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Star Wars Mafia |OT| A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy


Hutt Team: Matt stop voting for zipp, he's an ordinary rebel!

Matt: No guys, trust me. I'm playing the LONG game.

Hutt Team: What happens when he flips OR? Won't people be suspicious of you?

Matt: Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp

Hutt Team: pls matt we need your help. we're losing this game!

Matt: Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
Matt and Czarm you both make good points and my original suspicions against him still stand. His posts seemed pretty sincere, but that is not enough to let him off the hook. I think both of your posts make a lot of sense and can't ignore his hesitance against both Makai and Oceanic, when you really only showed hesistance just the once against Makai. I remember getting frusterated over certain people's relectance to vote for either of them.

Zipped, I doubt we have a 3rd neutral. I do believe either you or Matt are hutts. I'm back to leaning more towards you. If you flip rebel, Matt will be my main target tomorrow.

vote: Zippedpinhead

Your second point is taken WAY out of context, when I made those claims was day 1 and 2. When my death would have been preferred to a power role like exmachina or blarg. We failed day 1 to convince some of the non-hutt to stop trying to detain exmachina.


If Matt attack is hutt and I get voted out tonight, then obviously his plan to always go after a rebel worked, as he would outlast me. If he is just an ordinary rebel, then he is seriously misguided. Always the outside shot he is neutral assigned to kill me, but I'm not so sure.

I'm may to flip my vote off him, but for now it stays on Matt attack.

If I'm misguided, then again, I'm sorry. But I find you suspicious, which is why my vote will remain. Not every lynch will be a Hutt, but I'm convinced that there's a pretty okay chance you end up being one.

Also, my second point is something that was bugging me at the time. I apologize if messed up here, but I maintain that even in that situation it's not exactly a healthy town mindset.

Hutt Team: Matt stop voting for zipp, he's an ordinary rebel!

Matt: No guys, trust me. I'm playing the LONG game.

Hutt Team: What happens when he flips OR? Won't people be suspicious of you?

Matt: Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp

Hutt Team: pls matt we need your help. we're losing this game!

Matt: Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp Zipp

What the hell? How'd you get this?
So what you are both saying is that when I turn out ordinary rebel, you will both feel terrible that you wasted so much energy on me.

The Hutt must be really laughing at this turn of events. I have no defense, no power role, nothing that I can point to and say "I'm a rebel because I did this". I made some terrible decisions on who to back day 2, obviously didn't post enough day one because GAF got blocked at work (and is still blocked at work, thank you smart phones), continued to rub Matt attack the wrong way, to the point where unless everyone was planning on voting for someone he was single mindedly focused on me.

There is obviously nothing I can do or say to change your mind. That's why I am trying to tell you all to start thinking about tomorrow, because you are largely wasting today on trying to convince four more people to vote for me so that the day ends prior to tomorrow afternoon.

I am not going to say that my death is a terrible idea, because from a general town point of view it isn't. I will say that you both need to start thinking more concretely about tomorrow (and offering up yourself as a sacrifice is NOT thinking about tomorrow).

Wonder what the dead thread is like, and what they think of this turn of events...


We have been thinking about tomorrow. We've discussed it a ton.

You put up a much better fight than OA and Mak, I'll give you that. But you are a scum. I'm even more sure of you than I was of OA yesterday. gg I hope we play together in a future game.

quote this post tomorrow and laugh
We have been thinking about tomorrow. We've discussed it a ton.

You put up a much better fight than OA and Mak, I'll give you that. But you are a scum. I'm even more sure of you than I was of OA yesterday. gg I hope we play together in a future game.

quote this post tomorrow and laugh

I hope we can play together in the future as well, however misguided you are today you have been the most diligent poster that has been pro town.

I will laugh about this in the dead thread. And I'm sure someone will quote this tomorrow and laugh.
I would never offer myself up as a sacrifice, not when it would hurt the rebels so much. If you flip rebel and people want to detainme, I will fight that detainment with everything I've got. Preventing a second mislynch would be the only way for me to come close to redeeming myself for enabling yours (assuming you aren't Hutt).

