These two posts came right after one another.
Palmer posted his message at: (05-18-2015, 08:55 AM)
Blarg posted his at: (05-18-2015, 09:03 AM)
That's 7 minutes apart, not unlikely that Blarg could have made it in that time.
Notice though the numbers, 18 and 23. 18+ 23.
Look at the post counts: 18=exmachina64 23=Makai
I don't know if it means anything or if it even matters at this point but from I get from this is that Blarg was trying to tell the Hutts to go for Ex and Makai.
However if we add 18+23 we get 41. Here's the 41st post in the thread:
All the role PMs are out, so you know what that means-
Here's the 41st post since the game began:
As soon as he answers my question(s) I will.
Doesn't seem like these mean anything though.
Next time we get a post count it comes from Blarg and the only one who matches any of those numbers is johnnyquicknives with 23 posts. The next time the post count comes in it's once again from Blarg and the only number that matches is 18 which happens to be AbosolutBro.
Like I said no idea if any of this matters or what we can gleam from it but there you go.