If I was worried about Barry's vote against me, I wouldn't have gone through with my vote in the first place. At the time it felt like the right choice, but so did my last 2 votes. Yeah, he's made some more posts against me today, but I wasn't going to not undo a vote I didn't feel strongly for anymore, just because it might make me look suspicious. Besides, at this point, anything I do looks suspicious considering my part in the last 2 votes.
At least Setre knows I wasn't up to anything fishing last night! Either that or he made a good guess to try and gain my trust... Bah, I'm sure he's ok. (Please don't be a hutt Setre)
Go back to day 1 mentalities? That essentially says that we have learned nothing and need to just guess again, I don't buy that one second. Normally trying to persuade us to discount active and recent events to refocus our perspective is a Hutt tactic to throw us off an existing vote. If your record for interest and insight wasn't so good, I would be voting for you.
Thoughts: barrylocke, he was been a bandwagon follower on day 1, has been largely absent until today (as much as I have at least). I'm not sure where leader barrylocke went, hopefully he is back...
I'm voting setre, I have been thinking on his story since the start of this day and I just don't buy it anymore
vote= Setre
Oh and Matt attack - really just a regular rebel. Your gut is wrong. But if you do detain me, at least I'm not a power role.
The last sentence doesn't sit with me well at all. Why would you take the chance of dying?More clarification, it mainly comes down to "why eJawa?" He really didn't lead the conversation yesterday, he has been active but not too active, and it would have made more sense to confirm someone like quantumbro who said he had a job that had a night activity and couldn't easily be confirmed.
My gut says that a person with a reasonable power role will try to confirm highly active players first (your palmers, czartims, terrabytes, and worthys before heading off into semi active players. The only person who acted and "said" that last game turned out to be mafia, in a classic blunder. Took another Maria's job, changed some actions to throw off mafia suspicion, and then got caught eventually when other powers confirmed his "throw offs" didn't occur.
If I'm wrong detain me tomorrow, at least then we don't make another town power role detain.
Doesn't setre lying about his role seem like an easy backfire? If palmer or ejawa were a benevolent person with a role (doctor for instance), that could blow up in his face fast.
How was my ejawa vote a bandwagon?
Go back to day 1 mentalities? That essentially says that we have learned nothing and need to just guess again, I don't buy that one second. Normally trying to persuade us to discount active and recent events to refocus our perspective is a Hutt tactic to throw us off an existing vote. If your record for interest and insight wasn't so good, I would be voting for you.
Thoughts: barrylocke, he was been a bandwagon follower on day 1, has been largely absent until today (as much as I have at least). I'm not sure where leader barrylocke went, hopefully he is back...
I'm voting setre, I have been thinking on his story since the start of this day and I just don't buy it anymore
vote= Setre
Oh and Matt attack - really just a regular rebel. Your gut is wrong. But if you do detain me, at least I'm not a power role.
The last sentence doesn't sit with me well at all. Why would you take the chance of dying?
Because unlike exmachina and blarg' death mine won't hurt the town. Its not as good as a "no detain" vote (you do lose another town vote), but it's better than a power role imploding.
Again I'm part of the rebel alliance, and the filthy hutt's want to distract you with my lack of posts.
I was originally going to also do the player by player breakdown but we've had a few so I'll just throw a few names out that I'm a little wary about.
Makai - On day one I had actually prepared a post about him that I scrapped because of shit going down. The gist of it was that I felt he was a high activity player, that was writing little of much use. At the start of day 2 he had a few good posts that flipped my opinion back to neutral but by the end of day 2 to now I'm back to feeling suspicious albeit with no real, direct reason.
raindoc - It's kind of just because our opinions don't match on what sort of players to target (or if we should at all) that makes me wary of him.
eJawa - This is the only one thats primarily gut instinct. I said the same thing on day 1 but for some reason I just don't fully trust him.
OceanicAir - mostly just the same reasons others have stated. Lack of activity and when he does post it has always seemed a bit 'camoflagey'. That said I think he's improved a bit today, but improving after people start to call you out is a bit suspicious itself.
MattAttack - I'm don't want to detain him yet as his real life excuses kind of make sense and I feel when he does post the content usually seem OK to me. He is in that lowish post-count group that I'm watching.
Did Setre ever say why he detected who he did? Keep im mind that he apperently thought he was investigated suspicious people as a cop.
