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Star Wars vs Lord of the Rings....which is the better series?

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Now that all the SW films are complete, which series of movies would you say is better.....Star Wars or Lord of the Rings?

Bonus question

Which villan will Sho Nuff play in the next Star Wars movie? :D
The LOTR trilogy are such an awesome adaptation of the books and I love them. But purely based on the films I think the Original Trilogy is better because it was original material and Im a sucker for Sci-fi. If I must include the prequels in there than the LOTR takes the cake.
As a series, LOTR are better movies overall and are much more consistent than, Star Wars.

But I'd watch laser swords over regular swords any damn day.


Honorary Canadian.
LOTR, hands down.

Even in the original trilogy there were some weak parts only remedied by the actors. I mean, if you listen to Luke yell "NOOOOOO", how can you not laugh? and that whole incest stuff? not to mention the only time a 3 foot high, fuzzy, incommunicable creature saw that much facetime was in michael jacksons bedroom.

Just compare the scripts. Sure LOTR had guidance, but a shitass dialogue is inexcusable.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Star Wars, easily, at least when it comes to the OT. Even with the PT I'd go with Star Wars.

Despite flaws in both trilogies, at least they're fun and the OT is just so rich. LOTR's flaws are too great for me, and are often just plain boring.


Star Wars, hands down.

In the LOTR trilogy there were some weak parts only remedied by the actors. I mean, if you listen to Frodo yell "NOOOOOO", how can you not laugh? and that whole homosexuality stuff? not to mention the only time a 3 foot high, fuzzy, furry-footed creature saw that much facetime was in michael jacksons bedroom.


LOTR. Scoreboard bitches!!


Star Wars, there's no contest. You may argue that one half of Star Wars sucks, but two thirds of LotR is shit. :p


LotR = SWOT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SWPT

Better overall storyline? Debateable. Most atrocious presentation? NOT debatable!

evil ways

I liked the LOTR movies, but the'yre so long and filled with boresome filler that I can't bare to watch them more than once.

Plus with Star Wars we get.......


and nobody in LOTR, not Aragorn, Legolas or even Boromir can top him.


Honorary Canadian.
border said:
Star Wars, hands down.

In the LOTR trilogy there were some weak parts only remedied by the actors. I mean, if you listen to Frodo yell "NOOOOOO", how can you not laugh? and that whole homosexuality stuff? not to mention the only time a 3 foot high, fuzzy, furry-footed creature saw that much facetime was in michael jacksons bedroom.
DAMN YOUS!!! :lol

the point still stands that LOTR was better in almost every aspect. Every actor was more talented, the director was more talented, scenes were wider in scope, more moral obligations, and especially the script. Star Wars relied solely upon special effects which had rarely been seen before, and the moral plotline only extended as deep as 'right versus wrong', while Lord of the Rings really got to the nature of humanity and touched on more ambiguous emotions and ideas than simply retribution or righteousness. The growth of the story and characters happen throughout the trilogy, while even the original star wars trilogy-- were any characters fundamentally different at the end then they were at the beginning, aside from Luke being a Jedi and Vader being dead?

At the end of the day, if you take lightsabers out of Star Wars you have absolutely zero movie or franchise. Everyone is on a Star Wars high right now, so naturally I don't expect anyone to agree with me. But once people are further removed from these movies, they'll realize that the dialogue in the last three renders them nearly unwatchable, and the first three are good flicks but not nearly as good as LOTR. I'll take a few scenes that drag on and on in Rings versus scenes that actually make me cringe because they were put onto film as is Star Wars.

EDIT: And lets not forget that the sole mechanism in which Lucas advances his story is by using paragraphs in between films instead of actually making an attempt at SHOWING MOST OF THE STORY IN THE FILMS. "Empire has built a weapon amidst years and years of war and this could turn the tides in the entire war.... LETS WATCH THE END!"
Star Wars Universe > Lord of the Rings Universe.

Lord of the Rings movies > Star Wars movies.