Believe me, I don't think many issues finding another suspect with whatever we learn tonight and tomorrow morning.


He's talking about me. I didn't really want to sacrifice myself, we were the only ones on and I wanted to see what would happen if I wavered on the idea of him being scum and the first chance he got he suggested a plan where neither of us are detained trying to buddy up to me.

I also wanted to see how AB responded to some pressure. That dude isn't a main hutt.


not main hutts imo
He's talking about me. I didn't really want to sacrifice myself, we were the only ones on and I wanted to see what would happen if I wavered on the idea of him being scum and the first chance he got he suggested a plan where neither of us are detained trying to buddy up to me.

I also wanted to see how AB responded to some pressure. That dude isn't a main hutt.


not main hutts imo

And you wouldn't do the same thing? Try and be consistent with your gameplay? I don't want to die, and I don't think anyone should be a sacrifice. In the beginning of the game, I said that I made as much sense being detained as anyone else, and was probably better because I was just a plain rebel.

By this point anything I say even if I had a power role and could claim anything wouldn't convince you or Matt attack.

Can the rest of you vote? I find nothing to gain by dragging this out. I'm not saying vote for me, or vote for anyone in particular. Just vote and lets get this show on the road.


I was hoping you'd have Matty's power from last game and rip off your fake mustache to reveal you're really Admiral Ackbar.
I want to be proven right, selfish I know, but I really do just want to be proven right by this point.

And I want to see Matt and czartim eat crow at my death, also selfish, but Almost worth it... Except for the whole death and then two people closer to hutts winning thing


Checking in to see if anything has changed. Sticking with a Redhood vote. Sorry Czar, I just don't think Zipped is the thief, and that's what I'm after today.


I won't be too bothered if it's redhood today. We'll have to get him eventually anyway. Just think we learn more from zipp either way.


Still no post of raindoc? I understand that other things take priority over the game. But him being inactive and not voting is as good as not playing at all. So we'd not really lose much by voting for him.

I still think his voting style on the first few days was playing it very safe. Not drawing much attention that way.


Still no post of raindoc? I understand that other things take priority over the game. But him being inactive and not voting is as good as not playing at all. So we'd not really lose much by voting for him.

I still think his voting style on the first few days was playing it very safe. Not drawing much attention that way.
I'm trying to put a post together covering what happened in the last two days but don't know where to start, especially considering Zipped and Matt seem to be the top suspects now. All I can add for now is that something about Zipped's defense rubs me the wrong way. "Go ahead, kill me" makes me want to give it a try.

Matt wasn't really on my radar, I'd rather vote for redhood. If anyone played it save/tried keeping a low profile, it was him. (I really do not think that you could make that point about me, regardless of what you're seeing in my votes - a low profile I kept not)

As for my own list: I've been wary of Palmer for all the wrong reasons, but he's still in the race for UI. He recently mentioned a 2-for-1 kill opportunity for the Hutts if he revealed his targets. 1) targets ??? 2) to clarify: double kill in this case means if the hutts kill Palmer's target, Palmer leaves the game automatically, right? If P dies nothing happens to the rebel he's claiming to protect?
(I swear, if you made this all up and turn out to be the UI, Palmer, I will hunt you, I will find you and buy you a beer. Goddamn.)

Almost the same goes for CzarTim. I'm probably only repeating this to myself by now to keep it in mind, but he is running this game - and this game went really well for the Hutts until we caught Mak and OA in their lies, leaving not much room for an UI or Hutt to maneuver, not even for a veteran like Czar is (ment as a compliment).
His arguments are solid for the most part, but I don't really trust him and hence I'll let Zipped be for the moment and vote for redhood.

