You are a Force Sensitive Rebel.
You are aligned with the Rebel Alliance.
Youve always known there was something different about you, but it was never clear what it was. The trauma of the crash has made it more apparent though: you are in tune with The Force. You can see a faint aura of the Light Side or Dark Side around others. Once per night phase, you can investigate a players allegiance. To do so, PM me the command INVESTIGATE: MattyG.
You win when no remaining players are Hutt Mob-aligned.
Please do not post in this thread until night 2 is finished.
When is Night 2 scheduled to end?
Night 2 had begun. Night 2 will end on Saturday 30th May at approximately 6:00 PM EDT
One by one, the remaining survivors begin to awake and convene to begin their day. 15 of them have gathered together. 16... 17...
After an hour of waiting, the group begins to search for the 19th, but it doesn't take long to find them.
Still lying on the floor of their shelter, Terrabyte20xx, the Ordinary Rebel is undeniably dead. A large bite is visible on their neck, while the Kouhun which had administered that bite is gripped firmly in the victim's dead hand, crushed during the spasms caused by its venom.
You are an Ordinary Rebel.
You are aligned with the Rebel Alliance.
You have no abilities other than voting.
You win when no remaining players are Hutt Mob-aligned.
They're still in shock from day 2.Unusually slow off the mark today. Hutt got your tongue?
As to why you shouldnt vote for me, well its simple. Im your commanding officer.![]()
My role is Rebel Officer (cop), I investigated Palmer on the first night. Hes clean. I think the person we should vote for is probably in the bandwagon who jumped on Blargonaut. Hes right, they wont kill him but they most certainly will vote him out.
Heres my suggestion; we pick someone to vote and you all pick someone for me to investigate. The Hutts have an easy target in me and if I die, despite my role, I dont think itll be that big of a loss.
Unusually slow off the mark today. Hutt got your tongue?
They're still in shock from day 2.
rebels legit shook![]()
You guys are my entertainment tonight. Get going!
We gonna have all of AC mafia posting before any of SW mafia?
That'd be entertaining.
So, remember this post?
Setre claimed he has Blarg's role. As we've learned, "Force Sensitive Rebel" was our Seer/Cop, not "Rebel Officer." Plus, when a Seer/Cop reveals, there is almost never a reason for the Wolves/Mob to not just kill them in the night, unless it was one of them making a fake claim. Yet Setre lives. Why would they pass him up? For Palmer, of all players? Setre even mentioned that he was the most likely target for the Hutts a few pages back with his role, back when we were certain Blarg was the Undercover Imperial. And why does he have Blarg's power under a different name, too? Of course, this all makes sense if he were to be a Hutt.
Vote: Setre
Plus, he claimed he cleared Palmer? He could have randomly picked a player to divert attention from himself, but it'd be foolish not to look into Palmer now. Odds are, if a Wolf/Mobster claiming to be a Seer/Cop clears another player, it's because (s)he, too, was a Wolf/Mobster.
A quick message to the person I sent the shield to:
Do not reveal who you are, there is a thief on the loose.
Oh, FFS, like this game can't get any MORE chaotic.
Good! I love a challenge.
And again, sorry I'm suspicious of you, Palmer. As I said, you could be an Rebel (Although clearly not an ordinary one), but it's just an odd choice, that the guy who (most likely) lied about being a Seer chose to "clear" you. For right now, though, my sights are set on Setre. That's just a point I'd really like to visit today: Why did he pick you?
I have no idea, but I'm not a rebel at all. I'm Neutral. If you look back, I asked him several pointed questions that I don't think I ever got a real answer to. Unfortunately, it kind of got lost in the whole Blag thing. Part of why I didn't reveal more of my role is so I can wait to see what he might say so I can confirm/deny.
I don't at all blame people for being suspicious of me.
I have no idea, but I'm not a rebel at all. I'm Neutral. If you look back, I asked him several pointed questions that I don't think I ever got a real answer to. Unfortunately, it kind of got lost in the whole Blag thing. Part of why I didn't reveal more of my role is so I can wait to see what he might say so I can confirm/deny.
I don't at all blame people for being suspicious of me.
Welp, looks like the heats back on me. I assumed I was the cop because I have the same ability as Blarg. For a bit of clarification when I invistiage someone It doesn't tell me whether they are Town aligned or Hutt aligned, all I get is a message saying "No suspicious activity found."
I investigated eJawa during the night and once again found nothing. And before you all decide to detain me I've got a bit more information.
I received a message like Blarg did during the first night. Just of the message is this:
Blarg wasn't the person they wanted to represent them. Pay attention to who gets these messages. They have a 20 word limite. Lastly in supposed to tell you all this.
I've told you all what I am and it's up to you to believe me or not. If you detain me you'll just be killing another Rebel who can help you.
I've read a bit more up in Mafia and there are cops who can have different sanity levels. I don't know if MattyG would include these in the game or not but if there's more than one person who can investigate that might be the case. If it is then both Palmer and eJawa could be Hutts.
I'm not saying they are I'm simply stating what I've read. As far as I'm concerned right now I trust Palmer, even if he is neutral, and eJawa.
Ah, that changes things a bit. Have you not played a ton of Mafia/Werewolf before? It sounds like you're checking for Night activity, i.e. a Tracker or Watcher. I think LoC had a similar role last game. In that case, I can confirm that I did not target N1.
The message stuff... I dunno. Seems super weird for now.
This is implying that you do have the ability to target?Ah, that changes things a bit. Have you not played a ton of Mafia/Werewolf before? It sounds like you're checking for Night activity, i.e. a Tracker or Watcher. I think LoC had a similar role last game. In that case, I can confirm that I did not target N1.