I just think that if they made a Star Wars movie (maybe based on KotoR or something along those lines) with a more serious script, a lot less comedic droids (HK47 is the only exception :D), no outrageous looking aliens, and some better actors then something really special could be made. Knowing that will probably never happen, I hope more great RPGs are made using the SW Universe. I think the OT and SW 3: RotS are all good to great movies. Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones are not.


evil ways said:
I liked the LOTR movies, but the'yre so long and filled with boresome filler that I can't bare to watch them more than once.

Plus with Star Wars we get.......


and nobody in LOTR, not Aragorn, Legolas or even Boromir can top him.


I have seen the OT approximately one billion times and I still love watching them every chance I get.

LOTR is a great trilogy, but it isn't in the same league as Star Wars.


Honorary Canadian.
cvkpaladin said:
I just think that if they made a Star Wars movie (maybe based on KotoR or something along those lines) with a more serious script, a lot less comedic droids (HK47 is the only exception :D), no outrageous looking aliens, and some better actors then something really special could be made. Knowing that will probably never happen, I hope more great RPGs are made using the SW Universe. I think the OT and SW 3: RotS are all good to great movies. Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones are not.

Yeah, I actually totally agree with this, as long as Lucas has nothing to do with it beyond character creation. If you get this kind of material and let Steven Spielberg go to work on it, a la Minority Report, it could seriously be something special.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I'm a LOTR fanboy now in the same way that I was a SW fanboy when I was a little kid.



LOTR. By far.

There were some great action sequences in the OT. But the action for the most part (possibly with the exception of Duel of Fates/Podrace) in the PT is bland and flat. There's absolutely no innovation, and the choreography is just shit for the most part. AOTC had terrible battle sequences. The pacing and set up of that last battle were horrible. ROTS didn't even really have any decent action sequences, and the lightsaber fights were uninspired.

Lord of the Rings has some of the most amazing battle sequences ever filmed. The camera work is innovative, the blocking is fantastic, and the directing in general is absolutely top-notch.

LOTR inspired a wealth of emotion as well. You really got a "oh shit" feeling in your gut at Helm's Deep. And your heart kind of raced during the last ride of the Rohirrim.

Furthermore, LOTR actually had characters that you cared about. They were sympathetic, and had a significant dose of actual characterization. The Aaragorn and Arwen romance was much more believeable than the one between Anakin and Padme. And LOTR had that really nice subtle touch of the relationship between Aaragorn and Eowyn. When characters died, that actually meant something.


Interesting and detailed reply Wendo. You r post makes me want to watch the LOTR movies for the first time ever, since I haven't yet.

Thank you. :)


LOTR for me.

Star Wars is fun to watch once in a while, but LotR is awsome and just sucks you into it's world then spits you out 3 hours later with a smile on your face.


isamu said:
Interesting and detailed reply Wendo. You r post makes me want to watch the LOTR movies for the first time ever, since I haven't yet.

Thank you. :)

Yeah man, go see them. Make sure you watch it alone with a good speaker setup, and you won't be disappointed.

Another note of distinction between the two:

Star Wars does tons and tons of TELLING. (ie "Anakin, you're breaking my heart!", "I think you're so beautiful because I love you", "I hate you!", etc).

LOTR does lots of DOING. (ie quiet shots of Eowyn watching Aragorn, Gimli not being able to look Galadriel in the eye because she is so beautiful, Theoden throwing Grima down the stairs in disgust).

LOTR had touching moments too. Things like Theoden breaking into tears after his son died, or Faramir's ride to certain death were genuinely moving.

in FOTR is absolutely superior to any
death scene
in the Star Wars films.

Ash Housewares

The Mountain Jew
LotR wasn't anything special, only the first movie has held up under repeat viewings as far as I'm concerned

they were good, but not Star Wars good, or Indiana Jones good, or Evil Dead trilogy good :D


You people have got to be kidding me ... the original trilogy isn't that good!

