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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT3| GL HF NO GG

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You guys ever play that game? and am I the only one that was up all night? screw that.

Not that it really adds anything to the discussion but....holy crap I love this game. I've never had so much fun playing a game I'm this bad at lol. I really like that it's early enough that I can actually try different races and builds (granted the only build I've actually learned is the terran 3-rax build) and even then I still only win one our of three against the AI on hard.

Speaking of the AI, when I'm practicing with a build I've worked on, what level should I set it at?

Any advise on a very basic zerg build, something equivalent to the terran 3-rax in terms of "simplicity", so to speak?

If anyone was willing to explain BASIC, and I mean the equivalent of 10 year old basic, zerg strategy that would be awesome. As Keikaku said earlier, with my terran build, I just bulk up and then go out in one big push, if I can overwhelm them I take them on, if not fall back. But what's the basic zerg build/strategy for new people?

EDIT: Also, sorry for all the dumb questions....I feel like I should be able to figure this sort of thing out on my own, but that's not working out too well.

Don't apologize for the questions, we don't mind helping at all. It's certainly a breath of fresh air with this thread being resourceful instead of a breeding ground for korean drama.

Play against medium ai. Know that playing cpu is not the same as playing another person. The cpu is extremely predictable, they always push out with the same army composition at a fixed time. It's good practice for you to feel comfortable with the game first, see how defensive play looks like versus aggression. Zerg is a race most difficult to learn. Mostly because it's an reactive race and it plays much differently from the other two. That means you need a good understanding with what's going on, what your opponent is making, what their attack units do and prepare the proper counter for it. In other words, a good Zerg player knows how to play the other two races. Also, the mechanics of the race is far less forgiving than the other two. This is not to deter you away from it because winning as a Zerg is an incredibly rewarding experience.

Are you comfortable with the mouse and keyboard? For us who has played this game for a while we tend to forget what it's like playing this for the first time, especially for those who are very fresh to the RTS scene. Are you using hotkeys? Do you know the letters that corresponds to each unit's actions? Do you know what unit counters others? For example, a Terran Marauder is a hard counter to a Zerg Roach because Marauders do extra damage to armored units.

There is a lot to learn as you can tell and it can get overwhelming. That's why a lot of us here are telling you to learn one build order and do it well. I like the 3 rax build because you'll learn what marines are good against, what marauders are good against and what they're terrible against. And because you'll be constantly producing units, you're learning how to keep your resources low. It's a very critical skill to learn and a lot of us still struggle with that, even in Masters league. So be aware of your mineral count and keep in mind gas is mainly a resource for upgrades and more advance tech. When you are comfortable with your controls and knowing what not to do, it'll be easier to learn everything else.


You guys ever play that game? and am I the only one that was up all night? screw that.

Not that it really adds anything to the discussion but....holy crap I love this game. I've never had so much fun playing a game I'm this bad at lol. I really like that it's early enough that I can actually try different races and builds (granted the only build I've actually learned is the terran 3-rax build) and even then I still only win one our of three against the AI on hard.

Speaking of the AI, when I'm practicing with a build I've worked on, what level should I set it at?

Any advise on a very basic zerg build, something equivalent to the terran 3-rax in terms of "simplicity", so to speak?

If anyone was willing to explain BASIC, and I mean the equivalent of 10 year old basic, zerg strategy that would be awesome. As Keikaku said earlier, with my terran build, I just bulk up and then go out in one big push, if I can overwhelm them I take them on, if not fall back. But what's the basic zerg build/strategy for new people?

EDIT: Also, sorry for all the dumb questions....I feel like I should be able to figure this sort of thing out on my own, but that's not working out too well.
Corran was watching Metal Gear Solid videos because, apparently, he enjoys watching vids of terrible games.

I don't worry about what level the AI is on. From 'Hard' and upwards, it get's massive cheats to help it "play" better but the vanilla AI does builds that no human would ever consider optimal or even good. It's mostly there, so I can have some minuscule amount of opposition and to provide something for me to practice scouting and minimal micro against. Playing against the AI is mostly a way for me to optimize my own practices without having to worry about anything else.