I'm confused about what Setre does now.
Setre, please clarify what type of Motion Detector you are.
This post:
came 20 minutes after this one:
So I assumed he got a PM in between to clarify.
Did Setre ever say why he detected who he did? Keep im mind that he apperently thought he was investigated suspicious people as a cop.
I've been rereading the thread and my brain just won't let me get past this.
Quantumbro: what did you see that made you change your mind about Blargonaut?
I know Blargo was one of us. I know it doesn't change anything. I'm rereading the thread (again and still) and that just bothers my brain that I can't figure out his puzzle. I don't know that I can wait for the whole thing to be over to ask him! D:
Looking at voting patterns from day 2 is really hard because of the whole Blargonaut thing. I mean, we had basically the same issue with Exmac on day 1, but to a much smaller degree since the presence of Imperial Agents hadn't been revealed by swamped's death yet.
Plenty of people piled onto Blargonaut, some unvoted with no real explanation. Palmer was all over the fucking map on votes, voting for like 6 people over the course of the day.
Making it a little hard to suss out patterns to compare with the votes so far today.
I've been rereading the thread and my brain just won't let me get past this.
Quantumbro: what did you see that made you change your mind about Blargonaut?
I know Blargo was one of us. I know it doesn't change anything. I'm rereading the thread (again and still) and that just bothers my brain that I can't figure out his puzzle. I don't know that I can wait for the whole thing to be over to ask him! D:
There is a fundamental difference in our play-styles:Sorry, I've been voting for people to prod them into action, generally. I haven't gotten a strong Hutt feeling from anyone, unfortunately. Looking back, Makai playing that game with Blarg strikes me the most. It was only in the Hutt's interest to play along with that to see what he'd say.
Unvote: Palmer_v1
I could've sworn I did this before, but apparently not.
Also, since the day is almost over, should I give away a gun or a shield during the night? Just keep in mind, I'm probably going to be dead in the morning.
Well I never voted for him in the first place, I wanted to figure out his whole puzzle first, which I never did end up doing, so I'm waiting for his explanation too.
This was basically how I was during that last part of day 2:
- You randomly call out people in the hopes that they divulge incriminating information under duress. This seems pretty worthless to me. You need focus for cross-examination.
I also distrust QuantumBro because of his abandoned gun gambit. Maybe you can explain what you were trying to do there, Quantum? My guess was your role is actually Watcher and you intended for the Hutts to be lured into killing the gun recipient while you uncovered the killers identity. I dont want to detain him because we are gonna need him if he really is an armorer. One of his recipients could confirm him, but I dont know if we could do this safely.
I thought I was this:
but ended up more like this:
It's not random. I'm picking someone from the lowest 3-4 posts every time, barring Rymuth cause he seems to just genuinely not be there. Inactivity aids Hutts. If we don't pressure them, it would let all of them simply sit and watch while we slowly tore down active people for the stupidest shit, i.e. exmachina on Day1.
Also, it's a fucking game and I like to see people participate. I've said it lots of times before, but I'm willing to make suboptimal choices in favor of fun. I don't think I will ever change my stance on that.
God help the inactives if I ever do end up a Serial Killer.
God help the inactives if I ever do end up a Serial Killer.
My goal was to give the town someone they could rally behind and trust. I changed my mind since Blarg caused a lot of chaos and confusion and I figured it might not be the best idea to add a gun to the mix. IIRC, you didn't like the idea of a gun being handed out to someone.
The funny thing is, I'm not even sure that the person received a shield since there's no confirmation on my end. I'm afraid that I'm going to announce that so and so has the shield and their going to be like, "uh no I don't" and then I'll get detained.
Lol. At least the good thing about dying is that Blarg has probably already explained everything in the dead thread.
Do you remember how active the Mafia players were in the last game?
I think it's a mistake to make comparisons to previous games. There are no consistent patterns because human behavior is just too volatile with this small of a group. Compare Animal Crossing to Star Wars for proof.Do you remember how active the Mafia players were in the last game?
100% give a shield. If we give a Hutt a shield, we can still detain them. But some rebel's day will be ruined if we give a Hutt a gun. Actually, a rebel would still be the likely victim of a gun fired by a rebel. And the possible existence of a thief makes gun an even less attractive option. Also, chin up. Your odds do seem bad, but then again Hutts went after Terrabyte instead of TWE/Zubz. And maybe there's even a Doctor in the house (I doubt it. Town is stacked as-is).Also, since the day is almost over, should I give away a gun or a shield during the night? Just keep in mind, I'm probably going to be dead in the morning.