I say LotR ... it involves things like acting, a good script, and the kinds of things you find in good movies, not some bullshit sense of nostalgia. Try going 4 or 5 years without watching the original trilogy, then watch it again. The acting is terrible (save for Alec Guinness), the writing is campy and it's kind of hard to sit through.

I mean, they're fun movies, which is important, but I'd hardly call them better than the LotR series, or the majority of movies I own/enjoy.


Still Tagged Accordingly
i really like both, however LotR is more consistent in terms of quality, so i guess that gives it the edge.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Star Wars because at least some of them are entertaining. Lord or the Rings (or should I call it Bored of the Rings) put me to sleep. The movies were way too long. Not only that, but I didn't think any of the LOTR movies had any soul. You'd get these huge battle scenes that should be thrilling but they ultimately fall flat because there isn't anything really behind them. The actors didn't care, they were just going through the motions. Those movies just felt hollow to me. At least with Star Wars you get a sense that the actors are excited to be there and that they are having fun. But hey, maybe that's just me.


Star Wars OT.

LOTR first movie was OK, but had no real ending. 2 and 3 were basically the same:

- "We will be attacked by zillions of orcs!"
- "We will defend to the death"
- cue big fight with lots of knashing of teeth.
- "Oh no! We are losing. We have no hope"
- random other people/ghosts come and help out
- "Phew, that was a bit of luck!"
The end.

Kind of entertaining, but predictable and a bit dull. I've never read any of the books though, which might make the films more enjoyable?


Star Wars OT > LOTR > Star Wars PT.

LOTR is fine enough, in the sense that nobody on the cast or crew completely screwed up. But the characters are flat--flatter than they are in the books, even (with the exception of Sean Bean's Boromir). The characters certainly talk a lot, but don't mistake talkativeness for dynamic character development.

The more interesting image compositions are often lifted straight from Alan Lee's original paintings for the Tolkien Centenary edition of LOTR; Jackson's default composition is usually a shot of a talking head. For all their CG enhancement, the battle sequences are just imitations of the battle sequences in far better films like Alexander Nevsky. The musical score bores me to tears.

Star Wars has its share of flat characters, too, but none of the writing in LOTR touches the acidic exchanges between Han Solo and Leia in Empire Strikes Back, or the Emperor's lines in Return of the Jedi. No character in LOTR, not even Boromir or Gollum, matches the absolute psychotic craziness of Darth Vader in Empire. Nothing touches the OT's excellent production design (as much as I like the designs for LOTR). And Howard Shore's phoned-in score is nothing next to John Williams's. As derivative as it is, the John Williams score is enough by itself to put SW over LOTR.


GAF's Bob Woodward
border said:
and that whole homosexuality stuff?

OT, but - thanks for comparing homosexuality to incest. I know you were being "clever" in your response, and I don't want to derail this thread - and I thought twice about replying to this - but "harmless" stuff like this isn't actually so harmless.

Back on topic, I'd give the nod to LOTR, if only because I never really "got" star wars. I'm too young to have seen the originals in their time, and the prequels did nothing for me (though I really liked ROTS, so..).
As a cohesive story, I'll take the LOTR trilogy.

But if what I want is a fun, action-packed, not-too-serious, bring-your-kids-along, popcorn-kind-of-a-flick, then I'll take the original Star Wars Trilogy.

I'll watch the Indiana Jones Trilogy over both, though.


Considering none of the LOTR movies outright suck, I'd have to say LOTR. Star Wars was seriously cheapened by Episodes 1&2.


Fuck this comparison.

Indiana Jones and Back to the Future >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SWs OT/LOTR >>>>>>>>>>>>>> SW NT

in terms of rewatchability.

LotR makes the best film technically out of the lot though.... but the whole damn thing is just too epic. Wheel out the DVDs once a couple years at christmas maybe type deal.


Zaptruder said:
Fuck this comparison.

