raindoc - even though he hasn't been contributing a lot, he's pinging me as town.
I told you earlier, I'm moving and finishing uni. And I'm frustrated by this game. Our armorer has a weak moment on day 1 and you guys lynch him despite me pleading again and again that there's no need to rush it and stochastics work against us. Then on Day 2 our goddamn investigator decides to troll us. Honestly, for a moment I was thinking about getting out of here.
Then I remembered that Blarg's dead.
The counterpoint to that is that we've only had 1 extra Night kill so far, and I'm fairly certain that was LoC.
Wrong. So far there's been 3 kills during night phase, using 3 different MOs:
1) Vibroblade
Lord of Castamere is lying face first in the rough and coarse Tatooine sand with a vibroblade lodged between his shoulder blades.
2) Blaster
Swamped lay flat on their back with a single blaster wound to the chest.
3) Venom
Still lying on the floor of their shelter, Terrabyte20xx, the Ordinary Rebel is undeniably dead. A large bite is visible on their neck, while the Kouhun which had administered that bite is gripped firmly in the victim's dead hand, crushed during the spasms caused by its venom.
Assuming this is all and it was LoC that killed swamped using the blaster, we still have TWO factions killing during the night. That comes hardly as a surprise and usually it's a SK that fights both Mafia and Town - a neutral role. You're a veteran - I find it odd that you not only missed that, but even pointed out the opposite.
Another interesting thing to note is that despite the different MOs indicating that there are at least 2 parties still working against us, so far there has been only one kill per night.
That means that one of the two parties did not engage on both nights, or that they hit someone immune who isn't telling. This sits well with Setre's account of Palmer not doing anything during Night 1, during Night 2 Setre didn't watch him.
I'm willing to bet that Palmer_v1 is the SK/Assassin. And despite earlier fuck-ups we're still in a position where we don't need your vote and can lynch you.
Your pets, however, could be useful.
I'm proposing that we propose a deal to Palmer_v1 the SK/assassin: he kills only when we order him to and who we order him to (via voting), in exchange we'll let him live.