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//: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm |OT| Like Riding a Bike


Fun to be back to when it felt like SC2 was on pretty much every night of the week. I'm liking the SSL/PL combo, always feels like I have something to watch on different days of the week. Even though I sometimes cringe at some of the calls Wolf makes, I like the enthusiasm and always chuckle when he raises his voice and starts screaming hoarsely into the mic. I also enjoy how PL is starting to change the music a little more this season, was starting to get sick of hearing Golden Cobra every time. Gives it a little more flavor when you hear the sometimes odd choices that the players make to introduce themselves lol.


lol im playing again after my placement and lol im getting beat by ridiculous shit

my solution was to ridiculous shit as well


just had my most satisfying win. All of my wins so far have come by pretty much the same strat. Reaper scout to bio/siege push with vacs. Every now and then it'll fail and I'll have to switch to air.

Anyhoo, this win was actually quite easy and one of the fastest wins I've had. It was special cuz I decided to try out the helions/cloaked air (i forget plane name lol) to harass a zerg and he quit 10 minutes into the game. That's pretty slow for me to have those units harassing but it was the first time I tried the strategy out and it worked! woot woot!


just had my most satisfying win. All of my wins so far have come by pretty much the same strat. Reaper scout to bio/siege push with vacs. Every now and then it'll fail and I'll have to switch to air.

Anyhoo, this win was actually quite easy and one of the fastest wins I've had. It was special cuz I decided to try out the helions/cloaked air (i forget plane name lol) to harass a zerg and he quit 10 minutes into the game. That's pretty slow for me to have those units harassing but it was the first time I tried the strategy out and it worked! woot woot!

of course hellion/reaper/banshee rekts low level zergs

unless they cheese you


hey guys..in a TvT marines/marauders blob shoot out, should I be doing that stutter step micro? What would the advantage of this be considering they have the same attack range?


hey guys..in a TvT marines/marauders blob shoot out, should I be doing that stutter step micro? What would the advantage of this be considering they have the same attack range?

If it's just massive armies of Marine/Marauder vs Marine/Marauder, you're more likely to screw yourself if your stutter step micro isn't perfect. Instead try to focus on establishing the best concave for yourself before the engagement is initiated or pull back during the engagement if you notice you're not trading evenly so you can maybe use parts of the terrain or higher ground to swing things back in your favor.

If it's only a skirmish of small groups of bio (~1-30 units or so for either player) then you should absolutely be using stutter step. It's not about the range but rather the DPS. By canceling bio shooting animations, you can burst down groups of enemy units with significantly greater efficiency than just 1-A'ing.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you



Seriously? I'm on almost daily around 14 hours from now. currently 7AM my time. I've just been so busy with holidays and my new job (Thanks AR) that I have only had time for a quick game or two before heading back to bed.

Chin up kasane :p


INnoVation and Maru qualified for IEM Taipei!

Congrats to INno on making his third IEM event and to Maru on what will be only his second foreign tournament appearance. Aside from BlizzCon, he only ever showed up at IPL 4 almost three years ago.


Dayshi and Naniwa are fighting on twitter lol


Well nothing that Dayshi is saying is wrong!


"<3 Nani"


Naniwa is most likely coming back (if someone will sign him lol) and I think having a wide range of people is good for the scene. Hopefully LoTV leads to a more sustained resurgence of SCII (which is already growing in Korea), I think it will because it's already a way more satisfying game than WoL or Hots.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
sc2 is deader than ever

Nah, I never have problems finding matches. But then I normally play team co-op games versus the AI. It's just the way I get the most enjoyment out of SC2. In 1vs1 league I'm securely a Bronze/Silver for life, I'm just not "good" enough (ie; fast clicking enough) to beat like 90% of the human players. I honestly wish there were a few league levels beneath Bronze for us players who have horrible APM and just can't mutilitask the game efficiently enough to do everything awesomely. It's not that I don't know HOW to play, I just can't reactively play well (fast) enough to win often versus people.

I watch Husky's Bronze League Heroes now and then and I think to myself "why can't I play players like these"? In my experience the majority of Bronze Leaguers are much, MUCH better than what Husky's channel portrays them as.

I never post in this thread though, because you guys are all pro level players and I have nothing really in common with any of you. Besides, you guys rarely actually talk about playing SC2, the majority of this thread is talk about pro league players and competitions, and I just don't have the Secret Decoder Ring to understand most of what this thread is ever talking about. So I, and several other GAF'ers I know, don't post in here at all. I check this thread now and then hoping to see news and info on the upcoming expansion, or even just talk about playing the game, but all I ever see in here is talk about pro player gossip and news.

The thread isn't dead, it's just become too focused on one aspect of SC2 IMHO.


We're going to see a lot more to talk about once LotV is more near, right now it's like 'ok we could talk about the Hots meta but everything is changing (drastically) come LoTV'

Have they implemented the new mineral system in LotV custom yet? I've been so busy that when I get home it's like 6:00-6:30, dinner and then play League or Hots with friends and girlfriend to at least socialize a bit, then to bed shortly after 9.


Neo Member
A league below Bronze sounds like something I could get behind. Or perhaps just as well a matchmaking based on APM.

Not sure about this. As long as a player is able to hit 40 apm functioning in Bronze is viable. APM doesn't say as much, low APM and good macro will still get you to silver or gold.


