitty holomap. It also artificially pads the length of the game, which is probably not a coincidence.

And what is with those bulbous eyes? Yuck.

I wish I could get into it even this much. Kinda hard to play these slow clunky action games after playing DMC 5 for months, they should've made this with the modified source engine they used for Titanfall 2 since it would've made it way more responsive at 60 fps.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
This is one of the better Disney Wars releases.

The Dathomir sections are the most interesting. Weird hellish world where witches can summon their dead. Those fucking witches are more op than Jedi or Sith and this is canon ffs.


Crazy high scores there, only played it now and not finished it yet but I think it wants to do a lot (like be Dark Souls lite and a Tomb Raider lite) but everyhting is just not very satysfying, combat is frustrating with huge difficulty swings, finding secrets and climbing around feels quite generic, story is shit, main character has a stupid face... I do love the little robot guy a lot tho, honestly I think that's what keeps me playing.

Worst of the GOTY contenders that I did play (alltho maybe The Outer Worlds was worse, not sure).
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This is one of the better Disney Wars releases.

The Dathomir sections are the most interesting. Weird hellish world where witches can summon their dead. Those fucking witches are more op than Jedi or Sith and this is canon ffs.
Indeed. I am on this spooky planet with old temple ruins filled with Sith cultists and undead and this is way better than the movies. there are actual sci fi planets with weird plants and crazy creatures in this. the gameplay is lots of fun as well. it’s great.

level design is really cool. very Metroidvania, going back to explore further w newly acquired moves. the comparisons to Souls or Sekiro are not unwarranted.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Indeed. I am on this spooky planet with old temple ruins filled with Sith undead and this is way better than the movies. there are actual sci fi planets with weird plants and crazy creatures in this. the gameplay is lots of fun as well. it’s great.

level design is really cool. very Metroidvania, going back to explore further w newly acquired moves. the comparisons to Souls or Sekiro are not unwarranted.
Yeah. It's a great official addition to the universe. It's a bit woke but eh, not too terrible behind what is an exceptional game and I kinda dig the witch.

I could almost forgive all of Disney Wars if they officially canonized KOTOR 1 and 2. I mean canonize the games, not remake them or adapt them to movies or tv.


I really enjoy the level design the puzzles are pretty simple almost like BOTW style or Ocarina of Time even. I just used the force to pull down a drawbridge while some Sith cultists shoot at me w laser arrows. I switched on my double blades lightsaber and started deflecting the blasts back killing them.

the control scheme is simple and easy to learn, it is easy to do cool looking stuff and fight like the Jedi in the PT, force pushing crowds of baddies, and leaping around w ease.

Kahyyyk was a real show stopper, for an area so early in the game. also very reminiscent of some 3D Zelda dungeons in spots. levels can be maze like but the map is actually pretty easy to use and v helpful.
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ok, so far the boss fights have actually been pretty memorable. the Ninth Sister was a challenging Souls-style fight where i really had to learn the attacks and play strategically. i really like the abundance of dark force users in this. the new movies were very lacking in this department, but here we have multiple different factions of dark side users, cultists, sith officials, etc. shame they couldn't put this stuff into the movies. the filmmakers were too afraid of legitimizing their villains that they neutered them. here, there are plenty of baddies, and they are more than competent. they are genuinely a threat if you aren't on your toes.


the Gorgara boss fight was very cool as well. i loved it. even the QTE-ish sections where you are free falling and have to aim onto the animal's back. monster design is great throughout this game, this and other monsters are up there w at least the Ewok-movie level beasties. right now i'm in Dathomir. the strange sci fi look of the hazy skies and pink rocky atmosphere is great. there have been a few genuinely jaw dropping vistas, they know how to make beautiful sci fi landscapes, much better than the filmmakers, even. this is the kind of world design i look for in my pulp fiction.


it's almost like a world out of the 60's Star Trek tv show, rock outcroppings with mysterious temple ruins all over. the hollowed out cathedrals full of Sith cultists are a blast to lightsaber your way through. the combat does feel like a blend of Sekiro and Souls elements, and the sword based combat makes me think of the former the most. still haven't really even attempted parrying...

this right here, damn. some very impactful storytelling. the flashback sequence, where you are reliving Order 66 from the perspective of a young padawan, was so good. again, here is another thing the movies failed to deliver: elegant, world-consistent, emotionally & logically coherent, character-driven storytelling, which respectfully builds upon the universe but based around new characters that you still care about. tbh it's the best Di$ney era SW content by far, if you a fan of og SW and not the new stuff, give it a try, you'll probably like it.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I recently did a 2nd playthrough of this and while I still have a high opinion and believe it is easily the best Star Wars game in over a decade, it didn't wow me quite as much mainly because many of the flaws did become apparent:
1. Bugs and slow performance was still a mess
2. The game had far too much back tracking for those who are obsessed with collectibles.
3. I never felt like I mastered the fight mechnics. Did the parry work or not? Stuff like that.

Still a great start for a new franchise and I look forward to the sequel.


now im in the ice caves that Jedi used to be taken to during training to choose the Kyber Crystal. man there is so much Jedi lore in this game. so dope. it's ironic how the game makers were originally told they couldn't use Jedi, to not get in the way of the new movies, and now this game has 10x the lore of those movies.

the whole intro to the ice planet section is devoid of enemies, you kind of have to find your way in, sneaking into this massive temple during a blizzard. while exploring the caves i ran into a probe droid, used force pull, then push to smash him into the wall. the next probe droid i ran into, i used force pull, then had BD-1 program him to be on my side. the combat is varied enough to let you constantly be switching things up.

the parkour stuff is wonderful & makes getting around less of a pain in these large levels. it speeds up the Zelda X Tomb Raider style environmental puzzle solving as well. i've never gotten stuck in any of these puzzle rooms, they are all pretty simple, yet fun to work out. game maintains a high level of quality throughout.
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