Indiana Jones and Back to the Future >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SWs OT/LOTR >>>>>>>>>>>>>> SW NT

Back to the Future??? Jeez, I thought that series took a serious nosedive after #1. The first movie was a neat concept, the other 2 were stupid cash-grabs trying to reclaim the magic of the first movie for some extra money.


mrklaw said:
Star Wars OT.

LOTR first movie was OK, but had no real ending. 2 and 3 were basically the same:

Kinda like A New Hope and Return of the Jedi both featured the same drive down the Death Star to blow it up same ending?


Wendo said:
LOTR. By far.

There were some great action sequences in the OT. But the action for the most part (possibly with the exception of Duel of Fates/Podrace) in the PT is bland and flat. There's absolutely no innovation, and the choreography is just shit for the most part. AOTC had terrible battle sequences. The pacing and set up of that last battle were horrible. ROTS didn't even really have any decent action sequences, and the lightsaber fights were uninspired.

Lord of the Rings has some of the most amazing battle sequences ever filmed. The camera work is innovative, the blocking is fantastic, and the directing in general is absolutely top-notch.

LOTR inspired a wealth of emotion as well. You really got a "oh shit" feeling in your gut at Helm's Deep. And your heart kind of raced during the last ride of the Rohirrim.

Furthermore, LOTR actually had characters that you cared about. They were sympathetic, and had a significant dose of actual characterization. The Aaragorn and Arwen romance was much more believeable than the one between Anakin and Padme. And LOTR had that really nice subtle touch of the relationship between Aaragorn and Eowyn. When characters died, that actually meant something.
Don't lie, you haven't seen ROTS, it's evident from your writing.
LOTR is boring, I'll take StarWars (ANY OF THEM, except AOTC) over LOTR, they're more interesting and more watchable.

LOTR just has sweeping long battle shots and gratuitous use of slow motion, that's not innovative, it's repetitive. Note how the close quarters action is very Sam Raimi in look and feel, he even copied a few shots in Fellowship (Boromir hilt bashing the camera the way Ash does it in Army of Darkness). Episode III in particular has very interesting things going on visually, if you had seen it, you'd agree.

People got an "oh shit" feeling in their gut when Anakin ignites his saber in front of the Younglings, and your heart DID race during THE DUEL. But of course you haven't seen it.

Furthermore, StarWars does have characters people care about, lots of people choked up during Order 66 and the Immolation Scene, not many people choked up during ROTK except when they glanced at their watches and realised there were still several hours to go.
The romance between Aragorn and Arwen is dry, there's hardly anything at stake, she just turns up at the end of ROTK as a victory gift, the main reason is because there was hardly any romance between Aragorn and Arwen in the books to begin with! They don't explore the relationship between Aragorn and Eowyn very much either, you don't feel anything for Eowyn, and they didn't even wrap up Eowyn's story properly in the theatrical release.
Anakin and Padme have much more going for them (not in AOTC) in Episode III, you can feel how much he loves her and how far he is willing to go just for her.
The Star Wars films are FAR more richer and complex than LOTR, exploring many different themes, that is why people will remember StarWars long after it is gone.
Tough question to answer. LOTR is probably a better MADE film. Acting is of higher quality over all, and as I said in another thread, it feels like Jackson made these films with more passion than Lucas did with the PT.

However, I think the Star Wars movies are more watchable. For one thing, the length of the LOTR films requires more of a commitment. But I've watched both series a number of times. LOTR probably 5 or 6 times in total, Star Wars more times than I can count, and as far as being more watchable, it's Star Wars, hands down.

I'll finish off by saying that I'm a huge Star Wars fan. Have been since ANH was released when I was in second grade. But Lord of the Rings is my favorite book of all time, so I love both. As a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings books, there were times when the movies veered off from the source material in ways that were not logical nor helpful to the story. I understsand that they couldn't be made exactly like the books, and have always accepted that, but some of Jackson's choices for telling the story were still questionable, and that brings the movies down a bit for me as well.



I enjoyed OT and PT far more than all LOTR movies (actually underwhelmed with LOTR trilogy, the only thing that kept my interest was the battles. The rest = yawn)
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