People referring to the death of SC2 are obviously referring more to the proscene and its comparitive decline in popularity, but the same games stealing that audience also stole a lot of the more casual, community focused SC2 players from right here in gafs SC2 threads :p

Its a damn shame TBH, but if SC2 isn't as appealing as other games to most people what can you do. I hope LOTV rekindles some of the love from gaf but tbh HOTS was the start of the exodus, for whatever reason.

Off that subject, Bronze has already gone from 20% down to 8% of players. Blizzard redistributed the leagues to a bell curve awhile ago. I don't think people should focus on APM, its mostly determined by "skill" and not the other way around. Nearly anyone can hit keys quickly, hitting them while doing meanwhile things, aka multitasking, is much harder. AKA if you think "faster" or clearer, it'd naturally translate to higher APM.

The best aren't the best because of their high APM, they have high APM because they are the best :p


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
People referring to the death of SC2 are obviously referring more to the proscene and its comparitive decline in popularity, but the same games stealing that audience also stole a lot of the more casual, community focused SC2 players from right here in gafs SC2 threads :p

Its a damn shame TBH, but if SC2 isn't as appealing as other games to most people what can you do. I hope LOTV rekindles some of the love from gaf but tbh HOTS was the start of the exodus, for whatever reason.

I love playing SC2, I've been playing Starcraft since the original came out so long ago. My problem is that I find it cumbersome to play. I can never get out of Bronze League save for people instant quitting on me sending me temporarily into Silver, so I'd say I'm a less than average player. My one single thing that prevents me from doing better in game is that I just can't manage every aspect of the game in real time on faster speed. Que the workers, build the buildings, scout, make army units, fend off rushes or drops, spread the creep, check the minimap, tech up, get upgrades, attack with army, build new units to replace the dead, don't forget to use abilities, expand while attacking, it's just too much to do all at once. When I play I feel like it's a frantic rush to try to manage every part of the game at the same time, I battle the micro and macro more than I do my opponent. It's why I play more versus the AI, I can take time to breathe and still have a chance of actually winning a match now and then.

I know a lot of people love how APM demanding the game is, but it hurts the game a lot IMHO with the mass market. Skill without APM is harshly punished, you need both to win competitively, but even high APM can win you games without much skill. Starcraft is very much a "twitch play" favoring game.

I wish Starcraft was more macro and strategy focused rather than micro and APM focused, and I feel like it would appeal more to casuals if it was. I think the Dawn of War games balanced this much better, but they are nowhere near as popular as SC2. Kohan is my favorite RTS of all time because it focused so heavily on tactics and strategy and was very lenient on the APM side. There really aren't any modern RTS games that break the SC2 mold, not today anyway, certainly none with any substantial playerbase.

Starcraft, by design, just isn't a casual friendly game to play. It's designed for the APM monsters to excel at.


Day one of a stacked Code S. This'll be the first SC2 I've watched since blizzcon.

Usually a good sign!

Lol, was pretty confused when I saw that GSL will be on later tonight. Totally thought they were gonna alternate between having SSL and GSL, IE, one season ends, the other continues etc. Didnt realize they would be going on at the same time.


I love playing SC2, I've been playing Starcraft since the original came out so long ago. My problem is that I find it cumbersome to play. I can never get out of Bronze League save for people instant quitting on me sending me temporarily into Silver, so I'd say I'm a less than average player. My one single thing that prevents me from doing better in game is that I just can't manage every aspect of the game in real time on faster speed. Que the workers, build the buildings, scout, make army units, fend off rushes or drops, spread the creep, check the minimap, tech up, get upgrades, attack with army, build new units to replace the dead, don't forget to use abilities, expand while attacking, it's just too much to do all at once. When I play I feel like it's a frantic rush to try to manage every part of the game at the same time, I battle the micro and macro more than I do my opponent. It's why I play more versus the AI, I can take time to breathe and still have a chance of actually winning a match now and then.

I know a lot of people love how APM demanding the game is, but it hurts the game a lot IMHO with the mass market. Skill without APM is harshly punished, you need both to win competitively, but even high APM can win you games without much skill. Starcraft is very much a "twitch play" favoring game.

I wish Starcraft was more macro and strategy focused rather than micro and APM focused, and I feel like it would appeal more to casuals if it was. I think the Dawn of War games balanced this much better, but they are nowhere near as popular as SC2. Kohan is my favorite RTS of all time because it focused so heavily on tactics and strategy and was very lenient on the APM side. There really aren't any modern RTS games that break the SC2 mold, not today anyway, certainly none with any substantial playerbase.

Starcraft, by design, just isn't a casual friendly game to play. It's designed for the APM monsters to excel at.

You are reducing the difference in skill to mechanical ability to click buttons on a keyboard quickly, which its not. Its natural in an RTS that the player who can think better, faster, clearer is favoured. Irrespective of whether or not you think you are the better strategical player/more knowledgable blah blah etc. if you need too much time to utilise that information you aren't as good in real time.

That is what seperates RTS from strategy games.

Its like chess vs. speed chess. You might make the best moves given enough time but you have to play now.


Everything is moe to me
Team liquid just merged with curse gaming. Doesn't really impact sc2 a whole lot but should give them more money to play with.
Team Curse and Curse are different things. Team liquid merged with the team, so they get the players/staff/etc. Curse Inc was team Curses old title sponsor and they are still their own company.

the only money liquid will get out of team curse is winnings and the lcs contract.


Who is Wolf casting with?

That's Sojung. She works with Wolf and Brendan but she's usually in the background.



I haven't heard too much from her but I can tell she's gotten a lot better with commentating since she came into SPL last season. Her difficulty in the past was probably because of nerves. Her English is amazingly good. She has almost no accent.
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