Some thoughts on my AB reread. Sorry no post links, I reread on mobile:
- Day one seemed to go back and forth on the idea of detaining or not. Several others did as well though.
- Day one also defended swamped by questioning LoC's vote on her. I think he was doing the same thing I was doing though: calling LoC out for lying. I was just dumb about it.
- Day two was suspicious of worthy and zubz, but this was after mak had dropped his suspicion and after the blarg duel.
- Day two thought blarg was lying but thought he was 3p (I did too

) Did not think blarg was a rebel.
- Day two doubted there were really 2 armorers, 2 sets of masons / lovers and we found them all day two.
- Day three accepted palmer's role while mak and OA threw shade. Defended Palmer a bunch.
- Day three believed setre's claim while Mak and OA threw shade.
- Day three at some point said mak isn't making sense trying to push Palmer. (OA did too shortly after.)
- Day three votes Mak right after Mak claimed hutt (looks like he was typing his post as Mak posted.) AB jokingly said were going to vote out a rebel, but kept his vote on Mak for the rest of the day. Appears to have been phone posting so not super active at the end.
- Day four John Madden notes but not a lot of comment on them. Guess it could have been "look how townie I am," but seems genuine.
- Day four was suspicious of Mak but was also putting forward kind of weak counters to my theory on Mak. Could be him trying to look at every possible angle, or him trying to put doubt on it. Kind of read it as the former.
- Day four he did come around to the idea of Mak, posted 2 long posts on him and OA. Voted Mak and kept it there.
- Day five voted OA with a long post.
My thought on AB is very unlikely a hutt. I feel like he's been playing pretty similarly to me this game, just not posting as much (but who has.) If he's a hutt he has played very well.