The message stuff... I dunno. Seems super weird for now.
This is implying that you do have the ability to target?
Well that was certainly something.
So, only one death. Are we thinking that the mafia can only target one person, or are we thinking a kill was blocked? Terra was a strong player but there were a lot of power roles in the open that could also have been targets but all the discussion was around protecting Worthy/Zubz.
I will say that Setre said something yesterday and it's wording made me think he's being truthful. I could be wrong (or be being played) but im inclined to trust him now.
Terrabyte20xx said:This is the end... I can feel it. Frankly I'm surprised I lasted this long, I was sure I would be the first one out after the stunt I pulled. I may not be the most force sensitive, chances are I'm one of the few who can barely even feel a thing. But I know you guys can do it.
I leave you guys with this: Inductive reasoning is the key, not deductive. Those who can only deduce are missing something... Or rather aren't missing anything.
RIP TB20xx ;_;
I'm not really sure where to go.
I'm a little but not really surprised that TWE and Zubz survived. We certainly discussed their situation enough that I feel like Hutts going for them would be a bit of a suicidal move.
Setre being a Watcher is helpful. I don't think it'll help us catch the other Imperial Agent, since that's a passive role, but helpful nonetheless. I'd say, "maybe we should send a shield her way", but apparently those are disappearing now?
As for Palmer, well, we had a helpful relation with the neutral player last time, hopefully we can do as much this time. You say you have an early lose condition, but the real question is does your win condition override a town win? Or coincide?
A quick message to the person I sent the shield to:
Do not reveal who you are, there is a thief on the loose.
Seriously though I know I've been out of it especially yesterday, but what exactly was Blargonauts Master Plan of tricking the Hutts? Im curious to know if there was more to it besides entertaining(?) us all with chaos.
The only thing I can think is that he thought that he would be able to persuade us that he wouldn't do us harm and could use 'the hologram' (his cop skillz) to pass on messages to us.
Ideally that would have meant that the Hutt wouldn't attack him since he was technically on their side and we would leave him alone since we knew his role and would believe he had defected. The interesting thing is that he may well have managed to buy himself at least an extra night until Palmer dropped his him or me stuff which caused a flurry of votes and should probably be the kick off point for todays investigations.
Blargonaut said:Ultimately, I did what I did for the benefit of the true survivors. The Hutts are in you, amongst you. You need to be creative, and sly, if you want to tease them out, then apart. Across the dunes, everyone is more likely to stumble while they're running; and so, I forced you all to dance. Some kept up, most hit the ground and a select few buried themselves, hiding from the sunlight.
Was I meant to skulk between tents under cover of darkness, in the vague hopes I'd peek through a slit and catch a glimpse of Palpatine tats? Absolutely, yes. But, in order to achieve the total freedom to do so, I dared to gamble with my life; my intention being to openly disguise myself as an Imperial agent and thus avoid unwanted Hutt attention, planting myself as an undercover Rebel. This would have allowed me to perform my detective work without nightly harassment, for a time.
I elected to burst into the spotlight, tactically provoking the gallery so as to gauge the reactions, the applause, the screams, the boos; recording all the noise and fury for deconstructive replay later. Peeking through tent slits at campers might be thrilling, but I prefer to peek through theatre curtains, at an audience.
Alas, I overplayed my hand, my gambit left unpaid; sharpness as well as sentimentality were found lacking, and so you must lack me.
I coat my skin in oil, and I grasp the scraping blade. The dirt on my skin sticks to the oil and I scrape it all off with the blade, until all that is left is the oil on my hands. One greasy hand grips the blade; the other empty but equally as greasy. How do I scrape off the oil on both hands? How do I scrape off the oil on the blade's hilt? The oil sticks to my hands, but I must grasp the blade in order to scrape off the oil.
I ignite the blade, knowing that it will survive the heat that cannot melt it; and then, I rub both hands on the ground, for the oil sticks to the dirt just as the dirt sticks to the oil.
There is no soap, only fire, and it would've flown you to the moon and back.
And so, the recording awaits your replay.
Why call Palmer out? Again why not? The Hutts know hes not one of them and now my fellow Rebels do know hes one of them. It gives the Rebels someone to rally to when me, Zubs, and Worthy are gone. Because lets face it one of us is going to die tonight and the others are going to follow shortly after. Now the Rebels who dont have a power roll know they can trust Palmer. Besides when I eventually had to tell you all I was a cop you wouldve asked who I investigated.
I'm not. You're the only one I trust because I know you're a Rebel. Why do you think I voted to give you the gun when we did that?
I want to know if setre is a faction cop, role cop, or other form of cop.
I dont know what any of that means. All I know is that Im the last Rebel Officer and my power is I can investigate people at Night.
Setre never responds or clarifies, shouldn't that have set off some alarm bells that he was mistaken about his role?A Faction Cop would investigate someone and get a message that says they are Town, or Mafia, or Neutral. Sometimes the moderator breaks it down to just Town and Anti-Town, i.e. some neutral roles like Serial Killer have a win condition that requires Town to lose. Other Neutral roles may show up as Town because their win condition coincides with helping town. There may be roles that falsify the information given to this kind of cop.
A Role Cop would investigate someone and get a message back with either their role title, i.e. Ordinary Rebel, or possibly their entire role, sans the redacted portions, like we all get when they die.
Some cops may get BOTH of those things.
I find this a little suspicious. Can you reveal how you know there is a thief? I already think it's odd that there would be 2 armourers and saying there is a theif is a convenient way of hiding the fact that no one is admiting they received a shield. However, I don't know why anyone would truthfully admit to having the shield in the first place.