If you want a real AI challenge, you should check out the Fyn AI. But not right now as it would probably just kill you. The Fyn AI, at least when I used to play against it, used regular build orders and actually microed it's units very, very well. I still remember when I was playing it in a ZvZ and it did burrow micro where it burrowed and retreated individual roaches. Pretty scary.

First off, you're not going to be able to figure a lot of this stuff out on your own. Nor should you have to. Your foundation skills rest on the work done by a ton of pros and they will help you get better at the game, faster. Take advantage of the knowledge base that exists for the game and don't keep apologizing.

the basic of basic zerg builds is:
9 overlord
14 gas
14 pool
15 overlord
15 queen
15 ling speed

All wrong. Basic of basic Zerg build is:
6 Spawning Pool
5 Drone
6 Drone
7 3 sets of Zerglings
10 Overlord
@150 minerals get a Queen, keep pumping Lings

Don't do this. Yet.

Zerg is a race most difficult to learn. Mostly because it's an reactive race and it plays much differently from the other two. That means you need a good understanding with what's going on, what your opponent is making, what their attack units do and prepare the proper counter for it. In other words, a good Zerg player knows how to play the other two races. Also, the mechanics of the race is far less forgiving than the other two. This is not to deter you away from it because winning as a Zerg is an incredibly rewarding experience.
Jason, you make some good points, but I should point out that, mechanically (where mechanics follows the definition of being everything outside of strategy) Terran is probably one of the hardest races simply because of their unit production. Yes, Zergs have to master larvae injects and creep spread but building shit individually from a bunch of different builds and doing so consistently is tricky.

Where Zerg get's tricky is in realizing that they have a 3rd resource (larvae) in addition to minerals and gas. Managing how you spend that is the trickiest part of the race. In terms of actual macro, micro and unit production, I would argue that Zerg are the easiest by far.


Corran was watching Metal Gear Solid videos because, apparently, he enjoys watching vids of terrible games.

I don't worry about what level the AI is on. From 'Hard' and upwards, it get's massive cheats to help it "play" better but the vanilla AI does builds that no human would ever consider optimal or even good. It's mostly there, so I can have some minuscule amount of opposition and to provide something for me to practice scouting and minimal micro against. Playing against the AI is mostly a way for me to optimize my own practices without having to worry about anything else.

If you want a real AI challenge, you should check out the Fyn AI. But not right now as it would probably just kill you. The Fyn AI, at least when I used to play against it, used regular build orders and actually microed it's units very, very well. I still remember when I was playing it in a ZvZ and it did burrow micro where it burrowed and retreated individual roaches. Pretty scary.

First off, you're not going to be able to figure a lot of this stuff out on your own. Nor should you have to. Your foundation skills rest on the work done by a ton of pros and they will help you get better at the game, faster. Take advantage of the knowledge base that exists for the game and don't keep apologizing.

All wrong. Basic of basic Zerg build is:
6 Spawning Pool
5 Drone
6 Drone
7 3 sets of Zerglings
10 Overlord
@150 minerals get a Queen, keep pumping Lings

Don't do this. Yet.

I only plan on playing zerg on easy AI just because I think its a fun race to play. I'm not gonna touch anything but terran for anything serious until I actually understand how this game works.


I only plan on playing zerg on easy AI just because I think its a fun race to play. I'm not gonna touch anything but terran for anything serious until I actually understand how this game works.
See my edit about Zerg.

EDIT: Also, if you want to get on, I can help you. Don't need mumble, it's too early to speak right now.

Why not?!

I had practice right at 9:00 P.M. Eastern. I didn't get home until 11:00 :( And then I had to be at work at 7:00 for End of Month Reports :/

nestea does use my zvt though. cocoa has also stolen one of my zvp builds too.

raise your hand if you've beaten korean grandmasters in a tournament before!

ahhh, its good to be the best.

edit: also i totally vouched for you in helping him. ;_;

Will you be on tonight?
So I started a new job today and the day starts at 3:30am. It is so weird to be done with work already.

Content: Still don't know if I want to play Terran or Protoss on my second account. Wish I could just random 2 of them.


I actually wanted to play last night but the touchscreen on my iPod stopped worked (it's been slowly dying since I dropped it and the screen shattered last year) so I couldn't use the BNet Authenticator app thing. And it is way too much effort to remove one of those from your account without the code.


