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Star Wars Mafia |OT| A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy

You're 100% right, I was an asshole for picking on a newbie. As I'm sure you've quickly realized, forum mafia is much more stressful than seems like it would be. Making jokes and not taking it too seriously is the way I cope with that. You were a bad target for that though!

Oh, I'm okay, I mean I didn't take it seriously that's why I'm still here, chatting away :3... but yeah, just noticing how terrible it would be with even less active posters/players.



Oh god oh god oh god what have we d....


I'm just saying, you guys suck for not letting me get home and get a vote in. :(

Also I played the last game and lived too. :mad: (I was a complete nonentity in that game, so I don't blame anyone for forgetting me.)



Total Votes (6 needed for majority)

Zippedpinhead (6)
matt attack

Matt Attack (0)

ejawa (1)

Redhood56 (2)

An orchestra is playing Figrin D'an's 9th Symphony. There is a passage in the middle when, for about 10 minutes, the bass violinists have nothing to do. So they decide to slip out to a cantina and drink a few beers. After a while one says, "Hey, we better get going."

But Zippedinhead says, "No, wait. I tied several pages of the conductor's sheet music together, so we'll have a couple of extra minutes while he sorts it out."

So they stay for another round. Finally when they go staggering back to their places. It was the bottom of the ninth, the score was tied, and the bassists were loaded.

Zippedinhead the Ordinary Rebel is gone for good.


You are an Ordinary Rebel.

You are aligned with the Rebel Alliance.

You have no abilities other than voting.

You win when no remaining players are Hutt Mob-aligned.

Time left:

I'm just saying, you guys suck for not letting me get home and get a vote in. :(

Also I played the last game and lived too. :mad: (I was a complete nonentity in that game, so I don't blame anyone for forgetting me.)

I'm sorry I had forgotten about you as wells. I hope you win as well, unless you are scum...


Before they were dragged away, Zippedpinhead calmly addressed the other survivors;

Zippedpinhead said:
No hard feelings.. Enjoyed my time, get those hutts.

Except to you... You know what you did...

"Bassists are loaded". LOL...


A new day dawns...

The survivors numbers are dwindling, and the most recent death hasn't helped matters.

Traube, the Former Senator, was found dead on the outskirts of the camp while trying to take a break from the chaos of the situation.

You are a Former Senator.

You are aligned with the Rebel Alliance.

You joined the Rebel Alliance out simple desperation. Millions of citizens whom you were appointed responsibility over were starving, and the Empire offered no aid. In your planet’s time of need, the Rebellion was a bright ray of hope. They offered help in the form of food, shelter and protection in exchange for your political services. Once per game, you can use your political skills and backdoor deals to cancel all existing votes and automatically lynch another player. To do so, post the command OVERRIDE: MattyG in the game thread.

You win when no remaining players are Hutt Mob-aligned.



Hello alive! Hello dead!(especially you Blarg) And I have arrived with a newer bolder prediction. AB the one all of you trust is a traitor. He is the ultimate evil. He is the thief or at the very least the UI.


This seems to be a slow day for the thread so I am here to spic-en things up a bit! I am back with some more Bold Predictions We did this in the beginning of the game but I never did it so...
Me- The pm said I am an Ordinary Rebel so I believe it
Palmer- I believe that he is a neutral, but I am not to sure his target is a town
Czar- 100% town in my book. Why? Even though he fucked up he is still the most hard working person in this thread to get the hutt scum
AB- I believe that he is mafia. Something doesn't add up about him
Matt- He isn't very active but I think he is a town that the hutts are trying to get rid of. They want to keep me because they think I am UI
YesNo- I am pretty sure he is an OR. Rymuth wouldn't have left if he had an interesting role
Ejawa- A lot of people think he is town so I will go ahead and agree on that
Raindoc- Doesn't post often but his posts are usually lengthy and are pro town.


RIP traube. Looks like he lied about his ability being rechargeable which is a town lie I can get behind.

Also sorry again zipp. I tunneled on you hard yesterday, and I feel bad because of it. My crow was way too salty from my tears!


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
Sorry Zipped. :( Going to take another hard look at Matt's posts. I believed that either Zipped or Matt were hutt. Matt was gunning for Zipped the entire game. Not sure a hutt would play it that aggressive though.


Sorry Zipped. :( Going to take another hard look at Matt's posts. I believed that either Zipped or Matt were hutt. Matt was gunning for Zipped the entire game. Not sure a hutt would play it that aggressive though.

If we're basing our next Detain on who went after Zipped, Czartim is the main culprit. I'm not saying we SHOULD, but there you go.


My master scum plan of putting my neck on the line to detain an ordinary rebel half the town was suspicious of one to two days before I could win worked out beautifully. Truly foolproof in every regard.


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
If we're basing our next Detain on who went after Zipped, Czartim is the main culprit. I'm not saying we SHOULD, but there you go.

Why Czartim? Yeah, he pushed pretty hard, but that was just one day. He had posted his suspicions the day before, but still pushed the Oceanic vote. He also pushed for a Makai vote before that.


Why Czartim? Yeah, he pushed pretty hard, but that was just one day. He had posted his suspicions the day before, but still pushed the Oceanic vote. He also pushed for a Makai vote before that.

OA was a foregon conclusion, so that's not really evidence of much. I'm just pointing out that pushing for Zipped is not enough by itself to convince me of Matt Attack.


Remaining players, just cause I keep forgetting who is left:

matt attack

All voted for Zipped

yesnononoyes - Voted for ejawa

raindoc - Voted for redhood

absolutbro - Did not vote, but we technically ended early with the majority.

We need 5 for a majority now. I am MOST concerned with anyone that voted for Zipped. In particular, I was already suspicious of redhood56, and I'm inclined to go that route again today.


Remaining players, just cause I keep forgetting who is left:

matt attack

All voted for Zipped

yesnononoyes - Voted for ejawa

raindoc - Voted for redhood

absolutbro - Did not vote, but we technically ended early with the majority.

We need 5 for a majority now. I am MOST concerned with anyone that voted for Zipped. In particular, I was already suspicious of redhood56, and I'm inclined to go that route again today.
I totally understand but if you vote for me and there are 6 hutts they win. Now look my post was a quote from zipped basically saying I am voting for you so I don't get detained.
I noticed that Lord of Castamere was the only one that voted for Czar at first. He was Hutt-eliminated that night.

Later on, Zipped voted for Czar, the only other one that did so. Then OA voted for Zipped. Then Czar drove Zipped off the cliff.

Also, Czar's post count is way, way, way higher than everyone else and he has been dominating the streams of discussions. He also has been playing the "im pro-town" harder than everyone else. Maybe a bit too hard. Which is a little funny seeing how he championed his last vote as a "pro-town" push....

Yeah, yeah, sure. Everyone theorizes and makes mistakes and of course he is sowwy.


He even restated a number of times that we were still in the super okay zone with one or two mislynches. Dont worry guys.

Just kidding with the babytalk. But, yeah. There you go, some observations.
AB- I believe that he is mafia. Something doesn't add up about him

Raindoc- Doesn't post often but his posts are usually lengthy and are pro town.

So I'm clear, when I make long pro-town posts I'm suspicious but when raindoc berates others he's pro-town. Gotcha.

Palmer_v1 said:
absolutbro - Did not vote, but we technically ended early with the majority.
Still kinda miffed, not gonna lie. FWIW, like I told Zipped I found redhood more suspicious than him/Zipped. My vote was going to reflect that.

Now it just sounds like I'm salty that redhood accused me of being hutt, but meh, not much I can do about it. Want to be clear where I stand/stood.
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