VOTE: redhood


As for my own list: I've been wary of Palmer for all the wrong reasons, but he's still in the race for UI. He recently mentioned a 2-for-1 kill opportunity for the Hutts if he revealed his targets. 1) targets ??? 2) to clarify: double kill in this case means if the hutts kill Palmer's target, Palmer leaves the game automatically, right? If P dies nothing happens to the rebel he's claiming to protect?
(I swear, if you made this all up and turn out to be the UI, Palmer, I will hunt you, I will find you and buy you a beer. Goddamn.)

Yeah. It sounds that way. That would also mean that Palmer can only save his target during the day phase.

Hmmm... the more I think about his role the more it sounds like something he made up. :D


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
Palmer's defense of Oceanic made me start keeping a closer eye on him. I was convinced he was telling the truth about his role, but that turn has me questioning his motives.


Yeah. It sounds that way. That would also mean that Palmer can only save his target during the day phase.

Hmmm... the more I think about his role the more it sounds like something he made up. :D

I already explained the plural. If I wanted to lie about anything, I would have just said it's a typo, because it's literally the only time I've done it. Seriously guys, I'm not an idiot. If I wanted to fool anyone, I'd be going with a far simpler story.

How did you get anything about the day phase from any of that? I have no daytime action. The only way I "save" my target during the day is by telling you who they are and what their role is, which ideally gets you to back off of them if you trust me. Think of me as a Cop with one report preloaded, and a very limited Doctor ability.


I only have 1 main suspect, making up any others would be dumb. And me trying to make up some reason why I don't rust people would pair a even bigger target on my back.
Zipped- Even though we discussed this already his willingness to die rubs me the wrong way
At first I didn't like this behavior but now I can relate to it. I'm not going to vote you because I know your pain brother. Unless some real shit comes up your creak.

Honestly would switch my vote to redhood for these two posts alone. Come on, man, you're not even trying.

We obviously can't tie and I'd like to have a majority today if we can muster it, so can everyone please vote?


Almost the same goes for CzarTim. I'm probably only repeating this to myself by now to keep it in mind, but he is running this game - and this game went really well for the Hutts until we caught Mak and OA in their lies, leaving not much room for an UI or Hutt to maneuver, not even for a veteran like Czar is (ment as a compliment).
His arguments are solid for the most part, but I don't really trust him and hence I'll let Zipped be for the moment and vote for redhood.

I'm running the game because most of the people in it aren't even trying and I want to win, fam.

It's not personal, it's business. I'm in the business of not being detained. And if voting you gives me that possibility then I'll take it.


Palmer's defense of Oceanic made me start keeping a closer eye on him. I was convinced he was telling the truth about his role, but that turn has me questioning his motives.

If you mean unvoting him, that was because we were close to majority, and some people wanted to post more, and others hadn't posted at all. He ended up at majority before I could reapply my vote anywhere. To be honest, I probably wouldn't have revoted for him anyway. He was either doomed or Traube was going to drop the hammer on someone else, neither of which were gonig to be affected by my vote. It also left me an opportunity to say I told you so if he flipped Rebel. Have to maximize your opportunities.

The closest to DEFENDING him I came was just stating that I felt uneasy about it. In 2 games, I've yet to defend someone who turned out to be Mafia. I've definitely attacked the wrong people on occasion, which is why I trust my instinct on who is town far more than I trust my instinct on who is Mafia.


I already explained the plural. If I wanted to lie about anything, I would have just said it's a typo, because it's literally the only time I've done it. Seriously guys, I'm not an idiot. If I wanted to fool anyone, I'd be going with a far simpler story.

How did you get anything about the day phase from any of that? I have no daytime action. The only way I "save" my target during the day is by telling you who they are and what their role is, which ideally gets you to back off of them if you trust me. Think of me as a Cop with one report preloaded, and a very limited Doctor ability.

So, your win condition is that your target makes it out alive of this game?