I actually wanted to play last night but the touchscreen on my iPod stopped worked (it's been slowly dying since I dropped it and the screen shattered last year) so I couldn't use the BNet Authenticator app thing. And it is way too much effort to remove one of those from your account without the code.

They have the bypass thing now apparently, I dont know how complicated that is to set up though.
So I started a new job today and the day starts at 3:30am. It is so weird to be done with work already.

Content: Still don't know if I want to play Terran or Protoss on my second account. Wish I could just random 2 of them.

What type of job? That must throw your sleep schedule completely off


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
OMG, LiquidHero replay pack released D:!

Teach me your FFE ways Mr.Hero.

They have the bypass thing now apparently, I dont know how complicated that is to set up though.

The bypass is simply, you enter in your auth code once and you never have to enter it again since it logs the IP (or MAC address) of your computer.

If you switch computers it will ask you to enter the auth code again.;
So I started a new job today and the day starts at 3:30am. It is so weird to be done with work already.

Content: Still don't know if I want to play Terran or Protoss on my second account. Wish I could just random 2 of them.

Is that why I don't see you on anymore?

I can still play Zerg. I can coach you for a game or two.

I appreciate it! I'll defnitely take advantage when I see you on. <3


See my edit about Zerg.

EDIT: Also, if you want to get on, I can help you. Don't need mumble, it's too early to speak right now.

I'll try and get on a bit tonight.

Won't get home till around 7 and then need to watch the UK basketball game (that trumps everything, and I mean everything {school, illness, marriages [my GF's friend got married and I ended up watching the game on the TV in the bar attached to the place where the wedding took place --> I didn't feel bad about skipping out on that since the GF was hanging with her friend and the couple got divorced 5 months later], funerals [depnding on whose it is, if it's someone who I've never met but they were a family friend, and they happen to be from Kentucky, well it's a golden ticket because they all want to be watching the game too], etc.}

What time zone are you in? I'm thinking sometime after 9:30 PM EST.

Either way I'll post on here when I can. Don't worry if you're busy, I have plenty of things to work on lol.



JASON! Will you be on tonight? Wait. You don't have a mic...

My hard drive will be coming in next week so hopefully I can get everything back in order by then. I can coach you then if you want. Keikaku's probably a better coach than me anyway
up until diamond level kekekeke


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow, Yoshi, I would not have imagined that face behind the rage. You do not look like a rager Oo
I AM NOT A RAGER (it's called intelligent raging, I've described what that is previously!).


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Way to rep GAF
Everytime I get the chance man, this place is my home! I think I mentioned NeoGAF a total of 200 times during the three days I was in DH.
What type of job? That must throw your sleep schedule completely off

Warehouse bitch for a large retailer that isn't Wal-Mart. Sleep schedule isn't too bad, just go to sleep a few hours earlier than usual, I already was waking up at 7:30, so 2:30 isn't that much of stretch.

It is awful oh my god I hate it so much

Is that why I don't see you on anymore?

Yes. :(


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
:(... I spent days on that shit.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
;_; Thank you... next time I'll just print their faces like last time...


Ugh, I get all pumped to ladder and get better. But after a single loss I just get super mad and frustrated, then quit for the night. I need to fix this. >>


343i Lead Esports Producer
I have a question. If my build order is 9 supply, 12 barracks, 13 refinery and blah blah blah, do I build those when the number is 9 (9th supply on the way) or when it's at 10 (9th supply finished) I'm just really noticing how it actually works. Or do I just build it around then when I have the money rather than waiting for that 9th SCV to finish.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Corran was watching Metal Gear Solid videos because, apparently, he enjoys watching vids of terrible games.



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Slayers_Dragon streaming :D


I have a question. If my build order is 9 supply, 12 barracks, 13 refinery and blah blah blah, do I build those when the number is 9 (9th supply on the way) or when it's at 10 (9th supply finished) I'm just really noticing how it actually works. Or do I just build it around then when I have the money rather than waiting for that 9th SCV to finish.

It's when your supply is at that number, which will generally be when your worker is still building. So for 9 depot, you're building it when your 9th SCV is in production (and you shouldn't have anymore queued beyond that one until your supply depot has been started).
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