How does Metzen stay on as the writer when people have despised his work for every game he wrote this entire gen. I don't get it
Oh boy, saw the footage when It got leaked 2-3 years ago. If there's a gaming equivalent to the razzies awards, Metzen should take truckloads of the "awards".
How does Metzen stay on as the writer when people have despised his work for every game he wrote this entire gen. I don't get it
How does Metzen stay on as the writer when people have despised his work for every game he wrote this entire gen. I don't get it
After 4 missions I feel the mission design so far is definitely inferior to WoL. I really hope that changes soon. I mean they still feel designed to be very different from MP, but it's been a literal cakewalk so far, with the gimmicks basically working perfectly to the player's advantage. It feels less like playing a strategy or action game, and more like playing Join the Dots. Everything is really automated, and it feels like one tutorial mission after another.
Or maybe I remember WoL being better than it was? I hope not!
Does negative criticism matter when your work still sells?
How does Metzen stay on as the writer when people have despised his work for every game he wrote this entire gen. I don't get it
After 4 missions I feel the mission design so far is definitely inferior to WoL. I really hope that changes soon. I mean they still feel designed to be very different from MP, but it's been a literal cakewalk so far, with the gimmicks basically working perfectly to the player's advantage. It feels less like playing a strategy or action game, and more like playing Join the Dots. Everything is really automated, and it feels like one tutorial mission after another.
Or maybe I remember WoL being better than it was? I hope not!
Does negative criticism matter when your work still sells?
Old boys club. He's been there from the start.
Lessee, 4 missions in into WoL and you were just past the hold out where you got the amazing tech of bunkers?
Going in just for the campaign. Not an RTS player, but I like the StarCraft universe. Never touch multi.
Hell, I will be buying it HoTs too, but it will be despite of Metzen, not thanks to him, make no mistake.
Epic rage ._.? Nah man, as long as I think for a second or two before posting, all is gonna be well :3!
But why would they need a new turtorial section for so long. Broodwar went right into action. It's not a standalone expansion, so I don't see the need for an extra elaborate turtorial.
I dunno * shrug*. SC1 had campaigns for all races so a small tutorial is to be expected for zerg singleplayer, but HotS definitely veers into the "click here to make stuff happen" category of tutorials.
Does negative criticism matter when your work still sells?
Just started playing the campaign. Done the first 3 mission. Enjoying it so far. I really, really hope that Kerrigan doesn't become the Queen of Blades again. To me that would be a copout reset. I hope she stays as a mentally fucked by ghost, giving the ending of WoL a sense of permanence. That would be a far more ambitious continuation of the story rather than the reappearance of the Queen of Blades again. I strongly expect that I will be disappointed.
Go play multiplayer
Does negative criticism matter when your work still sells?
Playing Starcraft 1's campaign leading up to WoL and HoTS (via a user remake in SC2), and jesus christ. Desperate Alliance (survive in Mar Sara for a half hour) kicked my butt up and down the stairs a couple times before I managed to hold off the onslaught. Suffice to say I have a lot of work to do on my positioning, way too many Medics got clobbered because they were standing in the front.
After 4 missions I feel the mission design so far is definitely inferior to WoL. I really hope that changes soon. I mean they still feel designed to be very different from MP, but it's been a literal cakewalk so far, with the gimmicks basically working perfectly to the player's advantage. It feels less like playing a strategy or action game, and more like playing Join the Dots. Everything is really automated, and it feels like one tutorial mission after another.
Or maybe I remember WoL being better than it was? I hope not!
Looks like someone didn't play Gears of War. They're bad but there are 10s of games that are worse.
My main problem with the writing is the complete shift away from the darker themes of SC and SC:BW. Everything is so campy/cheesy now.
Does WoL need to be installed on the same drive? How much space does HotS take up?
Wait a second...I booted up this morning and had HotS available, cool. But is this game going to continuously download levels as I go to play them? But after the opening cutscene there was a download progress status next to the loading bar, and loading took longer than normal. There's no "download it all now" option?
Wait a second...I booted up this morning and had HotS available, cool. But is this game going to continuously download levels as I go to play them? But after the opening cutscene there was a download progress status next to the loading bar, and loading took longer than normal. There's no "download it all now" option?
Is the MLG this week? They will be playing HotS?
"His" work selling? He is selling from the shoulders of giants (Broowars and Diablo 2), both two franchises and universes created by far more talented people than he could ever hope to be, and with a whole apparatus of copetitive e-sports and multiplayer designed by David Kim, to boot. The story could be written by Stephenie Meyer and people would still buy it, for God's shake. Hell, I will be buying it HoTs too, but it will be despite of Metzen, not thanks to him, make no mistake.
I play protoss, but fucking cannon rushing is ruining this game. Sure it's easy to counter, but I find (in lower level play) that every time I play against protoss, I have to defend against this scumbag tactic. Photon cannons should take longer to access.
Other than that, HotS is good times.
I play protoss, but fucking cannon rushing is ruining this game. Sure it's easy to counter, but I find (in lower level play) that every time I play against protoss, I have to defend against this scumbag tactic. Photon cannons should take longer to access.
Other than that, HotS is good times.
Hahahahahaha, people are STILL doing that? I remember that in the months after WoL launched. I play Protoss too, and knowing how to defend against Protoss players who might cannon rush was always priority. The best part is when you defend against a cannon rush successfully and then cannon rush the player back. :lol
Wait a second...I booted up this morning and had HotS available, cool. But is this game going to continuously download levels as I go to play them? But after the opening cutscene there was a download progress status next to the loading bar, and loading took longer than normal. There's no "download it all now" option?
Is the MLG this week? They will be playing HotS?
Considering trying to get into the multiplayer this time, EU gaf what up?
I play protoss, but fucking cannon rushing is ruining this game. Sure it's easy to counter, but I find (in lower level play) that every time I play against protoss, I have to defend against this scumbag tactic. Photon cannons should take longer to access.
Other than that, HotS is good times.
Man, I'm really not good at this game. Any tips for the frozen planet mission? The protoss always run over me.
Considering trying to get into the multiplayer this time, EU gaf what up?