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
If you mean unvoting him, that was because we were close to majority, and some people wanted to post more, and others hadn't posted at all. He ended up at majority before I could reapply my vote anywhere. To be honest, I probably wouldn't have revoted for him anyway. He was either doomed or Traube was going to drop the hammer on someone else, neither of which were gonig to be affected by my vote. It also left me an opportunity to say I told you so if he flipped Rebel. Have to maximize your opportunities.

The closest to DEFENDING him I came was just stating that I felt uneasy about it. In 2 games, I've yet to defend someone who turned out to be Mafia. I've definitely attacked the wrong people on occasion, which is why I trust my instinct on who is town far more than I trust my instinct on who is Mafia.

Yeah, you're right sorry. I was confusing you a bit with Traub, who was pushing to vote for other players, rather than Oceanic. I would be treating him as a suspect if it wasn't for his confirmed power.


Yeah, you're right sorry. I was confusing you a bit with Traub, who was pushing to vote for other players, rather than Oceanic. I would be treating him as a suspect if it wasn't for his confirmed power.

No problem, I was just confused. I actually went back to see what you might have been talking about because I honestly couldn't remember if I ended up voting again or not.


So, your win condition is that your target makes it out alive of this game?

We're in the end game anyway, so here you go:


You are a Bothan Spy.

You are neutral.

It started out as just a routine extraction of a/an <role>, but those damned Imperials just had to complicate things. No matter what, you need to keep <name> alive. To do so, you can protect <name> during a night phase by sending me a PM with the command PROTECT. During the day, you must use your cunning to convince the others of <name's> innocence if they attempt to detain them.

You win when <name> survives the game and their faction wins.

I made minor edits to avoid him/her and a/an giving free information.

Yes, I've been lying about my protect ability a little bit. I've never been safe and Johnny definitely gets an assist if I still win.


11. Unless your role PM explicitly allows you to do otherwise, do not quote or posts screen-shots of any PMs or posts that were not made in this thread. This is to prevent players using screenshots of material I sent them as proof. You are allowed, however, to lie about any mechanics or things I may have told you (within reasonable bounds).




Hey Palm buddy, let's talk night 2 / day 3.

Hutts try to kill you, but TB dies. From their perspective it might seem like there was 2 nks, since they don't know about the switch. N1 there was 2. N2 there *should* have been two to them because tb died but then you did not.

So to them either a doc got you or you had some kind of bulletproof vest or nk immunity (which sometimes sk has.)

Then you came out and claimed 3p which kind of suggests your a sk, correct?


ok heres mine


You are a Real Cool Dude, like so cool, really.

You are town. Like the most town of all town.

You're only ability is to post a lot and fail to convince people to vote Zipp even though he is the obvious best vote today.

You win when Zipp is detained because he is a bad guy.



Hey Palm buddy, let's talk night 2 / day 3.

Hutts try to kill you, but TB dies. From their perspective it might seem like there was 2 nks, since they don't know about the switch. N1 there was 2. N2 there *should* have been two to them because tb died but then you did not.

So to them either a doc got you or you had some kind of bulletproof vest or nk immunity (which sometimes sk has.)

Then you came out and claimed 3p which kind of suggests your a sk, correct?

Ah, I wondered if anyone else would ever catch that. It's the reason I went after Makai but the other half of it is extremely confusing to me and hopefully just a coincidence. We shouldn't go into more details yet.


ok heres mine

My really real one for real:


You are a Redshirt.

You are neutral.

How did a redshirt get into the Star Wars game? Nobody cares, nerd! You win if you are detained or killed in any way. You also win if you can get a majority of players to admit that Picard is the best Captain, or get anyone else to say "lol midichlorians"


I am a way bigger sw fan than trek fan but I will 100% say Picard is the best Captain and lol midichlorians. No sweat.

Sweet, I'm out of this game! So long suckers, and thanks for all the fish.

More seriously, where are we on votes and how much time is left today? A tie would be terrible.


A new day dawns...

Day 6 officially begins...



aren't voting
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