Something with the turns, but besides that no idea. The text has *a ton* of text according Edge preview tho, so anything is possible. 10 lines plus the "Only TIEs", at least for the spanish version.
I'm inclined to the all turns green. Bombers, Defenders and Advanceds would benefit the most, and it could still be useful for the Fighter and Interceptor... if you want to invest those points on the former, or use it instead other fancy toys on the latter. Phantoms would just keep using ACD or Stygium.
Looks like four lines of Spanish text, not counting the first one that probably says "TIE only. Modification." And we can see that it costs 1 point, which is nice:

We also can see that Plasma Torpedoes cost 3. The PS2 generic costs 21, the PS4 generic costs 23 and the PS6 unique costs 26. All new information.
The English version of Twin Ion Engines looks like it's just three lines:

"You may ...
maneuvers ...