Wendo said:
LOTR. By far.
There were some great action sequences in the OT. But the action for the most part (possibly with the exception of Duel of Fates/Podrace) in the PT is bland and flat. There's absolutely no innovation, and the choreography is just shit for the most part. AOTC had terrible battle sequences. The pacing and set up of that last battle were horrible. ROTS didn't even really have any decent action sequences, and the lightsaber fights were uninspired.
Lord of the Rings has some of the most amazing battle sequences ever filmed. The camera work is innovative, the blocking is fantastic, and the directing in general is absolutely top-notch.
LOTR inspired a wealth of emotion as well. You really got a "oh shit" feeling in your gut at Helm's Deep. And your heart kind of raced during the last ride of the Rohirrim.
Furthermore, LOTR actually had characters that you cared about. They were sympathetic, and had a significant dose of actual characterization. The Aaragorn and Arwen romance was much more believeable than the one between Anakin and Padme. And LOTR had that really nice subtle touch of the relationship between Aaragorn and Eowyn. When characters died, that actually meant something.
Don't lie, you haven't seen ROTS, it's evident from your writing.
LOTR is boring, I'll take StarWars (ANY OF THEM, except AOTC) over LOTR, they're more interesting and more watchable.
LOTR just has sweeping long battle shots and gratuitous use of slow motion, that's not innovative, it's repetitive. Note how the close quarters action is very Sam Raimi in look and feel, he even copied a few shots in Fellowship (Boromir hilt bashing the camera the way Ash does it in Army of Darkness). Episode III in particular has very interesting things going on visually, if you had seen it, you'd agree.
People got an "oh shit" feeling in their gut when Anakin ignites his saber in front of the Younglings, and your heart DID race during THE DUEL. But of course you haven't seen it.
Furthermore, StarWars does have characters people care about, lots of people choked up during Order 66 and the Immolation Scene, not many people choked up during ROTK except when they glanced at their watches and realised there were still several hours to go.
The romance between Aragorn and Arwen is dry, there's hardly anything at stake, she just turns up at the end of ROTK as a victory gift, the main reason is because there was hardly any romance between Aragorn and Arwen in the books to begin with! They don't explore the relationship between Aragorn and Eowyn very much either, you don't feel anything for Eowyn, and they didn't even wrap up Eowyn's story properly in the theatrical release.
Anakin and Padme have much more going for them (not in AOTC) in Episode III, you can feel how much he loves her and how far he is willing to go just for her.
The Star Wars films are FAR more richer and complex than LOTR, exploring many different themes, that is why people will remember StarWars long after it is gone.