Just couldn't resist it, eh?
Lol, I'm far more of an open book than people realize. My life would be a lot simpler if i was a serial killer. Instead, i get to babysit a rather intractable player. For fun's sake, maybe my prodding of inactives has a purpose?
Also, none of my actions yesterday make a goddamn bit of sense if I was a serial killer, anyway. I would have stayed silent while blarg went nuts, and then just tried to kill quantum, since he seems like the biggest hindrance to an SK.
Maybe setre should watch me again so you know im not responsible if he dies tonight(he wont).
Before the ultron reveal, RNH and LoC were frequently on my lists of inactivity. Traube and pants were more middle of the pack and escaped my suspicion until karkador went after after pants and traube got bussed by either rnh or loc.
I think it's a mistake to make comparisons to previous games. There are no consistent patterns because human behavior is just too volatile with this small of a group. Compare Animal Crossing to Star Wars for proof.
100% give a shield. If we give a Hutt a shield, we can still detain them. But some rebel's day will be ruined if we give a Hutt a gun. Actually, a rebel would still be the likely victim of a gun fired by a rebel. And the possible existence of a thief makes gun an even less attractive option. Also, chin up. Your odds do seem bad, but then again Hutts went after Terrabyte instead of TWE/Zubz. And maybe there's even a Doctor in the house (I doubt it. Town is stacked as-is).
SK: watch me! watch me! watch me!
*nothing happens*
SK: See? I told you!
N1 exuse all over the place again. You guys should bookmark this page. It will be one of the main dishes on the post-game crow-eating menue.
I was trying to save him :cBefore the ultron reveal, RNH and LoC were frequently on my lists of inactivity. Traube and pants were more middle of the pack and escaped my suspicion until karkador went after after pants and traube got bussed by either rnh or loc.
I was trying to save him :c
A new day dawns...
Day 3 officially begins...
Also, since the day is almost over, should I give away a gun or a shield during the night? Just keep in mind, I'm probably going to be dead in the morning.
Suspicious activity means there was a night action performed. No suspicious activity means there wasn't. It will also report suspicious activity done to the target but it's still under "Suspicious Activity".
Only eleven hours left? Crap, makai, oceanic air, redhood, eJawa, myself... (Not voting for Palmer or quantumbro for similar reasons as to why I have changed my mind on setre after convincing)
It's as good a vote as any, and it's the only action I have. I don't want to have another day slip by me. I'm primarily voting for him because I disagree with his assessment on lieing and why we should vote based on that. For example, I think blarg' imperial gambit made sense for his role, and in a different players hands (like karkador did last game with a different but more deadly role) could have worked out. He was aligning himself so that the hutt's would not attack him at night, so that he could work out who they were by his role. I think he overplayed day 1, and that made it easier for us to kill him day 1, when he finally told the lie.
Please.HELL NO! We have one option that is unlikely to result in the loss of a rebel: Palmer.
Stop taking stupid risks.
I meant in the sense of voting for who you feel is posting suspiciously, not randomly. Last game town had a really bad habit of always voting the easy target, and it took 8 days to lynch a scum. Easy targets give mafia a risk free vote. If mafia is playing well, it won't feel easy. Obviously they don't always play well, but it's worth keeping in mind.
I do think Setre as scum is a real possibility. I do not think he is lying about having the role though (or if he is it's a RNH scenario.) The only reason I am not voting for him today is it will be easier to catch him in a lie as time goes on, and catching him in a lie gives us more potential data to dissect in terms of he chose at night. Also if we are wrong we are risking another town power role, which we're running low on. That's why I am more interested in the posters flying under the radar with filler content.
Think this over guys:
Best case scenario: We get rid of the SK
Worst case: We "loose" a neutral role that could protect one of us under very special circumstances only.
Best case: One less Hutt
Worst case: We loose another powerful townie (investigator or armorer).
HELL NO! We have one option that is unlikely to result in the loss of a rebel: Palmer.
Stop taking stupid risks.
You are an Ordinary Rebel.
You are aligned with the Rebel Alliance.
You have no abilities other than voting.
You win when no remaining players are Hutt Mob-aligned.