How far into the game does the expansion start? If I start a new character how long into the game will I have to play until I can get to the new story content? I havent played since it went free to play and I kind of want to see what has changed in the beginning.
How far into the game does the expansion start? If I start a new character how long into the game will I have to play until I can get to the new story content? I havent played since it went free to play and I kind of want to see what has changed in the beginning.
I don't think there's a GAF guild for Empire currently. The most populated server is The Harbinger.Hey getting back into this after quite awhile of not playing is there a GafServer/Guild for Empire side? If not any good server recommendations for Empire.
I don't think there's a GAF guild for Empire currently. The most populated server is The Harbinger.
KOTFE has very little actual gameplay and you level very fast so I don't think you should worry about your level, it's not important.So I'm 55 and around half way through the Makeb storyline and I'm sat here wondering if its worth finishing it ? I have the prelude and starter quests for Shadows of Revan in my ships mission terminal but they say that I may wan't to finish the previous storylines first due to "spoilers". This is all well and cool but I'm afraid I'd out level KotFE even before I'd get to it and I kinda prefer to do new content when and as its appropriate to my level.
In other words, finish makeb for the story or just hit Revan ( and later on ) KotFE asap ?
I don't think there's a GAF guild for Empire currently. The most populated server is The Harbinger.
Awesome thanks!
I fell off the game for a while, and then logged back in last night to check out some of the changes.
So, uh.... some of my companions are now naked? Was there some bug where companion gear didn't transfer over?
Haha, the warnings for KotFE starting mission is making me question starting it, like I'm about to destroy something, geez, they went over the top with the warnings.
If you've done all your class/companion quests it shouldn't even pop up imo.
Edit: Hehe, so I send Kira away, just to be instantly greeted by another character voiced by Laura Bailey, man that cracked me up.
So are dailies still the most efficient way of getting credits?
What's the leveling flow like now?
Tentative yes? Credit drops and rewards have been dramatically reduced though.
Fast, super fast. You can easily get buy on only doing the purple quests, class and planetary story. Throw in a few heroics for gear with the OP comps and you'll fly.
Tentative yes? Credit drops and rewards have been dramatically reduced though.
So are dailies still the most efficient way of getting credits?
I was kind of hoping that they would have fixed whatever it is that causes my framerate to plummet in that big 4.0 patch.
They didn't.
Tried setting shadowmaps to the lowest setting (1024)? That setting totally fucked with my framerate, specially in cutscenes. Everything else is set to max, and runs smoothly at 70-100 FPS (this game is still so poorly optimized, framerate shouldn't fluctuate like this, with the shadowmaps setting, it could jump between stead 100's to low 20's)
To continue on my rant, running a Core i7 6700k stock speed, DDR4@3200Mhz, Crossfired AMD 7970's, and getting a CPU Utilization of 20% and GPU utilization (on both cards) of around 70-80%, and still the framerate fluctuates. Thanks hero engine!
what? no, they have never been.
professions take much less effort
People have told me they can be very costly to become profitable (level up and get schematics I guess), and even then, on some servers you come close to breaking even? Specifically with regards to advanced augments. What are some good $$$ professions, and easy stuff to sell?
Also it feels like slicing lockbox missions are still never worth it? Sent three out last night, got one failure, and two with a net lose of like 10k lol... Is there a chance at a jackpot or something or are slicing lockboxes still ultra nerfed because of vanilla?
sheeet, you need armstech for the augs right?
I'm 450 in Biochem and Bioanalysis. Should I drop my Diplomacy (which is really low, like 10 or something) for Slicing? Level that up and use some of the mats to send to an armstech alt? I'd like to start getting my cred flow up.
You have to do class and the main planet missions now.I played a character to level 34 a few months ago during the 12x experience boost, now I'm starting to play again and I guess that's gone now? I really liked just doing the class missions, how much more will I need to do to keep pace? Is it back to doing everything or is it still pretty fast?
You have to do class and the main planet missions now.
God, trying to level synthweaving/scavenging/underworld trading from scratch and it feels awful, especially cause it's on an alt that I'm not always playing. Is there some website or mobile app that you can do crew skills on?
God, trying to level synthweaving/scavenging/underworld trading from scratch and it feels awful, especially cause it's on an alt that I'm not always playing. Is there some website or mobile app that you can do crew skills on?
Really can't wrap my head around KotFE. 95% of it is instanced, which makes me wonder why they even bothered to have uninstanced parts. They could've very well just made them instanced, so you don't see 10 other people with identical T7's running around, pressing the same buttons, killing the same mobs. Sure it's a tiny part of the expansion (so far), but I just don't get what they're trying to do here.
Really can't wrap my head around KotFE. 95% of it is instanced, which makes me wonder why they even bothered to have uninstanced parts. They could've very well just made them instanced, so you don't see 10 other people with identical T7's running around, pressing the same buttons, killing the same mobs. Sure it's a tiny part of the expansion (so far), but I just don't get what they're trying to do here. And personally I'd have loved to not see any other players running around.
I'm at Chapter 9 now, and all of a sudden, the dialog UI has changed into KotOR like UI, no longer the circle for the choices. Feels disjointed as hell.
Edit: Ok, in-game it's called "classic conversations" haha, holy shit, what a way to spin "we cheaped out on VA work".
it's obviously an attempt to make it look like an RPG/MMO instead of a completely linear tunnel leading from one cinematic to another. doesn't work, though.